semestre 4 parcial Flashcards
Is characterized by an elaborate network of tradethat depends on specializationand an intricate division of labor.
modern mixed economy
Make extensive use of money, which provides the yardstick for measuring economic values and is the means of payment.
modern mixed economy
mixed economy is the combination of:
market economy and centralized economy
Mechanismthrough which buyers and sellers interact to determine prices and exchange goods, services, and assets.
Thevalueofa Good in termsofmoney; thetermsonwhichdifferentítems can be exchanged
problems of economic organization
what ( money votes, profits)
how (minimum costs, technology)
for whom (income, factor services, factor prices)
Buying, selling, or exchanging, goods and/or services between people or countries
People and countries concentrate their efforts on a particular set oftasks
Dividing production into a number of small specialized steps or tasks
division of labor
A single buyerorseller CAN affect the price of a good (Monopoliesand Monopsonies)
imperfect competition
(Or spillover effects) Occur when firms or people impose costs or benefits on others outside the marketplace (Pollution; a new drug)
Commodities which can be enjoyed by everyone and from which no one can be excluded (Street lights)
public goods
the role of the government in modern mixed economy
- they increase efficiency by promoting competition, curbing externalities and providing public goods
- they promote equity by using tax and expenditure programs to redistribute income toward particular groups
Commodities which can be enjoyed by everyone and from which no one can be excluded (Street lights)
To produce the highest combination of quantity and quality of goods and services given the technology and scarce resources.