Senior Deputy Supervisor Responsibilities Flashcards
What is Bryan vs. McPherson?
2009 US Supreme Court Case that determined an “Active Resistance” requirement in order to justify Taser use (intermediate-level Use of Force)
What is the significance of SB395 / 625.6 W&I?
Officers cannot conduct custodial interrogation of any minor aged 15 years or younger until they have consulted with legal counsel.
Exception: Exigency–> to protect life or property from immanent threat
Workaround: Phone calls are not considered custodial in nature
What are the permissible questions to ask of the shooting officer in an OIS?
- Number and direction of rounds fired
- Number and description of suspect(s) and suspect vehicle(s); for outstanding suspects include direction(s) of travel and any injuries to suspect(s)
- Any weapons possessed by outstanding suspects; any shots fired by suspects and directions
- What, if any, medical aid has been requested or administered
Use of Force (Lexipol 300); what is considered “Level 1” and what are the reporting requirements?
Minor or routine physical restraint (no injuries):
- ARS report, or
- Field Interview card, or
- Notes in CAD call Log
Use of Force (Lexipol 300); what is considered “Level 2” and what are the reporting requirements?
“Reportable use of force.”
Sole use of control holds is ineffective and/or
- Use of heightened physical restraint or force to overcome suspect’s resistance, or
- Any parties are injured, requiring medical attention, or express a continuing complaint of pain, or
- Deputy strikes, or attempts to strike suspect, using an issued or improvised impact weapon
- Deputy discharges, or attempts to discharge, any projectile tool/device (ex: pepper spray, taser, etc)
Document in ARS report
As a supervisor, what are your responsibilities with respect to a level 2 or level 3 use of force (Lexipol 300)?
Deputy to notify supervisor as soon as practicable
- Ensure scene safety
300: Use of Force
When a supervisor is able to respond to an incident in which there has been a reported Level II or III application of force, the supervisor is expected to:
- Notify my SGT or the on-duty Divisional SGT
- Obtain the basic facts from the involved deputy(s).
- Ensure that any injured parties are examined and treated
- Ensure that the subject upon whom force was applied is interviewed and that the results of the interview are documented in the related reports; If there are Miranda issues, I will administratively interview suspect re cause, injures, etc (not admissible in a criminal case but admissible in a civil case)
- Ensure that photographs have been taken of any areas involving visible injury or complaint of pain as well as overall photographs of uninjured areas and submitted to the Forensics Bureau under the associated case number.
- Ensure that attempts have been made to locate, identify, and interview additional witnesses and the results of those interviews are documented in the related reports.
- Review reports for accuracy and ensure they comprehensively addressed the necessity for and the use of force; approve all related reports.
- Notify next person in chain of command, and keep my SGT in the loop
- If there is any indication of potential civil litigation, the supervisor should complete and route a notification of a potential claim through their chain of command.
- Squad debrief, discuss policy and conduct squad training to improve and address any training issues
- Should the supervisor determine that any application of force was not within policy, the supervisor will immediately contact his/her supervisors to initiate an administrative investigation coordinated through the Professional Standards Unit.
If any department personnel were injured, I would initiate documentation per Lexipol 1042 Work Injuries and and investigation per Lexipol 1065 Supv Investigations)
No medical attention
1. Employee memo
2. Employee Report of Incident Only
3. Medical Records Release
4. Supervisor investigation and memo
5. Notify and forward to HR
6. Follow-up with employees within 48 hours
7. Follow-up with HR to advise disposition
Medical Attention: 1. Call Company Nurse / Report to HR 2. Employee memo 3. Employee report of injury (DWC-1) 4. Medical Records release 5. Supervisor Investigation 6. Supervisor memo 7. Supervisor Report 8.
Use of Force; what is considered “Level 3” and what are the reporting requirements (per Lexipol 300)?
- Firearm discharges at suspects, or firearm discharges at deputies by suspects, or
- Any use of force resulting in serious bodily injury or death to suspects or deputies
What are the Supervisor responsibilities with respect to a level 3 use of force (per Lexipol 300)?
Deputy to notify supervisor as soon as practicable
- Ensure scene safety
Lexipol 300: Use of Force
When a supervisor is able to respond to an incident in which there has been a reported Level II or III application of force, the supervisor is expected to:
- Obtain the basic facts from the involved deputy(s).
- Ensure that any injured parties are examined and treated.
- Ensure that the subject upon whom force was applied is interviewed and that the results of the interview are documented in the related reports; Administratively interview suspect re cause, injures, etc
- Ensure that photographs have been taken of any areas involving visible injury or complaint of pain as well as overall photographs of uninjured areas and submitted to the Forensics Bureau under the associated case number.
- Ensure that attempts have been made to locate, identify, and interview additional witnesses and the results of those interviews are documented in the related reports.
- Review reports for accuracy and ensure they comprehensively addressed the necessity for and the use of force; approve all related reports.
- Notify next person in chain of command
- If there is any indication of potential civil litigation, the supervisor should complete and route a notification of a potential claim through their chain of command.
- Ensure compliance with this policy and address any training issues
- Should the supervisor determine that any application of force was not within policy, the supervisor will immediately contact his/her supervisors to initiate an administrative investigation coordinated through the Professional Standards Unit.
Define “Serious bodily injury or death” as used in the Use of Force policy, Lexipol 300
Serious bodily injury is defined as an injury that involves a substantial risk of:
- Death,
- Unconsciousness,
- Concussion,
- Bone fractures,
- Extensive suturing,
- Protracted and obvious disfigurement, or
- Protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member or organ.
Major Incident Notification, Lexipol 358
Under what circumstances would you notify the Sheriff and the affected Division Commander of a major incident?
