Semester Test Flashcards
What was Casy’s Job before he traveled with the Joads?
What is the “road of flight”?
Route 66 - the road that migrants used to go find work and escape the Dust Bowl
Who was Rose of Sharon’s husband?
What did Muley, Tom, and Casy eat after they killed it?
A rabbit
Why can’t Tom leave the state of Oklahoma?
He was on probation
Which character died the first night after the Joads left Oklahoma?
Grandpa Joad
Which character says, “I’ll be everywhere- everywhere..”
Tom Joad
When Ma cooked stew at the camp who watched her cook?
The children in the camp
What did the government camp at Weedpatch have that made life more comfortable for the people who stayed there?
Their own form of government, a store, working bathroom with flushing toilets and showers, and the sense of togetherness and unity
What was the sheriff’s plan to raid the government camp?
He would send in people to the weekly dance, and then stage a fight. All so that he could have a reason to come in and raid it.
Why did the Joads leave the government camp?
To search for work
What did the Joads see outside Hooper Ranch?
What made Ma angry when she visited the grocery store?
Everything in the store had its prices raised unreasonably high
What was the best picking job the Joads had?
Picking cotton
Why did the family vacate the boxcar?
It was flooding due to pouring rain
Who is the narrator of To Kill A Mockingbird?
What is Scout Finch’s full name?
Jean Louise Finch
What is Scout able to do on the first day of school that her classmate’s are not?
Read and write
Why does Mr. Radley fire his shotgun?
He sees something in the reeds in his back yard
How does Boo Radely’s character help advance the plot and develop the theme?
Boo Radely’s shy, compassionate nature is symbolized by the mockingbird, and his character helps develop the theme of the necessity to protect innocent beings
What unique talent of Atticus’s do Jem and Scout learn of in the book?
He has perfect aim and is the best shot in Maycomb
How does Scout predict Tom’s guilty conviction when she sees the jury return?
She feels the mood change in the courtroom and notices that none of the jury members are looking at Tom
What does Scout mean when she says that Atticus is the same in the courthouse as he is at home?
He acts the same everywhere, and always stays true to himself and his beliefs.
What does Dill find in Dolphus Raymond’s bottle?
Which character refers to Walter Cunningham as “trash”?
Aunt Alexandra
What happens to Tom after his conviction and he is sent to prison?
He gets shot trying to escape. Atticus says he was sick of waiting on White man’s chance
Who attacked Bob Ewell on Halloween night?
Boo Radely
For whom does Rev. Sykes collect donations at First Purchase?
Tom’s wife Helen Robinson
How does Atticus prove that Bob Ewell is left handed?
He makes him write out his name and sees what hand he uses
Why does Mayella think that Atticus is making fun of her?
He’s being respectful toward her, which she is not used to.
Why does Scout miss her cue to go onstage at the Halloween pageant?
She had fallen asleep in her costume
Jem and Scout think someone is following them after the pageant… who do they think it is?
Cecil Jacobs
How does Scout know they are standing under a big oak tree even though it’s dark?
The ground is cool under her feet letting her know she is under the tree
What did Pete convince the principal to do for Louie when Louie got caught sneaking kids into athletic events?
Let Louie join a sport
What was Louie’s nickname in Torrance?
The Torrance Tornado
In what city were the 1936 Olympic trials held?
New York City
What made training so difficult at the trials?
How hot it was
Which race did Louie qualify for to run in the Olympics?
The 5,000 meter track and field event
What was the Japanese “student” at USC who befriended Louie?
Jimmie Sasaki
What was the name of the expensive device that Louie used as a bombardier?
Norden Bombsight
What was the name of Louie’s pilot and close friend?
Russel Allen “Phil” Phillips
What useful information did Louie learn when he was shooting whales?
Once they hit the water they only went so far before it wasn’t lethal anymore
What trick did an elderly Hawaiian man teach Louie about fending off sharks?
Punching them in the nose
Why was Naru a good target for bombing- what natural resource was there for making explosives?
It was a small island with huge amounts of valuable phosphate deposits
Which island did the Japanese attack in retaliation for the Nauru attack?
The island of Funafuti
Why did Louie slap Macnamara?
to stop him from wailing
What poem does Phil remember reading that makes him superstitious about killing the albatross?
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Which part of the shark was edible?
The Liver
How many marines were held captive on Kwajalean (the island where Louie and Phil were first taken when they were captured)?
What did prison captivity deprive the men of that they had had on the raft?
Their dignity
What was Ofuna?
Prisoner of war camp
A.) Who was the general’s son being held prisoner at Ofuna who became friends with Louie?
B.) What was the guy’s unique ability that was both a blessing and a curse?
A.) Lieutenant William “Bill” Harris
B.) Photographic memory
What did a Norwegian captive give Louie that likely saved his life?
A coat
For what reason was Louie being kept alive - how were the Japanese planning to use him in the war effort?
He was an Olympic athlete from America that they planned to use propaganda purposes
Louie did something that he said was the “hardest and easiest thing” he ever did. What was this?
Gave Harris his Red Cross box
Why was Louie not allowed to eat in the mess hall with the other guys?
He was never registered with the Red Cross
What was the first sign that Louie was suffering from war trauma/ PTSD?
When listening to a record of his interview in Japan he begins to freak out, and makes his sister break it and throw it away
What was Louie’s final test of faith?
In 1950, he returns to Japan, specifically to Sugamo Prison, where many war criminals are being kept. He meets personally with his former tormentors, extending a hand of forgiveness to each one.
Who is DB?
Holden’s older brother: WWII veteran and writer
What sports team does Holden manage?
Fencing team
What central park animal is Holden concerned about?
The ducks in the lagoon
Who does Holden fight in the bathroom?
What is the topic of the composition Holden writes for Stradlater?
Allie’s left-handed baseball glove with poems written all over it in green pen
What does Holden buy in NYC for a dollar?
Red hunting cap
What is the last line of The Catcher in the Rye?
“Don’t tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.”
An unknown thief at Pencey stole something from Holden: what was it?
What play did DB take Holden and Pheobe to see?
Where is Holden when the book begins and ends?
The psychiatric hospital
What does Mr. Antolini seem to think is a primary cause of Holden’s struggles?
He seems primed for a major fall, a fall that will leave him frustrated and embittered against the rest of the world, particularly against the sort of boys he hated at school.