Seminar 1 Atricles Flashcards
What were the issues Lincoln’s electrical company faced after they aggressively internationalised?
- managers at headquarters lacked experience in international markets and knowledge in running complex dispersed firms
- lacked adequate distribution relationships in the market place and a sales force that understood the foreign customers
How does the resource based theory describe a firm?
As a bundle of resources that are used to generate products or services that provide value for the consumer
What is meant by the ‘relationship between a resource and advantage’?
Not all resources are an advantage to the firm
When is a resource considered advantageous? And how can a firm sustain this advantage?
- when it provides the firm with an advantage over its competitors
- to sustain the advantage it needs to be valuable,rare, difficult to imitate and difficult to substitute
When is a resource considered disadvantageous?
- when it detracts from the firms adv and reduces value creation
What are the 3 difficulties on internationalisation that come from relationship to advantage?
1) loss of advantage
2) creation of disadvantage
3) lack of complementary resources
What is meant by a loss of advantage?
This is when resources lose their advantageous nature when transferred to a new country
What determines the advantage provided?
- relative to the competitive environment In which it operates and the different characteristics including climate, government,language, wealth
What is meant by inability to transfer advantage?
Resources that may be rare in one country may not be rare in another
- domestic competitions may already have the resource, have imitated it or substitute it with another that provides similar or improved benefits
E.g Walmart were able to use the low cost strategy in the US but when entering Germany it wasn’t a source of advantage due to store such as Aldi and Lidl
- however there expansion into Mexico was successful
What can be done to over the inability to transfer advantage?
- they could reduce the potential cost by following a gradual internationalisation e.g exporting before forming WOS
- if a firm has already invested it can deinternationalise to save costs
What is meant by the inability to create value?
Some cases the environment is so different that the firm is unable to transfer their adv to the new country
- customers may not be able to use,need it pay for the product
Why may there be the inability to create value?
- Cultural Norms e.g firms selling alcohol are limited in their ability to create value in countries where alcohols is banned
- Geographic characteristics e.g firm producing mining equipment has in certain locations it can target
- Intitutional characteristics e.f if a country has weak property right music firms won’t be attracted as things can easily be copied
How can inability to create value be helped?
- manager collectively working to alter the environment e.g work with the government to enforce property rights/change cultural norms
What is meant by ‘creation of disadvantage’?
When resources become liabilities or disadvantageous when they are transferred
What is a firm specific disadvantage of transfer?
As a company transfers it resources to another country,routines that were embedded in technical and managerial systems may be comparable with the characteristics of new host countries - leading to a disadvantage
How can firm specific disadvantageous of transfers be overcome?
Being selective in choosing the resources suitable in the new host country
Advantages and become disadvantages if the dims diversified into an industry where the resources don’t work
What is meant by disadvantage of foreignness?
When conducting business in another country, the government or the consumers may discriminate against a certain nationality
How does a countries government have a role in liability of foreignness?
- Government can limit or block operations of foreign firms
- consumers are less likely to be aware of the true company origin Nd may react to the perceived country of origin
How can governments discriminate within liability of foreigness?
- may limit the activities of foreign firms as they see it as a threat to their own companies
- they may do it indirectly by making only domestic companies signals for benefits such as purchase contracts
What is the impact of the govements actions towards them for being foreign firms?
- lower revenues when foreign firms are constrained in their operations
-higher costs when foreign firms are excluded from subsidiaries
-may change with the political environment
E.g us banning France from bidding for reconstruction contracts due to lack of support in iraq war
How can managers over come liabitly of foreigness?
- they can negotiate with governments,highlighting to them the benefits they bring whilst also emphasising its your flexibility to move to another country if they experience unfavourable treatment
- may indirectly overcome it by establishing links with local actors who can obtain the support of the government
What is a consumer based disadvantage of foreignness?
- consumers may dislike the country of origin for naturalist reasons or may have a negative perception of the quality of products developed in a foreign country or
How can firms reduce the chance of encountering consumer based disadvantage of foreignness?
- don’t have country of origin clearly associated with the product
- don’t indicate where a countries headquarters are or where products is manufactured e.g using regional labels such as ‘made in Europe’
What is meant by lack of complementary resources?
- some complementary resources may be needed in the foreign country that aren’t at home
- negatively impacts the firm as they will have to incur expenses local firms don’t
- in RBT these complentsty resources are critical to running a firm in determining what resources aren’t needed
What is meant by liability of expansion?
- not having the resources for expansion that may be needed
- internationalisation is often accompanied by an increase in the scale of a firms activities, this add additional costs & requires spare capacity
- if they don’t have this capacity they may have to stretch its existing resources so thinly that they may come ineffective
How can firms reduce the risk of facing liability of expansion?
- Ensure they have developed experience and resources from operating on a large scale and coordinating dispersed operations before entering the country
What is meant by liability of newness?
- this is when a firm moves to another country but it’s require additional resources as there’s either aren’t developed or they can’t transfer them
How can managers overcome liability of newness?
Actively developing or acquiring the complementary resources needed in the new firm
What is liability of infrastructure?
This is when issues arise from the host country customers because they lack use of complementary resources needed to use the firms products
- firm may be unable to maker their goods their and so face difficulties
How can managers overcome the liability of infrastructure?
- providing customers with the tangible complementary assets needed to use the firms products of the knowledge necessary to use the products
E.g Kelohs did a marketing coating to train Indian consumers to eat cereal for breakfast and they did begin to - however allows competitors to free ride
What are the benefits from Geographic diversification?
- This enables a firm to elapse economies of scale and scope
- Helps reduce fluctuations in revenue by spreading its investment risks over different countries
- Helps reduce costs and increase revenue by increasing a firms market power over its suppliers, distributors and customers
- having subsidiaries in many host countries can help enhance the knowledge base, capabilities and competitiveness through experiential learning
What is economies of scope and economies of scale?
Economies of scope focuses on the average total cost of production of a variety of goods. So when the when the cost of doing so is less than that of producing each separately.
- economies of scale focuses on the cost advantage that arises when there is a higher level of production of one good.
What are the issues related to geographic diversification?
- Liabilites of newness and foreigners
- Can lead to higher costs because it cannot conduct business activities as effectively as local firms
- Being foreign means mistakes are likely
- Coordination difficulties, information asymmetry and incentive misalignment between headquarters and subsidiary managers
What has a firms reputation got to do with its ability to enter foreign markets?
- A firms reputation has a big impact on its ability to enter a foreign market
- Customers, suppliers, potential partners etc have already determined which foreign firm is the leader whether an investment has occurred or not