Semester Final Flashcards
Common characteristics of porifera?
- sponges
- no symmetry
- porous
- no tissues or organs
- filter feeders
Common characteristics of phyla Cnidaria
- jellyfish
- radial symmetry
- no body cavity
- tentacles
- stinging cells
- incomplete digestion
Common characteristics of phyla Flatworms (Platyhelminthes)
- flat body shape
- bilateral symmetry
- incomplete digestion
- simple nervous system
- no true body cavity
Common characteristics of phyla Nematoda
- roundworms
- round body shape
- bilateral symmetry
- complete digestion
- simple nervous system
- body cavity
Common characteristics of phyla Nemertea
- ribbon worms
- flat body shape
- bilateral symmetry
- complete digestion
- simple nervous system
- no body cavity
Common characteristics of phyla mollusca
- soft body surrounded by shell (in some)
- mantle
- foot
- radula (in some)
Common characteristics of phyla segmented worms
- segmented body
- long shape
- complete digestion
Common characteristics of phyla arthropod
- segmented body
- jointed legs
- exoskeleton
- bilateral symmetry
Common characteristics of phyla echinoderm
- radial symmetry
- dermal branchiae
- tube feet
- water vascular system
Common characteristics of phyla chordata
- bilateral symmetry
- notochord at some point
- dorsal nerve chord at some point
- complete digestion
Common characteristics of class agnatha
- eel
- no jaw
- no paired fins
- cartilage skeleton
Common characteristics of class Chondrichthyes
- sharks
- jaw
- paired fins
- cartilage skeleton except backbone and jaw
Common characteristics of class Osteichthyes
- jaw
- paired fins
- bony skeleton
Common characteristics of class aves
- feathers
- beak
- warm blooded
- lay eggs
Common characteristics of class reptilia
- scales
- lay eggs
- cold blooded
Common characteristics of class mammalia
- live birth
- mammary glands
- fur/hair
- warm blooded
Why is it important to study primary productivity in the marine environment?
PP is the measure of the amount of food produced by photosynthetic organisms. This is the food and energy that is available to the rest of the food web. If it changes, it affects the rest of the food web.
What are some factors that limit primary productivity in the sea?
Lack of sunlight
What are some factors that limit primary productivity in the Arctic Ocean?
- ice cover-% of sea surface covered with ice
- PAR- the amount of photosynthetically active radiation available
- Chlorphyll a - amount of chlorophyll a in the surface seawater
- nitrate- amount of nitrogen nutrients
- primary productivity-amount of organic matter that had been produced through photosynthesis at the sea surface
Biotic factors of coral reefs
- warm temps
- steady salinity
- lots of sun
- mild pressure
- affected by tides and waves