- Homicides
- Traffic accidents with fatalities, or where a fatality is likely to occur
- Level 3 Use of Force - on or off duty (see Officer-Involved Shooting Policy for special notifications)
- Significant injury or death to employee - on or off duty
- Death of a prominent official
- Arrest of a Department employee or prominent official
- Aircraft crash with major damage and/or injury or death
- In-custody deaths
- Large scale emergencies, i.e. large scale natural disasters
- Any event that would attract media attention
Obtain as much information as possible prior to notification; make notification as soon as practical.
The Watch Commander or Shift Sergeant is responsible for making the appropriate notifications. The Watch Supervisor will make notifications if there is no Watch Commander or Shift Sergeant on duty or if they are otherwise unable to make the notifications.
The Watch Commander, Shift Sergeant, or Watch Supervisor shall make reasonable attempts to obtain as much information on the incident as possible before making notification.
The Watch Commander, Shift Sergeant, or Watch Supervisor shall attempt to make the notifications as soon as practicable.
Notification should be made by calling the home telephone number first and then by any other available contact numbers.
What are some of the factors that may be used to determine the reasonableness of force used?
(a) The apparent immediacy and severity of the threat to deputies or others
(b) The conduct of the individual being confronted (as reasonably perceived by the deputy at the time)
(c) Deputy/subject factors (age, size, relative strength, skill level, injury/exhaustion and number of deputies vs. subjects)
(d) Influence of drugs/alcohol (mental capacity)
(e) Proximity of weapons
(f) The degree to which the subject has been effectively restrained and his/her ability to resist despite being restrained
(g) Time and circumstances permitting, the availability of other options (what resources are reasonably available to the deputy under the circumstances)
(h) Seriousness of the suspected offense or reason for contact with the individual
(i) Training and experience of the deputy
(j) Potential for injury to citizens, deputies and suspects
(k) Risk of escape
(l) Prior contacts with the subject or awareness of any propensity for violence
(m) Other exigent circumstances
What are the duties of the on-scene supervisor during an officer-involved shooting? (10 primary considerations)
(1) Obtain emergency medical attention for any injured individuals; Call Company Nurse for any injured employees and start Lexipol 1042 and 1065 procedures
(2) Obtain a brief overview of the situation from any non-shooter deputy(s); In the event that there are no non-shooter deputies, the supervisor should attempt to obtain a brief voluntary overview from one shooter deputy;
(3) If necessary, the supervisor may administratively order any deputy from the Department to immediately provide public safety information necessary to secure the scene and pursue suspects;
–> The initial on scene supervisor SHOULD NOT attempt to order a deputy to provide any information other than public safety information;
(4) Take command of and secure the incident scene, until relieved by a detective supervisor or other assigned personnel;
- -> Give any shooting or witnessing deputy an administrative order not to discuss the incident with other deputies or other persons
- -> Assign a deputy to stay with and monitor the shooting deputy
- -> Assign deputy to check the welfare at any residences believed to be in the directions rounds were fired;
- -> Assign deputy to photo-document the scene;
- ->Identify and establish a command post
- ->Assign deputies to establish an inner and outer perimeter
- ->Assign a deputy to Major Incident log and entry control
- -> Request additional personnel as necessary
- -> Have any shooting deputies make a monitored call to loved ones to assure they are okay
- -> Contact any requested department representative for the shooting deputy
(6) As soon as practical, notify the area Lieutenant, Division Commander, the Sheriff, the Undersheriff, and the CID Sergeant providing as much information as is possible
(7) Contact any department representative requested by involved deputies
(8) As soon a practical, shooter deputies should respond or be transported (separately, if feasible) to the station for further direction;
(9) When a deputy’s weapon is taken or left at the scene (e.g., evidence), that deputy will be provided with a comparable replacement.
(10) Assign initial ARS report, review and approve once completed.
Who shall be notified of an officer-involved shooting?
Per SGT’s Pilot Study Book
(1) Sheriff
(2) Undersheriff
(3) Criminal Investigations Division Commander
(4) Administrative Investigation Team
(5) Psychological/Peer Support
(6) Coroner Bureau (if needed)
(7) Deputy Representative (if requested)
Shooting Policy Scenario
At about 0300 Hours, your squad received a possible burglary in progress at a residence on Sirius Road in Lompoc. The R/P advised Dispatch he saw a male subject climb into the back window of the residence, and he has not left upon your arrival. You have four (4) deputies including yourself. You decide to make entry into the residence. While searching the residence, one of your deputies opens a closet door and sees what he thought was a person and fires one shot into the closet. The shot hits a full size male dummy, which was stored in the closet. The rest of the home is searched, and no one is found.
> > As the on-scene supervisor, what are your responsibilities?
> > What Lexipol policies cover this incident?
(1) Ensure no injuries resulted from the negligent discharge;
(2) Ensure no gas leaks or severed electrical wires that could pose a safety concern; dispatch fire to confirm if in question;
(3) Have deputy pull case number and document circumstances and details;
(4) Photographs of area: overalls to more detailed, in the same lighting conditions; additional photographs with full lighting;
(5) Notify Station LT, Division Commander, and contact AIT to inquire if they wish to respond;
(6) Provide home owner with my card, the case number, and instructions on completing and submitting a county claim form within 6 months, as required by Government Code 911.2.
(7) Review and approve report;
(8) Request additional training for squad, by training bureau, reference weapon handling during high-stress conditions and operations;
(9) Perform squad briefings regarding: Lexipol 302 (Deadly force Review), Lexipol 312 (Firearms) Lexipol 344 (Report Preparation), and Lexipol 375 (Risk Assessment Unit) ;
Members shall maintain the highest level of safety when handling firearms and shall consider the following:
(d) Any member who discharges his/her firearm accidentally or intentionally, on or off-duty, except during training or recreational use, shall make a verbal report to the on-duty supervisor as soon as circumstances permit.
The on-duty supervisor shall as soon as practical notify the geographical area Operations Division Commander and the Division Commander of the person(s) involved.
