Semester Two Exam Study Guide Flashcards
The greatest testimony to human dignity and our importance in God’s plan
The creation accounts were written BLANK and reveal important truths about BLANK
at different times
God intends that BLANK reflect the love and communion between the persons of the trinity
Jesus transformed the law so that we…
live in a way that brings us into communion with him
Why did Jesus come to John to be baptized at the beginning of his ministry
He wanted to identify completely with the human condition
What was the major requirement of the covenant God made with Moses
observing the law and commandments
What event in the Old Testament prefigured Jesus’s offering of his life for us through his passion death resurrection and ascension
the offering of the Passover lamb
What does the biblical author emphasize by describing God with human characteristics in the Creation account of Genesis
God was close to Adam and Eve
What are the first five books of the Old Testament called and mean the word law in Hebrew?
Why did Jesus embrace material poverty?
He wanted to show us that we do not achieve salvation through wealth and he wanted to teach spiritual poverty as the way to union with God
What do Catholic believe about the invisible or spiritual creation
It is every bit as real as the visible creation
How would the king of Israel be distinctly different from neighboring nations kings?
He would be appointed by God
He would be a man after the heart of God
God would ultimately be the king over Israel
What is the spiritual battle we face today?
the battle whether we will choose good or evil
Describe the relationship between men and women as intended by God
We are created with equal dignity and distinct characteristics
Who make up the Holy Family
Much of Jesus’s life and mission was BLANK in the Old Testament scriptures
Jesus came to BLANK Old Testament covenants promises and prophecies
What does it mean that Jesus wants to share in his divinity
We share in God’s divine life and become the image of God we were created to be.
How is Christ’s relationship with the father different than our relationship with the father
Jesus is actually God’s son while we are adopted sons and daughters
The devil and demons are BLANK
fallen angels
Did God become unfaithful to us due to sin?
No, despite our sinful ways God remains faithful to his promises.
Describe God’s relationship with Adam in the garden
He talked to Adam as a friend
He walked in the garden with Adam
He was concerned for Adam’s happiness
What is the five part cycle the Israelites endured countless times
How was the Davidc covenant fulfilled
Through Jesus who established the Kingdom of heaven
What is the purpose of the seven day creation story
To explain how the world was created with purpose and order
What part of Jesus’s life teaches us about God’s plan of salvation
his entire life
What are the luminous mysteries about
They focus on the public life and ministry of Jesus
Who is affected by the sin of Adam and Eve
Creation is the work of whom
the trinity
After the time of the BLANK the 12 tribes of Israel became a BLANK
confederation; monarchy
Name the sign of the covenant for Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David
Noah is the rainbow
Abraham is circumcision
Moses is the 10 commandments
David is the temple
How did Jesus proclaim the Kingdom of God was at hand
through his miracles his actions and his teachings
How should one read the Bible
both literally and figuratively since there are many literary forms found in the Bible
What was the deeper meaning of Adam and Eve sin
They wanted to be like God apart from God
In what way did Jesus fulfill the covenant with Moses
he gave us the new law of love
Who is Jesus referring to as his brother and sisters
his cousins
The mosaic law and the BLANK are closely related to one another
mosaic covenant
What makes human being distinctly different from the rest of creation
we are created in God’s image and likeness
We are comprised of a body and a soul
we have the ability to know and love God
The loss of Adam and Eve’s original holiness and original justice was symbolically expressed by ?
feeling ashamed to be seen by each other and God set
What happened to Israel after the death of king Solomon
the Kingdom split into to separate kingdoms
How would you describe the effects of original sin
It weakens our powers for doing good in relating to God
It has NOT completely perverted our human goodness (we are still innately good)
To live out the BLANK of the Law means your actions are driven by love
We enter into the core of the Paschal Mystery when we celebrate BLANK
Did Jesus stress importance of becoming an elite in order to achieve salvation?
No, he was a non-elite and remained a non-elite his whole life to show that one does not achieve salvation through material wealth
What are at the roots of every sin?
