Seminar 3: Endo-Perio Lesions Flashcards
What is an Endodontic-Periodontal lesion?
A lesion that involves concurrent periodontal and pulpal tissue issues, where endodontic and periodontal diseases may influence each other or develop independently.
Name two clinical signs of Endo-Perio lesions.
Deep periodontal pockets and altered response to pulp vitality tests.
What is the role of exposed dentinal tubules in Endo-Perio lesions?
They allow for communication between the pulp and periodontium when cementum is missing, facilitating the spread of infection.
What is the apical foramen’s significance in Endo-Perio lesions?
It serves as a direct route for inflammation to spread between the periodontium and pulp.
Describe a primary endodontic lesion.
Caused by pulpal infection and presents with a narrow pocket or sinus tract, often without permanent periodontal damage.
What is a primary periodontal lesion?
Caused by periodontal pathogens with wider pockets, calculus, and normal pulp tests.
What occurs in a primary endodontic lesion with secondary periodontal involvement?
Untreated pulpal disease leads to periodontal breakdown, often resulting in a combined infection requiring both therapies.
What are true combined lesions?
Lesions where endodontic and periodontal infections simultaneously converge, causing extensive tissue damage.
How is a concomitant pulpal and periodontal lesion different from combined lesions?
They occur independently with no direct influence on each other and require separate treatments.
What diagnostic tool is used to identify root fractures in differential diagnosis?
Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) for early detection of radiographic signs.
What influences the prognosis of an Endo-Perio lesion?
The severity of periodontal damage, pulp vitality, and response to periodontal and endodontic treatment.
What is the primary treatment approach for a primary periodontal lesion?
Periodontal therapy, as pulp vitality is typically unaffected.
What are two treatment alternatives if standard Endo-Perio therapies fail?
Root resection and hemisection, especially for teeth with severe damage.
In Endo-Perio treatment, when should periodontal treatment be evaluated?
After 2–3 months of endodontic therapy to allow initial tissue healing.
What is the main takeaway regarding Endo-Perio lesions?
They require a thorough diagnosis and treatment plan addressing both periodontal and endodontic factors for a favorable prognosis.