Senate Office Flashcards
Russell Senate Office Building
Constitution Avenue and 1st St. N.E
Dirksen Senate Office Building
Constitution Avenue and 1st St. N.E.
Hart Senate Office Building
Constitution Avenue and 2nd St. N.E.
Congressional Library (East Wing)
100 2nd St. S.E.
Congressional Library (West Wing
100 1st St. S.E.
Library of Congress-Thomas Jefferson
101 Independence Ave. S.W.
Library of Congress-James Madison
Independence Ave & 1st St. S.E.
Library of Congress - John Adams
Independence Ave & 2nd St. S.E.
Supreme Court
East Capitol Street N.E. and 1st Street N.E.
Dept. of Commerce
1201 Constitution Ave. N.W
Dept. of Justice
900 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W
FBI (J. Edgar Hoover)
935 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.
Internal Revenue Service
1111 Constitution Ave. N.W.
Ronald Reagan Building
1300 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W.
U.S. Government Food & Drug Lab
501 1st St. S.E.