Except during training or recreational use, any member who discharges a firearm intentionally or unintentionally, on- or off-duty, shall make a verbal report to his/her supervisor as soon as circumstances permit.
If the discharge results in injury or death to another person, additional statements and reports shall be made in accordance with the Officer-Involved Shooting Policy.
If a firearm was discharged as a use of force, the involved member shall adhere to the additional reporting requirements set forth in the Use of Force Policy.
In all other cases, written reports shall be made as follows:
(a) If on-duty at the time of the incident, the member shall file a written report with his/her Division Commander or provide a recorded statement to investigators prior to the end of shift, unless otherwise directed.
(b) If off-duty at the time of the incident, a written report shall be submitted or recorded statement provided no later than the end of the next regularly scheduled shift, unless otherwise directed by a supervisor.
The following incidents shall be documented using the appropriate approved report:
(b) Any firearm discharge (see the Firearms Policy)
- -> Assign deputy to check the welfare at any residences believed to be in the directions rounds were fired;
- -> Assign deputy to photo-document the scene;
(10) Assign initial ARS report, review and approve once completed.
When faced with a hostage or barricaded suspect situation, what should the first deputy on scene consider?
(Per SGT’s Smart-Book)
(1) Attempt to avoid confrontation in favor of controlling and containing the situation until the arrival of trained personnel/ HNT;
(2) Notification of SET/HNT;
(3) Notification of appropriate persons within and outside the agency, such as command officers, dog handlers, or helicopter pilots;
(4) Establishment of inner and outer perimeters;
(5) Evacuation of bystanders and injured persons;
(6) Establishment of a central command post and appropriate chain of command;
(7) Request for ambulance, rescue, fire, and surveillance equipment;
(8) Authorization for news media access and news media policy;
(9) Pursuit/surveillance vehicles and control of travel routes.
(10) Establishment of a React Team for exigent contingencies
What are some tactical considerations when dealing with a hostage or barricaded suspect situation?
(1) The number of suspects, known weapons, and resources;
(2) If the suspect is in control of hostages;
(3) If the suspect is barricaded;
(4) The type of crime involved;
(5) If the suspect has threatened or attempted suicide;
(6) The location of the command post and safe approach to it;
(7) Extent of any perimeter;
(8) The number of deputies involved;
(9) Any other important facts critical to the immediate situation;
(10) Whether or not the suspect has refused an order to surrender.
Who is authorized to initiate a request for SET and/or the Hostage Negotiation Team?
Any sworn member of the Sheriff’s Department may request SET/HNT assistance.
Who is authorized to activate the SET and/or HNT Teams?
The field supervisor.
Your squad has received a call of a barricaded suspect in a home on Walnut Road in Goleta. You have set up an inner perimeter and secured the scene. The suspect has been yelling out his window that he will shoot his girlfriend, her mother, and her sister if the Sheriff’s units don’t leave the area.
As the on-scene supervisor, what are your responsibilities at this point in the incident? (Explain all actions you will take.)
Scenario (continued):
Prior to the arrival of any other units (SET, HNT, the Lieutenant), the suspect yells out that he is going to kill the hostages, and you hear a shot fired.
(1) Attempt to avoid confrontation in favor of controlling and containing the situation until the arrival of trained personnel SET/HNT;
(2) Stage Fire and AMR;
(3) Notification of SET/HNT;
(4) Request additional assets within and outside the agency, such as command officers, K9, helicopter, and CHP for traffic control/outer perimeter;
(5) Establishment of inner and outer perimeters;
(6) Establishment of a React Team for exigent contingencies
(7) Evacuation of bystanders and injured persons; reverse 911 to shelter in place;
(8) Establishment of a central command post and appropriate chain of command;
(9) Authorization for news media access and news media policy;
(10) Pursuit/surveillance vehicles and control of travel routes.
Suspicious packages and explosive devices:
Who is the on-scene commander, and what are his/her responsibilities?
The deputy assigned to the call is the on-scene commander, unless relieved by a filed supervisor.
(1) Work with the facility manager to determine if the facility needs to be evacuated;
(2) Interview the recipient of the bomb threat to get further information, if possible;
(3) Coordinate a search for the device;
(4) Establish a command post;
(5) If the search fails to find the bomb, it is the facility manager’s decision to have the employees return to work;
(6) The on-scene commander or PIO shall be responsible for making any statement;
(7) Complete all necessary reports.
Suspicious packages and explosive devices:
If an explosion occurs, what are some concerns that may confront you?
(1) Extent of damage and estimated number of injured persons;
(2) Establish a Command Post and coordinate with fire for an evacuation collection point
(3) Medical aid (primary Fire Department responsibility);
(4) Request for Mutual Aid
(5) Evacuation of victims (primary Fire Department responsibility);
(6) Secondary explosive devices / Undetonated explosives;
(7) Suicide/Homicide bomber who may or may not be alive and who could be watching.
What steps should be considered at a scene with suspected hazardous material?
(1) Attempt to identify the type of hazardous substance (placards);
(2) Notify Fire Department and advise of wind-drift conditions
(3) Provide first aid for injured parties if it can be done safely and without contamination;
(4) Begin evacuation of immediate area and surrounding areas dependant on the substance and weather pattern
What are the responsibilities of the supervisor when an employee has reported being exposed to a hazardous material?
(1) Insure the employee is given a confidential medical examination;
(2) Complete all County Worker’s Compensation forms, per Lexipol 1042 and an investigation per Lexipol 1065.
In any case where members of the Department receive information that an aircraft has crashed within Santa Barbara County, who maintains control of the scene until injured parties have been cared for and the scene is rendered safe?
The Fire Department maintains control of the scene.
Who maintains control of the air crash site after it has been rendered safe?
Sheriff’s Department personnel will maintain control until relieved by the FAA assigned to the case.
When may a deputy or supervisor request assistance or use of a Sheriff’s helicopter?
