Sensation and Perception Flashcards
Absolute Threshold
The minimum intensity of stimulation that must occur before you experience sensation.
Hearing: The sense of sound perception
Binocular Depth Cues
Cues of depth perception that arise from the fact that people have two eyes
Binocular Disparity
A depth cue; because of the distance between the two eyes, each eye receives a slightly different retina image
Bottom-up processing
idea that we begin to perceive items with sensation, as opposed to our conceptual ideas
Retinal cells that respond to higher levels of light and result in color perception
The theory proposes that crowd behavior is a composite of the people who join, and people join a crowd because of their own underlying tendencies, which become enabled by the power of the group.
Difference Threshold
the least difference between two stimuli that a person can notice.
tympanic membrane, is a thin flap of skin at the end of the ear canal. When sound waves hit, it creates vibrations that travel through the middle ear to the inner ear. The inner ear then sends a message to our brain about what we are hearing.
responsible for sharp central vision (also called ______ vision), which is necessary in humans for activities for which visual detail is of primary importance, such as reading and driving.
The sense of taste
Haptic Sense
relating to the sense of touch
Kinesthetic Sense
involves being able to detect changes in body position and movements. You are using your _________ whenever you are engaged in physical activity such as walking, running, driving, dancing, swimming—anything that requires body movements
Monocular depth cues
Object Constancy