Semester 1 Final Flashcards
What is historical context?
Anything that happens during events of a time period that have an impact or effect on culture and the products of a culture.
What is a simple sentence?
What is a compound sentence?
Ind. + Ind. (Semi colon, comma + FANBOYS)
What is a complex sentence?
Ind. + Dep.
What is a compound-complex sentence?
Ind. + Ind. + Dep.
What is a clause?
Subj. + Verb
What are the four purposes for creation myths
1) Describes how the universe, the earth, and life began.
2) Explains the workings of the natural world.
3) Supports and validates social customs and values.
4) Guides people through the trials of living.
What are the three purposes for folk tales?
1) Explains the workings of the natural world.
2) Supports and validates social customs and values.
3) Guides people through the trials of living.
What are archetypal characters?
They symbolize figures that influence the way we think and behave. Characters generated from the human collective unconscious. This was a theory proposed by CARL JUNG.
What are the 11 common types of archetypal characters?
1) Hero
2) The Father Figure
3) The mother figure
4) The Fatal Woman (Temptress)
5) The Witch
6) The Villain (Monster)
7) The Innocent
8) The Alter Ego (The Double)
9) The Wise Old Helper
10) The Trickster
11) The Underdog
What is a primary source?
The original account, first person, real, authentic.
What is the secondary source?
The replica, the fake, copies, everything else that is not a primary source
What are ethos?
Ethical appeal to the audience - They appeal to right and wrong
What are logos?
Logical appeal - They appeal much like common sense
What are Pathos?
Emotional appeal - much like the In the arms of the angels Sara Mclachlan pet commercial
What is the thesis statement?
What your paper is going to be about that is specifically stated or claimed, showing your stance.
What is a topic sentence?
Tells your reader what your main point is for a specific paragraph usually located on the first sentence
What is the cal to action?
The last sentence or second to last sentence of your essay. It gives the reader something to do, act, or think about.
What is a satire?
Where a writer or artist uses humor to address some type of social or political issues or big issue that needs to be addressed. Much like SNL skits.
What is an allegory?
Stories that have a double meaning in order to teach a specific lesson. Wealth, power, and money cannot save you from death shown in the bubonic plague
What does the NeSA stand for?
Nebraska State Accountability
What are the three School Improvement Goals (SIP) at GISH?
1) Improve Math problem solving
2) Improve reading comprehension
3) Build meaningful relationships
What are the four components of the Literacy Plan at GISH?
1) Reading
2) Writing
3) Speaking
4) Reasoning