Anytime the use of the helicopter is beneficial, a deputy or supervisor may request helicopter assistance.
Under what circumstances might a supervisor request assistance from an outside agency helicopter?
(1) Mutual aid agreement;
(2) When the safety of law enforcement personnel is in jeopardy and the helicopters presence might reduce such hazards;
(3) To aid in the capture of a suspected fleeing felon whose continued freedom represents an ongoing community threat;
(4) Locate lost or missing persons;
(5) Vehicle pursuits.
When is the use of a Hobble restraint authorized?
(1) When the deputy and/or others are subject to harm due to the assaultive behavior of a violent, resisting, and/or attacking suspect;
(2) To protect the suspect from his/her own actions;
(3) Only after a person has been handcuffed.
What information should be documented in a report when the Hobble restraint is used?
(1) The amount of time restrained;
(2) How the suspect was transported and the position of the suspect;
(3) Observations of the suspect’s physical and physiological actions;
(4) Any known or suspected drug use or other medical problems.
What is the definition of discrimination?
Any act or omission of an act which would
(1) create a hostile work environment, or
(2) exclude any person from employment or promotional opportunities, because of
a. sex,
b. sexual orientation,
c. race,
d. color,
e. ancestry,
f. religious creed,
g. national origin,
h. physical disability,
i. mental disability,
j. medical condition,
k. age,
l. martial status or
denial of family care or pregnancy disability leave.
What constitutes sexual harassment?
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
(1) Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an employee’s employment; or,
(2) Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an employee is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting the employee; or,
(3) Conduct that has the effect of interfering with an employee’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.
What are your responsibilities as a supervisor in regard to harassment?
(1) Ensure that the work environment is free from all types of unlawful discrimination, including sexual harassment;
(2) Take prompt, appropriate action within the work unit to avoid and minimize the incident of any form of discrimination;
(3) Train subordinates as to what constitutes discrimination and harassment;
(4) Notify the Sheriff in writing of the circumstances surrounding the reported allegations of discrimination/harassment no later that the next business day.
What Lexipol policy covers pursuits?
When should a pursuit be initiated?
Lexipol 314: Pursuits
The following factors individually and collectively shall be considered in deciding whether to initiate a pursuit:
(a) Seriousness of the known or reasonably suspected crime and its relationship to community safety.
(b) The importance of protecting the public and balancing the known or reasonably suspected offense and the apparent need for immediate capture against the risks to deputies, innocent motorists and others.
(c) Apparent nature of the fleeing suspects (e.g., whether the suspects represent a serious threat to public safety).
(d) The identity of the suspects has been verified and there is comparatively minimal risk in allowing the suspects to be apprehended at a later time.
(e) Safety of the public in the area of the pursuit, including the type of area, time of day, the amount of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and the speed of the pursuit relative to these factors.
(f) Pursuing deputies familiarity with the area of the pursuit, the quality of radio communications between the pursuing units and the dispatcher/supervisor and the driving capabilities of the pursuing deputies under the conditions of the pursuit.
(g) Weather, traffic and road conditions that substantially increase the danger of the pursuit beyond the worth of apprehending the suspect.
(h) Performance capabilities of the vehicles used in the pursuit in relation to the speeds and other conditions of the pursuit.
(i) Vehicle speeds.
(j) Other persons in or on the pursued vehicle (e.g., passengers, co-offenders and hostages).
(k) Availability of other resources such as helicopter assistance.
(l) The Department vehicle is carrying passengers other than deputies. Pursuits should not be undertaken with a prisoner in the Department vehicle.
What policy covers when a pursuit should be cancelled?
What factors should be considered when determining to continue or cancel a pursuit?
In addition to the factors listed in WHEN TO INITIATE A PURSUIT of this policy, the following factors should also be considered in deciding whether to terminate a pursuit:
(a) Distance between the pursuing deputies and the fleeing vehicle is so great that further pursuit would be futile or require the pursuit to continue for an unreasonable time and/or distance.
(b) Pursued vehicle’s location is no longer definitely known.
(c) Deputy’s pursuit vehicle sustains any type of damage that renders it unsafe to drive.
(d) Extended pursuits of violators for misdemeanors not involving violence or risk of serious harm (independent of the pursuit) are discouraged.
(e) There are hazards to uninvolved bystanders or motorists.
(f) If the identity of the offender is known and it does not reasonably appear that the need for immediate capture outweighs the risks associated with continuing the pursuit, deputies should strongly consider discontinuing the pursuit and apprehending the offender at a later time.
(g) Pursuit is terminated by a supervisor.
The following factors individually and collectively shall be considered in deciding whether to initiate a pursuit:
(a) Seriousness of the known or reasonably suspected crime and its relationship to community safety.
(b) The importance of protecting the public and balancing the known or reasonably suspected offense and the apparent need for immediate capture against the risks to deputies, innocent motorists and others.
(c) Apparent nature of the fleeing suspects (e.g., whether the suspects represent a serious threat to public safety).
(d) The identity of the suspects has been verified and there is comparatively minimal risk in allowing the suspects to be apprehended at a later time.
(e) Safety of the public in the area of the pursuit, including the type of area, time of day, the amount of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and the speed of the pursuit relative to these factors.
(f) Pursuing deputies familiarity with the area of the pursuit, the quality of radio communications between the pursuing units and the dispatcher/supervisor and the driving capabilities of the pursuing deputies under the conditions of the pursuit.
(g) Weather, traffic and road conditions that substantially increase the danger of the pursuit beyond the worth of apprehending the suspect.
(h) Performance capabilities of the vehicles used in the pursuit in relation to the speeds and other conditions of the pursuit.
(i) Vehicle speeds.
(j) Other persons in or on the pursued vehicle (e.g., passengers, co-offenders and hostages).
(k) Availability of other resources such as helicopter assistance.
(l) The Department vehicle is carrying passengers other than deputies. Pursuits should not be undertaken with a prisoner in the Department vehicle.
