Semester Finals Flashcards
The curved path of a celestial object or spacecraft around a star planet or moon.
Solar system
The gravitationally bound planetary system of the sun and the objects that orbit it either directly or indirectly of the objects that orbit the sun directly the largest are the eight planets .
A system of millions or billions of stars together with gas and dust held together by gravitational attraction.
All of space and time and their contents including planets stars galaxies and all other forms of matter and energy
A artificial object which has been intentionally placed into orbit.
Impact crater
A crater on a planet or moon caused by the impact of a meteorite or other object typically circular with a raised rim
A action of rotating around an axis or center
A forcible overthrown of a government or social order in favor of a new system
Each of the four divisions of the year spring, summer , autumn, and winter
The time or date at which the sun crosses the celestial equator when day and night are of equal length
When the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky at noon marked by the longest and shortest days
A large level basalt plain on the surface of the moon appearing dark by contrast with highland areas
Either of the two points on the celestial sphere where the celestial equator interacts the ecliptic
The dark central part of a sunspot
The shadow cast by earth or moon over an area experiencing a partial eclipse.
The less darker outer spot of a sunspot surrounding the dark core