Sensorimotor System Flashcards
Where are Betz Cells found?
in the primary motor cortex
what are Betz cells?
large pyramidal neurons
What is isometric contraction?
activation of a muscle can increase tension it exerts onto bones without shortening or pulling them
what is sterognosis?
the process of identifying objects by touch
what causes monkeys to have difficulty letting go of their food?
dorsolateral cortocispinal tracts being transected
All motor neurons that innervate the fibres of a single muscle are called its
motor pool
biceps and triceps are
What information about the muscle do muscle spindles provide the CNS with?
What helps to distribute the work between different motor neurons of a muscle’s motor pool?
recurrent collateral inhibition
What is dynamic contraction?
activation of a muscles with shortening or pulling
What is motor output guided by?
sensory input and feedback
What is the order of the hierarchy in the sensorimotor system?
association cortex; posterior parietal association cortex; dorsolateral prefrontal association cortex.
What does the posterior parietal association cortex do?
integrate info from where the body is and where the object is
What does the dorsal prefrontal association cortex do?
receives from posterior and sends to secondary motor.
How many areas does the secondary motor cortex have?
8 (2 premotor, 3 supplementary and 3 cingulate)
What does the secondary motor cortex do?
programing of patterns of movements
What does the Cerebellum do?
receives information from the primary and secondary motor cortex. and is involved with learning sequences and motor learning
Where is the primary motor cortex located?
the frontal lobe
What is the primary motor cortex’s job?
initiates movements, produces simple movement
What does the basal ganglia do?
motor outputs and modulatory functions
what is in the dorsolateral corticospinal and dorsolateral coritcorubrospinal tracts?
medullary pyramids and betz cells
what is in the ventromedial corticospinal tract and ventromedial corticobrainstem-spinal tract?
the tectum receives auditory and visual information about spatial information.