What should a supervisor take into consideration prior to taking a complaint?
(1) Complaints shall not be prepared unless the alleged misconduct or job performance is of a nature which, if true, would normally result in disciplinary action;
(2) When an uninvolved supervisor or Watch Officer determines that the reporting person is satisfied that their complaint required nothing more than an explanation regarding the proper/improper implementation of Department policy or procedure, a complaint need not be taken;
(3) When the complainant is intoxicated to the point in which his/her credibility appears to be unreliable, identifying information should be obtained, and the person should be provided with a Personnel Complaint form;
(4) Depending on the urgency and seriousness of the allegations involved, complaints from juveniles should generally be taken only with parents or guardians present and after the parents or guardians have been informed of the circumstances prompting the complaint.
What are a supervisor’s responsibilities when he/she becomes aware of misconduct by an employee?
Take steps to prevent aggravation of the situation. Generally, the primary responsibility for the investigation of a personnel complaint shall rest with the employee’s immediate supervisor.
(1) When receiving a complaint of a serious nature, insure the watch commander, commanding officer, and Sheriff are notified as soon as practical.
(2) Complete the Personnel Complaint form and send it to the Commanding Officer.
- Get all names, addresses, and telephone numbers of additional witnesses;
- After medical treatment was given, photograph injures or lack of injuries;
- If the complaint needs to be confidential, the supervisor shall orally report the matter to the employee’s Division Commander or the Sheriff who will initiate appropriate action.
(3) Insure the procedural rights of the employee are followed pursuant to Government Code Section 3303.
What is an Administrative Admonishment?
Advising an employee of the Sheriff’s Department that they are the subject of an Administrative Investigation and that you wish to question him/her regarding allegations that he/she violated a Policy and Discipline Manual Section(s). List the section(s) violated.
What is a Lybarger Warning?
An advisement which is given to a Sheriff’s employee, who is the subject of an administrative investigation, advising that he/she is ordered to answer questions with full, detailed, and complete answers regarding knowledge or involvement in the matter under investigation. `
If the employee refuses to answer questions, he/she can be charged with insubordination resulting in administrative discipline up to, and including, termination.
What must you advise an employee who is the “subject” of an investigation prior to interviewing him/her?
Rank, name, and command of the officer in charge of the interrogation, of any interrogators, or other personnel present, and the nature of the investigation.
Can you search an employee’s department-owned locker?
- If it is done in his or her presence, or
- With his or her consent, or
- When a valid search warrant has been obtained, or
- Where he or she has been notified that a search will be conducted.
This section shall apply only to lockers or other space for storage that are owned or leased by the employing agency.
Under Penal Code Section 13700, domestic violence is abuse committed against whom?
An adult or minor who is a spouse or former spouse, cohabitant, former cohabitant, or a person with whom the suspect has had a child or is having or has had a dating or engagement relationship.
In the Amber Alert policy, what is the definition of “abduction”?
An incident in which a child 17 years of age or younger, or of proven mental or physical disability, is reported to be involuntarily missing from the person(s) having care-taking responsibilities for the child.
What alert criteria must you have in order to send an Amber Alert?
(1) Confirmed abduction;
(2) The victim is 17 years of age or younger, or of proven mental or physical disability,
(3) Reason to believe the victim is in imminent danger of serious bodily injury or death, and
(4) There is sufficient information available that could allow the general public to assist in the recovery of the victim.
What is the procedure for sending an Amber Alert?
(1) Confirm Criteria: Law enforcement supervisor will determine that the circumstances surrounding the report of a missing child meet the criteria for an AMBER Alert;
(2) Notify Allied Agencies: Along with all appropriate intra-Departmental notifications, the local FBI and CHP Offices should be immediately notified of the abduction and request that both agencies send a representative to the incident command center;
(3) Establish a Call Center: A call center, which is adequately staffed and able to handle a high volume of calls simultaneously, should be established prior to publicly broadcasting a call-in number.
(4) Prepare AMBER Alert Message: This message will be used for the EAS broadcast and the EDIS Teletype. The message should contain the following information: child identification, suspect’s identification, vehicle description, location of occurrence, direction of travel, identity and telephone number for media liaison or PIO, phone number for public to call in leads.
(5) Activate EAS: A supervisor or designated person shall activate the Emergency Alert System, contact ECC, fax or relay the alert bulletin to the OES duty officer and ask that a local EAS be transmitted immediately (CHP will coordinate the EAS transmission of the alert message);
(6) Generate EDIS Flash Message: A supervisor or designed person shall generate an EDIS Flash administrative message via CLETS to all law enforcement agencies and media outlets statewide. The message must contain:
a. Direct message to user group code 4500;
b. Text must start with the words “EDIS FLASH”;
c. The subject line should contain the words “Child Abduction Alert” and city of occurrence. The message should contain the same information outlined
above for the EAS.
(7) Create child abduction poster;
(8) Generate local media bulletin;
(9) Activate the changeable message signs system;
(10) Generate a TRAK flyer;
(11) Initiate Alert updates/cancellations, as appropriate.
How often must a prisoner be checked while detained in a holding facility?
What information must be documented on a holding log?
No less than once every fifteen minutes.
Information that must be annotated on the holding facility log for security checks:
(1) Case number;
(2) Date/time of booking;
(3) Charges;
(4) Arrestee’s name;
(5) Date and time released;
(6) Times security checks were made.
What prisoners should not be detained in a holding facility?
(1) Sick or injured requiring medical treatment;
(2) Any person with a medical condition;
(3) Pregnant females who may require medical attention;
(4) Any person who claims, or known to be afflicted with, or displays symptoms of any communicable disease;
(5) Combative persons likely to cause damage;
(6) Severe mental disorder;
(7) Suicidal;
(8) Persons under the influence of hallucinogens or may suffer from withdrawals of drugs;
(9) Persons infested with vermin;
(10) Persons with prescribed orthopedic or prosthetic appliance.
