Semester 1: 2nd Half - Quiz 1 Flashcards
Is a structure formed by a combination of 2 or more of the basic tissues, and are joined in structural unit to serve a common function.
An organ is composed of a main tissue called?
Parenchyma and Stroma
Is a main tissue unique for a specific organ and the functional part of the organ
Is a main tissue that is mostly connective tissue that supports and forms the framework of an organ.
Based on appearance, an organ can either be?
Tubular or Parenchymatous
Are hollow organs with a canal (lumen) and a muscular wall (Ex. Intestines, stomach, esophagus, ureters, trachea, oviduct,
uterus, etc.)
Tubular Organs
Are solid organs with the
typical parenchyma + stroma (Ex. Liver, kidneys, pancreas, brain, spleen, etc.)
Parenchymatous Organs
Organs that have functions that perform a similar purpose are grouped together into?
Organ System.
This system aims to:
* Support (particularly on land)
* Movement (along with muscular system)
* Protection of certain vital organs (eg. brain,
heart, reproductive organs, etc)
* Mineral storage (eg. calcium & phosphorus
Skeletal System
It serves several important functions, the most obvious of which are structural support and protection of vital organs.
Skeletal System
It also serves as a reservoir for important minerals such as calcium and phosphorus
Red blood cells are produced in?
Bone Marrow
The skeletal system is divided into 2 groups?
Axial Skeleton, and Appendicular Skeleton
This skeletal system follows the axis of the body; Skull, vertebrae (backbone), ribcage
Axial Skeleton
This skeletal system are the Arms (shoulders and collarbone, humerus, radius + ulna, carpals, metacarpals), Legs (pelvis, femur, tibia + fibula, tarsals, metatarsal), and digits (phalanges)
Appendicular Skeleton
This system aims to:
* Movement
* Posture & Stability
* Communication (taking, body language, etc)
* Control of Body Temperature
Muscular System
It is one of the most distinctive characteristics of animals. It is usually based on some kind of muscle tissue, often working against bones and joints.
In humans there are over ____ different muscles that are attached by tendons to bones across a moveable joint
600 Different Muscles
This system aims to:
* Control of long-term activities like growth, metabolism, reproduction and development
* Production of hormones
Endocrine System
This system includes the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, pancreas, and even the ovaries and testes.
Endocrine System
It is produced by the endocrine system and regulate long term or cycling processes of growth and development while the nervous system coordinates activities that require immediate responses to environmental conditions.
This system aims to:
* Coordination and control of all body activities
* Rapid responses to emergency situations
* Perception & interpretation of sensory information
* (in humans) Higher level thought processes; planning, abstract thought, memory, learning, speech
* Sensory, for the monitoring of the outside world and the internal environment to allow the body to respond
quickly and effectively to any potential dangers or threat
Nervous System
The nervous system is subdivided into two systems, what are they?
Central Nervous System, and Peripheral Nervous System
Is the brain and the spinal cord
Central Nervous System
Is the nerves and the ganglia branching from the brain and spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous System
Nerve cells of the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) that are bringing information to the brain are called?
Sensory Neurons
Nerve cells
that are taking information away from the brain out to muscles and glands are called?
Motor Nerves
Is part of the nervous system which include the eyes, ears, taste buds, nose, skin, and balancing organs within the ears.
Sense Organs
The Central Nervous Systems of animal’s process and use only one kind of information, to coordinate and control all body systems?
Electrochemical Impulses
Each sensory cell is essentially ______ and must be capable of converting a specific kind of input into an electrochemical impulse.
This system aims to:
* Delivers food and oxygen to cells
* Removes carbon dioxide and wastes from cells
* Transports hormones to target cells
* Maintains salt/water balance and acid/base balance
* Protects body from pathogens
Circulatory System
In small animals,
______ can easily move things from place to place. Larger animals
require some kind of _______ to do this.
Simple Diffusion, Circulatory System
It consists of a muscular pump (the heart) and
plumbing (arteries, capillaries and veins).
Circulatory System
In simple animals, the heart is a?
Simple Pumping Vessel.
In birds and mammals, the heart is a?
with two distinct circuits of blood flow
What are the two distinct circuits of blood flow?
Pulmonary Circuit, and Systematic Circuit