Not accepting our own goodness and not trusting in God
How would you describe Mary and Joseph’s response to God’s plan?
With complete trust and obedience
God created the world to reveal His BLANK.
Everything in Jesus’s life teaches us about God’s plan of BLANK
A sign that Jesus was the promised Messiah who fulfills the Law and prophets
A title given to Mary meaning “God-bearer”
Adam and Eve’s disobedience in the garden
Original sin
Biblical figure that represents the powers of evil in the world
biblical story about arrogance and pride in which God dispersed the people and made them speak different languages
tower of babel
Christ established this which will endure forever
Kingdom of god / heaven
completely harmonious state between Adam, Eve, and creation
Original holiness
Describing god in a human way
event showing Jesus’ power over creation
wedding at cana
first promise to send a savior to free humanity from the effects of the Fall
God becoming man
God manifesting himself in a physical way
God promised this person his descendants would rule forever
God promised this person that he would be a blessing to all nations
God promised this person to never destroy the earth through a flood again
God’s intended relationship with humanity at the beginning of time
original holiness
Group that held most all the economic and political power in Jesus’ time
Group who paid high taxes
Hebrew word meaning “God saves”
Japanese art that pieces broken pottery back together with gold
Jewish rabbi who changed the world forever
Name for the Second Person of the Trinity because the Father anointed him with the Holy Spirit establishing him as priest, prophet, and king
Name given to Christ to describe His unique relationship with God the Father
son of God
Our spiritual principle that is immortal
Overseers of the law and covenant
prophets gave hope to the Chosen people by proclaiming visions of this person
recognition of our deep need for God
poverty of heart
sacred chest that housed the 10 commandments and was God’s dwelling place
ark of the covenant
Spiritual beings who are the servants and messengers of God
Story about jealousy and fratricide
Cain and Abel
Teaching that Mary was conceived without Original Sin
Immaculate conception
The event in which Mary says yes to the angel about bearing Jesus
the event that was the start of His public ministry
baptism of Jesus
The first person to benefit from Christ’s victory
The inclination to sin
the way in which all great mysteries of faith fit together like a puzzle
analogy of faith
Through this person God promised to make the Israelites a holy nation
Timie before the invention of writing and recording of historical data
primeval history
title for the Second Person of the Trinity acknowledging his divinity and recognizing that he along is worthy of our worship
type of agreement God makes with his Chosen People
type of person God would raise up as a hero to defend the land
word meaning “set apart”
What are the two roles of humanity
to love god
to serve him as stewards of His creation
What are the reasons for the incarnation
to show us how to by holy
to share his divine love with us
to reconcile us with God
to enable us to share in his divine nature
to defeat the power of Satan
What is the deeper insight to the New Law for the commandment “you shall not kill”
our thought / attitudes that lead to violence are wrong in themselves and do not lead to communion with God
Jesus teaches us to let go of anger and replace it with forgiveness and compassion
What is the deeper insight to the New Law for the commandment “you shall not commit adultery”
the THOUGHTS and ATTITUDES that lead to sexual promiscuity is wrong
He commands us to live lives of chastity and not to think / act in ways that led to sexual sin
What is the deeper insight to the New Law for the commandment “love your neighbor and hate your enemy”?
New law of Jesus teaches us that attitudes of hatred are due to cultural differences and attacking others for their way of life is sinful. We are to love all EVEN those who aren’t like us.
St. Paul said, “Where sin increased, grace overflowed all the more.” Explain what this quote means in connection to the class and provide at least one example as evidence. Your example needs to clearly explain the story and how it ties to the quote.
Meaning of the quote: We see time and time again throughout the bible that despite the fact that we sin and go against God, that does NOT keep God from reaching out, showering us with his grace and mercy, and bringing us back into relationship with him. Our sins do not make God abandon us.
Story: you can tell a MULTITUDE of stories such as Noah and the flood, the time of the judges, Cain and Abel, the tower of Babel, etc. BUT you must explain the story by showing / explaining the sin in the story and also how God responds showing that His grace is overflowing in the story.