Per Lexipol 324, who may authorize the detention of a juvenile in a Sheriff’s facility?
How long can a juvenile be held in a Sheriff’s facility?
No juvenile should be held in temporary custody at the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office without authorization of the arresting deputy’s supervisor or the Watch Commander or Shift Sergeant. Juveniles taken into custody shall be held in non-secure custody unless otherwise authorized by policy.
Six hours; Any juvenile taken into custody shall be released to the care of the juvenile’s parent or other responsible adult or transferred to a juvenile custody facility or to other authority as soon as practicable and in no event shall a juvenile be held beyond six hours from the time of his/her entry into the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office
What actions are required and what forms are needed for an employee injury that will not result in medical attention?
Lexipol 1042 covers Occupational Disease and work-related injuries:
(1) Employee’s Memo;
(2) Employee Report of Incident Only form ;
(3) Medical Release Form;
(4) Supervisor investigation per Lexipol 1065.8
(5) Take steps to mitigate any continuing dangerous conditions
(6) Report any unsafe county conditions to chain of command and Risk Management
(7) Witness Statements;
(8) Supervisor’s Memo;
(9) Notify HR immediately and file forms with HR within 24 hours
(10) follow-up with employee within 48 hours
(11) Supervisor’s follow-up memo to HR
A supervisor receiving such a report should personally investigate the incident or ensure that an investigation is conducted. Investigative procedures for workplace accidents and hazardous substance exposures should include:
(a) A visit to the accident scene as soon as possible.
(b) An interview of the injured member and witnesses.
(c) An examination of the workplace for factors associated with the accident/exposure.
(d) Determination of the cause of the accident/exposure.
(e) Corrective action to prevent the accident/exposure from reoccurring.
(f) Documentation of the findings and corrective actions taken.
Additionally, the supervisor should proceed with the steps to report an on-duty injury, as required under the Occupational Disease and Work-Related Injury Reporting Policy, in conjunction with this investigation to avoid duplication and ensure timely reporting.
What actions are required and what forms are needed for an employee injury that results in medical attention or loss of time?
Lexipol 1042 covers Occupational Disease and Work-Related Injury Reporting:
(1) Call and report to Company Nurse
(2) Employee’s Memo;
(3) DWC-1 State Worker’s Compensation Form;
(4) Medical Release Form;
(5) Supervisor investigation per Lexipol 1065
(6) Take steps to mitigate any continuing dangerous conditions
(7) Report any unsafe county conditions to chain of command and Risk Management
(8) Witness Statements;
(9) Supervisor’s Memo;
(10) Santa Barbara County Risk Management Supervisor’s Report
(11) Notify HR immediately and file forms with HR within 24 hours
(12) follow-up with employee to check on condition and obtain copies or records for HR
Any member sustaining any work-related illness or injury, as well as any member who is involved in any accident or hazardous substance exposure while on-duty shall report such event as soon as practicable to a supervisor. Members observing or learning of a potentially hazardous condition are to promptly report the condition to their immediate supervisors.
A supervisor receiving such a report should personally investigate the incident or ensure that an investigation is conducted. Investigative procedures for workplace accidents and hazardous substance exposures should include:
(a) A visit to the accident scene as soon as possible.
(b) An interview of the injured member and witnesses.
(c) An examination of the workplace for factors associated with the accident/exposure.
(d) Determination of the cause of the accident/exposure.
(e) Corrective action to prevent the accident/exposure from reoccurring.
(f) Documentation of the findings and corrective actions taken.
Additionally, the supervisor should proceed with the steps to report an on-duty injury, as required under the Occupational Disease and Work-Related Injury Reporting Policy, in conjunction with this investigation to avoid duplication and ensure timely reporting.
Per Lexipol 324, what must a juvenile offender be advised anytime they are placed in secure custody?
(1) The purpose of the secure custody,
(2) The length of time the secure custody is expected to last and
(3) The maximum six-hour limitation
Per Lexipol 1012 (Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace), under what circumstances may a supervisor request an employee submit to a screening test?
Per Lexipol 1012.7.1, what shall a supervisor inform the employee in writing?
The supervisor may request an employee to submit to a screening test under the following circumstances:
(a) The supervisor reasonably believes, based upon objective facts, that the employee is under the influence of alcohol or drugs that are impairing his/her ability to perform duties safely and efficiently.
(b) The employee discharges a firearm, other than by accident, in the performance of his/her duties.
(c) During the performance of his/her duties, the employee drives a motor vehicle and becomes involved in an incident that results in bodily injury to him/herself or another person, or substantial damage to property.
The supervisor shall prepare a written record documenting the specific facts that led to the decision to request the test, and shall inform the employee in writing of the following:
(a) The test will be given to detect either alcohol or drugs, or both.
(b) The result of the test is not admissible in any criminal proceeding against the employee.
(c) The employee may refuse the test, but refusal may result in dismissal or other disciplinary action.
Why do you want to be a Senior Deputy?
> > I have been a deputy with this agency for 13 years, which I believe is an appropriate amount of experience to be a Senior Deputy
I have a deep sense of loyalty and duty to this agency and our community.
I have significant, documented, formal-leadership training in the military
I have also been a Field Training Officer for over six years, I have obtained my certification as an academy instructor, and I have obtained my Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice Management.
All of this has provided me with valuable skill sets in leading, mentoring, training, inspiring, and motivating subordinates to excel.
I know as as Senior Deputy I will play a strong role in improving the quality of our personnel and our agency.
> > I am sure you would agree that promotion provides a sense of personal and professional satisfaction
I want to master being a Senior Deputy; which is one of several steps in preparing myself to for sergeant.
And lastly, one of the small products of promotion to Senior Deputy is compensation. I have always strove to take care of my family first. My two daughters have both graduated from college, one has just finished her Masters Degree, and I want to begin working on mine.
