Sensation & Perception Flashcards
Naïve Realism
The idea that our senses provide us with an accurate and true representation of the world as it really is.
The idea that only the brain gives rise to perception from internal and external stimuli. One single entity that gives rise to perception
The idea that something non-biological accounts for perception. We have a physical world and only humans have perception due to having a soul. Only things (humans) with a soul can have consciousness and perception.
Physical process - receiving stimuli from the environment via the sensory systems.
Physical stimulus TRANSDUCE into neural signal
Cognitive process - interpreting and integrating sensory signals into a conscious experience.
modulated by top-down processing
TRANSMUTATION to recognition
Cognitive process - identifying and/or categorising our perceptions. Produces emergent psychological phenomena. Modulated by top-down processing.
Gustav Fechner was the first person to attempt to link physical stimuli to psychological percepts. The theory of “material, mental, physical and psychological worlds
Absolute Threshold
DETECTION: The minimal limit of detection; the minimum of a stimulus that elicits sensation.
Weber’s Law
Relationship between the stimulation level and perceived sensation is proportional (% based).
The larger the stimulus magnitude, the greater the amount of difference needed to produce a JND.
Stevens’ Power Law
a psychophysical relationship stating that the psychological magnitude of a sensation is proportional to a power of the stimulus producing it.
Fechner’s 3 methods for threshold experiments & general procedure for each
- Constant Stimuli
absolute threshold = stimuli 1,2,3,4… multiple times / random order
do you detect yes/no?
JND = stimulus standard vs comparison of a,b,c,d
is the other weaker, stronger, same? - Limits
to determine absolute threshold
stimuli 1,2,3,4 present ascending/descending order
tell me when you detect stimuli
JND = standard vs comparator stimuli a,b,c,d in ascending value - say when comparator goes from weaker to stronger - Adjustments
to determine absolute threshold adjust stimulus until you can just detect it.
JND = standard stimulus provided, adjust comparator stimulus till it matches standard. Magnitude of variance = JND
Describe an experiment using magnitude estimation / scaling
Signal detection theory
D - prime
Weber’s Two Key Concepts
The Absolute Threshold & The Relative Threshold (JND)
Relative Threshold / JND
DISCRIMINATION: the minimal change in a stimulus required to elicit a change in sensation 50% of the time.