Semester 2 - Vocab 6 Flashcards
: causing a person to become tired and ready to fall asleep
Full Definition
1 a : causing or tending to cause sleep
b : tending to dull awareness or alertness
2 : of, relating to, or marked by sleepiness or lethargy
Synonyms: drowsy, narcotic, opiate, sleepy, slumberous (or slumbrous), somniferous, somnolent, hypnotic
Antonyms: stimulant
: very bad or dishonest
: very dirty
Full Definition
1 : marked by baseness or grossness : vile
2 a : dirty, filthy
b : wretched, squalid
3 : meanly avaricious : covetous
4 : of a dull or muddy color
he managed to rise above the sordid streets upon which he grew up
a sordid affair involving bribery and corruption in high places
Synonyms: bedraggled, befouled, begrimed, bemired, besmirched, black, blackened, cruddy, dingy, draggled, dusty, filthy, foul, grimy, grotty [chiefly British], grubby, grungy, mucky, muddy, nasty, smudged, smutty, soiled, dirty, stained, sullied, unclean, uncleanly
Antonyms: clean, cleanly, immaculate, spick-and-span (or spic-and-span), spotless, stainless, ultraclean, unsoiled, unstained, unsullied
: to refuse to accept (someone or something that you do not think deserves your respect, attention, affection, etc.)
Full Definition
intransitive verb
1 obsolete
a : stumble
b : kick 1a
2 archaic : to reject something disdainfullytransitive verb
1 : to tread sharply or heavily upon : trample
2 : to reject with disdain or contempt : scorn
Synonyms: balk (at), deselect, disapprove, negative, nix, pass, pass up, refuse, reject, reprobate, repudiate, decline, throw out, throw over, turn down
Antonyms: accept, agree (to), approve
noun 1 a : kick 1a b obsolete : stumble 2 a : disdainful rejection b : contemptuous treatment
: very strict or severe
Full Definition
1 : tight, constricted
2 : marked by rigor, strictness, or severity especially with regard to rule or standard
3 : marked by money scarcity and credit strictness <a>
stringent rules against unauthorized persons being in the building
Synonyms: brassbound, cast-iron, exacting, hard-line, inflexible, rigorous, strict, rigid, uncompromising
Antonyms: flexible, lax, loose, relaxed, slack</a>
: so large or great that it amazes you
Full Definition
1 : causing astonishment or wonder : awesome, marvelous
2 : of amazing size or greatness : tremendous
synonyms see monstrous
the stupendous engineering feats achieved by the ancient Romans
Synonyms: amazing, astonishing, astounding, awesome, awful, eye-opening, fabulous, miraculous, portentous, prodigious, staggering, stunning, marvelous, sublime, surprising, wonderful, wondrous
: very hot and humid
: attractive in a way that suggests or causes feelings of sexual desire
Full Definition
1 a : very hot and humid : sweltering <a>
b : burning hot : torrid <a>
2 a : hot with passion or anger
b : exciting or capable of exciting strong sexual desire
on really sultry days we go to the mall to hang out and cool off
the incredibly dry, sultry desert air
Synonyms: damp, muggy, sticky, humid
Antonyms: dry</a></a>
1 : a Latin verbal noun having an accusative of purpose in -um and an ablative of specification in -u
2 : an English infinitive with to
: lying on your back with your face upward
: willing to be controlled by others : weak or passive
Full Definition
1 a : lying on the back or with the face upward
b : marked by supination
2 : exhibiting indolent or apathetic inertia or passivity; especially : mentally or morally slack
3 archaic : leaning or sloping backward
synonyms see prone, inactive
: equal tosomething in value, meaning, or effect
Full Definition
: equivalent in value, significance, or effect <a></a>
transitive verb archaic
: bring forth,: give birth to : produce
intransitive verb
1 obsolete : to become pregnant : conceive
2 a : to become filled to overflowing : abound
b : to be present in large quantity
transitive verb
: empty, pour
: the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment especially in a way that seems rude or foolish
Full Definition
1 : unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger or opposition : rashness, recklessness
2 : a rash or reckless act
she had the temerity to ask my boyfriend if she could go out with him should he and I ever break up
Synonyms: audaciousness, audacity, brashness, brass, brassiness, brazenness, cheek, cheekiness, chutzpah (also chutzpa or hutzpah or hutzpa), crust, face, gall, nerve, nerviness, pertness, presumption, presumptuousness, sauce, sauciness, effrontery
: a belief or idea that is very important to a group
Full Definition
: a principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true; especially : one held in common by members of an organization, movement, or profession
adjective \: not certain, definite, or strong : flimsy, weak, or uncertain \: very thin Full Definition 1 : not dense : rare <a> 2 : not thick : slender <a> 3 a : having little substance or strength : flimsy, weak b : shaky 2a synonyms see thin
: to do something that is not allowed : to disobey a command or law
Full Definition
intransitive verb
1 : to violate a command or law : sin
2 : to go beyond a boundary or limittransitive verb
1 : to go beyond limits set or prescribed by : violate
2 : to pass beyond or go over (a limit or boundary)
I didn’t realize I was transgressing when I told your sister she looked like she had lost weight
don’t even think about transgressing the drug laws of that Asian country, for punishments are severe and there’s nothing that our government can do to intervene
Synonyms: err, fall, sin, stray, offend, trespass, wander
: easily annoyed or angered and likely to argue
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1 : feeling or displaying ferocity : cruel, savage
2 : deadly, destructive
3 : scathingly harsh : vitriolic
4 : aggressively self-assertive : belligerent
die-hard fans who became truculent and violent after their team’s loss
a theater critic who was notorious for his titanically truculent reviews
truculent warlords who spared not even the children
Synonyms: aggressive, agonistic, argumentative, assaultive, bellicose, brawly, chippy, combative, confrontational, contentious, discordant, disputatious, feisty, gladiatorial, militant, pugnacious, quarrelsome, scrappy, belligerent, warlike
Antonyms: nonaggressive, nonbelligerent, pacific, peaceable, peaceful, unbelligerent, uncombative, uncontentious
: very complicated and difficult to understand
: larger or fuller than normal because of swelling
Full Definition
1 : being in a state of distension : swollen, tumid ; especially : exhibiting turgor
2 : excessively embellished in style or language : bombastic, pompous
turgid leeches having had their fill of blood
Synonyms: blown, distended, overinflated, puffed, swollen, tumescent, tumid, bloated, varicose (also varicosed)