I believe leading by example, teaching, training, and mentoring are very important aspects of maintaining and improving the quality of our organization.
I have a very high level of dedication to duty, and I constantly strive to improve myself and help others to do the same. As a result, I am regularly sought out by others who have questions or who are seeking self improvement.
I know I can make a positive impact in the development of our deputies, and
I want to help prepare them and our organization for continuing success.
What have you done to prepare yourself to be a Senior Deputy /
Why should we select you over the other candidates /
Why are you a better candidate than the other applicants?
A. I am a retired E8 Military Policeman from the Army National Guard with 26 years of service, which includes four years of operational deployments, and two combat tours in Iraq.
B. I have 400 hours of documented, formal-leadership training in the US Army, AND I HAVE A BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE MANAGEMENT
I have held every enlisted, Military Police leadership position up to and including First Sergeant.
I also spent seven years as the Chief of Instruction for the Military Police Training Battalion at the California Military Academy.
I have been a sworn peace officer for 21 years and have accrued over 2,000 hours of POST training.
As a Federal Police Officer I have been a Field Training Officer, Senior Officer, Sergeant, and Lieutenant
I have been a TAC Officer at the police academy, I am a Certified Academy Instructor, and I am a Field Training Officer with the Sheriff’s Office.
I have spoken with numerous sergeants and senior deputies about the duties of Senior Deputy.
I read new case law and legal updates. I regularly debrief incidents with my squad in order to identify areas for improvement.
I am regularly approached by other deputies who are seeking personal and professional guidance. If I do not know the answer, I know where to find it or who will be able to assist in doing so.
All of this training and experience has provided me with a unique set of skills and abilities, which I will use to be an extremely effective Senior Deputy, increase the motivation and abilities of subordinates, and improve morale.
- Dedication to duty
- Team Player, Positive Attitude, Dedication to Duty, Leadership training and experience
- Mentoring and inspiring subordinates
- Can make a positive impact in personnel, morale, and success of organization
(1) Throughout my professional career, I have demonstrated an unwavering, high-level of dedication to duty and professional excellence; as evidenced by numerous awards from the Army, the Sheriff’s Office, and public service organizations for meritorious service.
(2) I am a solid team-player, I have a positive, can-do attitude, I have an unwavering dedication to duty, and I have quite a bit of leadership training and experience. I believe these qualities make me a top candidate.
(3) I believe in leaders mentoring and inspiring subordinates to grow and perform at their best, which improves morale and the quality of our organization;
(4) I know I can make a positive impact in the quality of our personnel, their morale, and the success of our organization;
(5) Thank you for your time today.
I have ten awards from the Army for Meritorious Service, including a Bronze Star for Exceptionally Meritorious Leadership in combat,
three awards from the Sheriff’s Office, and four awards from community service clubs,
all of which demonstrate my continuing level of dedication to duty and professional excellence.
- -> I believe in quality training during briefings,
- -> teaching deputies to do their supervisor’s job,
- -> pushing deputies to attend additional outside agency trainings, and
- -> pushing them to expand and grow beyond their “comfort zones.”
- -> I have quite a bit of experience as a leader and supervisor.
- -> I have a positive “can do” attitude, and
- -> I know I will make a positive impact in the quality of our personnel through leadership-by-example, training, and mentorship.
Examples of difficult decision making ability / leadership
SGT Sorenson OIS: he began to take charge, at which point I told him he was the “shooter,” and as such he was not able to supervise anything that followed the OIS. His squad looked at me like I was crazy, but SGT Sorenson agreed with me and I took over the scene,
- -> Ensuring medical treatment for the suspect,
- -> OIS public safety questions; number of rounds fired and directions
- -> Accounting for rounds fired and the directions,
- -> Directing public safety, face-to-face welfare checks at all residences in the direction rounds had been fired
- -> Directing protection and photographing of the crime scene prior to EMS arrival,
- -> Notifications to CID and Administrators
Working overtime on another squad and responded to a Suicidal Subject who was out in his driveway: Subject started becoming uncooperative, posturing, balling up his fists, and looking down at deputys’ equipment as he started backing away from AMR and their gurney and insisted he wanted to die and did not want to go to the hospital. Subject was obviously making decisions about whether or not to force an elevated use of force situation.
Other deputies began to physically block his path, placing hand on his back and arms, and attempting to guide him toward the AMR gurney, but the subject was becoming more agitated and resistant. I called them away from the subject, told them, at the present time, there was no cause to enter into a use of force with the subject, and a greater distance would help to prevent the situation from unnecessarily escalating.
Subject then began to de-escalate and AMR personnel convinced subject to walk toward the gurney.
I later discussed with them how this was a community care-taking call to check the welfare of a suicidal subject, an OAA for County Mental Health, and not a criminal violation or a public safety matter. The subject wanted to kill himself and was not making any threats to harm others. Based on the circumstances we encountered, it was inappropriate to use force or otherwise take action that could lead to unnecessary escalation. Suicide, or otherwise harming oneself, was not a crime. If he had been threatening others, or others were legitimately at risk, that would likely change our response, but absent those type of circumstances, we would wait the subject out, call for County Mental Health to respond, or wait until he fell unconscious from his injuries and then intercede to protect his life.
Ongoing sexual advances reported by a junior Soldier against a Senior Noncommissioned Officer;
Interviewed and safeguarded victimized personnel;
Interviewed witnesses;
Notified Company Commander and Battalion Sergeant Major;
Subject NCO was immediately reassigned to Battalion HQ pending outcome of investigation
Documented initial investigation and forwarded through chain of command;
Obtained counseling for the affected Soldiers;
Conducted Sexual Harassment training with all 182 members of the company;
Subject NCO was reduced in grade and transferred to another unit
Per Lexipol 1042, what forms are required for a workplace exposure or injury not expected to result in seeking medical attention? What are the required supervisor’s actions?
