Semester 2 Flashcards
king of bablylon when judah was delivered
at least (blank) different narrators of the seven stories of daniel
daniel wanted to only eat vegetables to…
stay ritualistically pure and kosher
nebuchadnezzar gave new names to (blank) the jewish boys
daniels gift was
to interpret visions and dreams
the statue in nebuchadnezzars dream represented the…
lineage of rulers
nebuchadnezzars statue was made of
gold, silver, bronze, and an iron/clay mix
to reward daniel for interpreting his dream, nebuchadnezzar made daniel
ruler over babylons wise men
daniel prayed (blank) times a day
men convinced the king to build a golden statue of himself because
they appealed to the kings vanity and pride
the fourth figure in the fiery furnace was described to look like…
the son of god
the story of the fiery furnace is a
darius didn’t want to put daniel in the lions den but had to because of the
law of the land
the jealous officials that tried to have daniel killed for praying to his god were
thrown into the lions den w their families
in the story of the writing on the wall, belshazzars sin was that he used the (blank) from jerusalem temple
holy chalices
in the story of the writing on the wall, the (blank) remembers that daniel had been valuable and could translate
the words translated on the wall were
the kingdom has ended; it has been found wanting; it will be defeated by the persian/medes
in the story of he writing on the wall belshazzar was
assassinated that night
the 7th story in daniel is called
apocalyptic writing
an angel told daniel that the (blank) represented powers that would rise against gods people
beasts of his vision
in jerusalem, jeremiah was facing the complete spiritual (blank) between god and the people
jeremiah told those who feared change to
become like a tree planted by the water
the word heart meant
the very code of an individual
when jeremiah observed a potter he realized that
God molds us and can also crush us down and start over
jeremiah asks god to help his people always remember that god loves them and
his compassion never fails
jeremiahs greatest horror was to realize that
his generation ended the inheritance
jeremiah understands that this was
all part of gods plan to refine his people
at the end of lamentations, jeremiah prays that
God will restore himself to his people
obadiah is the (blank) book of the old testament
the message of obadiah is that israel must
not give up hope
in the Tel abib settlement where the leaders under 30 years old were sent, God made (blank) prophet
in the babylon wisdom school, God made (blank) his prophet
in the prisoner of war camp in babylon, God made (blank) his prophet
God made Haggai his prophet in the
“righteous remnant”
ezekiel was exiled when he was
God ordained Ezekiel to be a prophet with
wheels within wheels
ezekiel was told his only responsibility was to
tell the captives what God told him to say
jeremiah and ezekiel kept in touch through
jeremiah said people in captivity should
build houses and establish a community
ezekiel loved to tell the prophecies through
street mines, odd behaviors, silly songs, or unusual venues
ezekiel told the captives that jerusalem was being destroyed the same day that
his wife died
the king of persia told the israelites that they could
go home after 70years of captivity
the persian king gave back what the babylonians had stolen and supplies
to start rebuilding he temple babylon had destroyed
the persians great religious and cultural tolerance was encouraged by
although the persians knew israel would become an ally against egypt, the israelites knew it was clearly
God fulfilling his promise
the neighboring nations of israel
did everything they could to stop the rebuilding efforts
ezra is the first part of a divided book, nehemiah is the second half
together they tell the story
the book was intended to emphasize that all freedom is a gift from God who
keeps his promises to his people
when the babylonian captives returned they found that the people who had been left behind because they were sick or useless had become
a people who protected the land
after the return of the exiles, they lost interest of rebuilding the temple and
turned to rebuilding tangier homes
the social distinctions began a period of
prejudice and inequality
if the people didn’t become one body then God would judge between the
repentive and the unfaithful
zechariah shared six visions which is a series of visions that
show the restoration of gods people
(blank) was chosen to conclude the entire prophetic section of the old testament
Malachi was the prophet who God lifted in the land after the
rebuilding efforts
the concluding halter of malachi talk ab the need for God to intervene into the lives of His people through
the sending of the messiah as his herald; the promise of a second coming of the messiah one day; and the final judgment
joel sees the sin of
joel envisions a new society coming where
the visions of young triumph old, no distinctions of etc, peace and justic
esther and mordecai left tel abib when
the persian king freed them but they didn’t return to jerusalem
king xerxes announced a beauty contest and winner would become
mordecai knew entereing esther was a gamble because she was
born in a camp and knew nothing, jewish, persians hated jews
esther won the contest and mordecai was given a
seat at the kings gates
every person in the kingdom was ordered to bow to haman
but jews were exempt bc they could only bow to God
Mordecai talked to esther and told her she was put where she was for
such a time as this
the king was enraged against haman and commanded
haman and his family to be hung
the jews established an annual feast called
the book of ezra chronicles the early years of the captives returning to the promised land to
rebuild the temple of God
the book of ezra emphasized that all
freedom is a gift from God
ezra helps is to thank God for not
always treating us as we deserve to be treated
ezra encourages us to never
take Gods mercy for granted
instructive and encouraging books include
psalms, proverbs, eccl., job, song of solomon
the accurate question that job addresses is
how should a faithful person face bad things
job describes the “two council meetings” in heaven and there are many things that are bothersome in this piece of poetic license:
satan is present in heaven, God brags ab Job, and Satan and God make. bet ab why job is good
jeremiah wrote lamentations to
help the people who would return
in jerusalem at the time of the last deportation God made (blank) his prophet