Semester 2 Flashcards
How do you find shear strength from a Mohr’s circle?
τ = σ' * tanφ' (+c') => effective stress, Mohr-Coulomb (drained) τ = Cu = (σ1-σ3)/2 => total stress, Tresca (undrained)
How can u relate passive and earth pressure coefficient
Ka = 1/Kp
What is the at rest pressure coefficient?
K0 = σ’h/σ’v (relates in situ h/v effective soil stress)
K0 ≈ 0.45 - 0.6 or 1-sinφ’ (loose sands, NC clays)
K0 ≈ 0.6 - 2 or 1(-sinφ’)*OCR^sinφ’(OC clays or recompressed soils)
How do you determine the angle of friction of the soil from a Mohr’s circle?
sinφ’ = σ3/σ1
How do you determine (τf,σf) from Mohr’s circle?
τf = σ3 * cosφ' σf = (σ1-σ3) - x x = σ3 * sinφ'
How do you calculate the angle of shear failure in a compression test?
δ = 45’ + φ’/2
What can you say about a soil density if it fails by shear or bulging?
shear -> high density (curve reaches peak then down to φ’crit)
bulging -> low density (curve rises and flattens at φ’crit)
What are the advantages of using the plasticity method in soil mechanics?
1) dont need the full stress-strain relationship, only strength
2) using the critical state strength, we dont need to know initial soil state or stress history
Define the lower bound “safe” theorem for perfectly plastic soil
If you can determine a set of stresses in the ground in equilibrium with the external loads, which does not exceed the soil strength, the the structure will not collapse.
Define the upper bound “unsafe” theorem for perfectly plastic soil
If you take any compatible mechanism of the slip surfaces and consider an increment of movement, and you show that the work done by the soil resisting movement equals the work done by the external loads, the the structure must collapse.
How do you calculate the lowest upper bound solution for bearing capacity factor Nq for Mohr-Coulomb (drained) analysis?
Nq = Kp * e^(πtanφ') Kp = passive earth pressure coefficient φ' = friction angle
What are the two equations for enhancement factors for undrained total stress analysis?
Skempton and Meyerhof: (σf-σ0) = (Nc * Sc * dc) * Cu
Brinch Hansen: (σf-σ0) = Nc * (1 + Sc + dc) * Cu
σ0 = ρgD = γ*D
What is the equation for the enhancement factor for drained effective stress analysis?
σ'f = qf = [Nq*Sq*dq]*σ'0 + [Nγ*sγ*dγ*rγ*(γB/2 -Δu)] (f)γ = analogous to (f)q applied to Nγ
How do you calculate the external and internal work on a HODOGRAPH?
Ext. W = qb * Vq = qb * Vx * sinθ (+γAxVq if soil is not weightless)
Int. = sum (CuLV) for AB, BD, BC
How would u calculate the long term safety factor of a footing according to Brinch Hanson?
F = Qf/Qa Qf = qf*D*L = σ'f*D*L
Why may short-term stability have a much larger factor of safety than long-term stability?
Due to the parameters 𝑐u versus 𝜙′. The 𝑐u is very high, suggesting a dense, stiff material. If 𝜙′ is very low, suggesting a critical-state value. This means that,
although 𝐹 is low for long-term stability, we can be happy that the soil strength has been determined conservatively.
Why is ultimate bearing capacity higher for methods involving enhancement factors?
Enhancement factors take into account for:
i) foundation has finite length, additional contribution from edges.
ii) soil at the sides give strength, must shear before collapse.
How do you calculate ultimate pile axial load using adhesion factors from Weltman & Healy (1978)?
Qp = Qs + Qb – W Qb = Ab * 9 * Cu,b Qs = As * τs = π*D*L*α*Cu,s
How do you calculate the adhesion factor, α?
α = Cu / σv’
σv’ = L/2 * (γ-g)
or from the graph
Discuss mechanisms which can reduce the internal friction angle of a soil below its
peak friction value during slope failure. What value would you use in design to
stabilise a slip that has already occurred?
Dense granular soils (sands, gravel + silts) and overconsolidated clays will exhibit a peak
friction value after which, continued shearing will result in a drop in frictional strength to
critical state. This process is called “strain softening”. If a clay which is sheared still further
(usually > 100 mm displacement is required on the shear plane), a “residual” friction angle
can result, which may be more than 10° less than the critical value. Typical mechanisms that
cause this are landsliding, glacial motions, solifluction with free-thaw cycles, etc… A residual
friction value is thought to arise due to the alignment of clay particles in the direction of
shearing, resulting in “slicken-sides”
list different ways in which landslides can be triggered.
- Water (rainfall, glacial or snowmelt, groundwater rise….)
- Seismic action (earthquakes, blasting……)
- Increase of shear stress (e.g. loading at head)
- Loss of shear resistance (e.g. undercutting of toe)
List different ways in which incipient instability may be identified during a walkover
Ponds, sinks, marshy ground;
• Tension cracks at head, toe slumping or bulging;
• Vegetation changes etc.
Explain possible options by which slope instability may be mitigated for specific cases
such as: a slowly failing slope, with max depth to shear zone of 5 m in glacial till above a
By installing soil nails or anchors; possibly piles (depending on extent of the instability)
Explain possible options by which slope instability may be mitigated for specific cases
such as: a small 2.5 m high cliff of overconsolidated London clay which has suddenly softened
due to a burst water main 20 m behind the top of the shear zone.
Repair of the water main, provision of drainage layers at the shear zone to isolate from
water. For the slope itself, reinforced soil, soil nails or a retaining wall, depending on extent
of softening and location of proximate structures.
What is soil “sensitivity” and how is it quantified?
Soil sensitivity St is formally defined as Cu(peak) / Cu(remoulded). It is the ratio of the undisturbed
strength to the remoulded strength of a fine grained (clay or silt) soil. It occurs as a result of
physiochemical influences on clay microstructure and describes how the undrained shear
strength of a clayey soil can reduce due to remoulding / disturbance / shearing.
Give two advantages and two disadvantages of the SPT compared with the CPT test in
terms of how the test is conducted and the overall data obtained.
The SPT is able to undertaken on a range of soils from clay to gravel. Boreholes sunk during
SPT testing and split-samples taken can be used to examine and hence determine the soil
type directly. The CPT can have problems in coarse grained soils which it may find difficult to
push through without damaging the cone tip.
Conversely, the SPT only obtains data every 1-2 m, while the CPT provides a continuous
profile with depth. The CPT is generally more reliable (more sophisticated and quality
controlled) and can provide information on thin soil layers which cannot be obtained from
an SPT