What forms are required for a workplace exposure or injury resulting in medical attention or loss of time? What are the required supervisor’s actions?
Lexipol 1042: Workplace exposure or injuries:
Workplace Injuries not expected to result in medical attention (3 forms):
- Employee Report of Incident Only
- Employee Memorandum
- Medical Records Release
- Check with employee within 48 hours to determine if employee sought or intends to seek medical attention
- 2. Submit a follow-up memorandum*** to Human Resources Bureau stating whether or not any medical treatment was required
- Per Lexipol 1065, Conduct an investigation into the cause
- Check with employee within 48 hours to determine if employee sought or intends to seek medical attention
Workplace Injuries requiring or believed to require medical attention
1. Prepare the appropriate forms (5 forms):
1. Employee Memorandum 2. Employee Report of Injury 3. Workman’s Compensation Claim Form DWC-1 4. Medical Records Release 5. Supervisor’s Memorandum
- Immediately notify Human Resources Bureau in person, by phone, or email
- Forward all forms to Human Resources Bureau without delay
- Forward all forms, and any reports through the chain of command to the respective Division Commander
- Per Lexipol 1065, Conduct an investigation into the cause
What is the significant of Terry v. Ohio, 1968?
1968 Supreme Court case, which held that the Fourth Amendment prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures is not violated when a police officer
(1) stops a suspect on the street and
(2) frisks him or her without probable cause to arrest,
(3) if the police officer has a reasonable suspicion that the person has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a crime and
(4) has a reasonable belief that the person “may be armed and presently dangerous.”
Release of sex offender information, Lexipol section 356
Lexipol section 356:
Employees who identify a significant risk or other public safety issue associated with a registrant should promptly advise their supervisor.
The supervisor should evaluate the request and forward the information to the Sheriff if warranted. A determination will be made by the Sheriff, with the assistance of legal counsel as necessary, whether such a public alert should be made.
Members of the public requesting information on sex registrants should be provided the Megan’s Law website or the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office’s website.
The Records Supervisor may release local registered offender information to residents only in accordance with applicable law (Penal Code § 290.45; Penal Code § 290.46; Penal Code § 457.1; Health and Safety Code § 11594), and in compliance with a California Public Records Act (Government Code § 6250-6276.48) request.
California law allows the following additional information regarding a registered sex offender on campus, whose information is not available to the public via the Internet website, to be released to a campus community (Penal Code § 290.01(d)):
(a) The offender’s full name
(b) The offender’s known aliases
(c) The offender’s sex
(d) The offender’s race
(e) The offender’s physical description
(f) The offender’s photograph
(g) The offender’s date of birth
(h) Crimes resulting in the registration of the offender under Penal Code § 290
(i) The date of last registration
For purposes of this section, campus community shall be defined as those persons present at or regularly frequenting any place constituting campus property, satellite facilities, laboratories, public areas contiguous to the campus and other areas set forth in Penal Code § 290.01(d).
What is the role of a Sheriff’s Senior Deputy?
(1) Assistant squad leader; confer with the SGT on issues affecting the squad and implement solutions; handle squad duties as assigned, typically scheduling, supervision of vehicle maintenance, station cleanliness;
(2) Handle calls for service, taking responsibility for the most complex assignments at the patrol level;
(3) Supervise, teach, train, mentor deputies in accordance with guidance from the SGT;
(4) Act as a buffer between the Sergeant and deputies
(5) Perform as the shift supervisor in the SGT’s absence
Supreme Court decision that identified the “Objective Reasonableness Standard” for law enforcement use of force?
Graham v. Connor, 1989
Supreme Court decision that identified the “Actively Resisting” requirement to justify Taser use?
Bryan v. McPherson, 2009
Supreme Court decision that changed the vehicle search exemption to search warrants; in order to justify a warrantless vehicular search, conducted after the vehicle’s recent occupants had been arrested and secured,
Officer need to demonstrate that a suspect posed an actual and continuing threat to their safety (ex: sitting within arms reach once removed from vehicle), or
A need to preserve evidence related to the crime of arrest
Arizona v. Gant, 2009
What is Graham v. Connor, 1989
Supreme Court decision that identified the “Objective Reasonableness Standard” for law enforcement use of force?
What is Bryan v. McPherson, 2009
Supreme Court decision that identified the “Actively Resisting” requirement to justify Taser use?
What is Arizona v. Gant, 2009
Supreme Court decision that changed the vehicle search exemption to search warrants; in order to justify a warrantless vehicular search, conducted after the vehicle’s recent occupants had been arrested and secured,
Officer need to demonstrate that a suspect posed an actual and continuing threat to their safety (ex: sitting within arms reach once removed from vehicle), or
A need to preserve evidence related to the crime of arrest
What is Leadership?
Being a Leader and being a Supervisor complement each other greatly, but they are not the same thing; we have all known supervisors who were accomplished leaders, and we have all known supervisors who struggled with leadership. We have also all known great silent leaders who were not supervisors. True respect, and recognition as a leader, is earned.
I think Leadership is about responsibility, inspiration, and ownership.
(1) A leader must be responsible to both the organization and to their subordinates, without which there is no trust. If you genuinely take care of, and are responsible for, your personnel, they will know you are there for them and work diligently to accomplish any task.
(2) Inspiring others to want to complete the mission,
(3) giving them a role and a voice establishes ownership in its success; this is the best means of ensuring it will be accomplished above and beyond expectations.
Ownership; inspiring others to want to do something will net much better results than ordering them to do it; ownership results in them having a personal pride investment as opposed to a survival investment.
Ownership gets above and beyond, and
Survival gets the minimum
What Lexipol section covers workplace discrimination and harassment?
328 Discriminatory harassment
What Lexipol policies cover workplace injuries and Injury Prevention (investigations)?
1042 Occupational disease and work-related injury reporting
1065 Illness and Injury Prevention (Injury Investigations)