Semenalysis Flashcards
Semen - Physiology
Composed of 4 fractions contributed individually by___________, ______ ,___________ and _________
Mixing of all 4 fractions essential for production of normal semen specimen
testes and epididymis,
seminal vesicles,
bulbourethral glands
§ Produced in the__________
seminiferous tubules of the testes
§ Mature and stored in ____________
§ Spermatozoa and fluid from epididymis contribute _________of semen volume
§ Contribute 60% of semen volume
§ Contain high content of fructose that the spermatozoa readily metabolize
§ Spermatozoa become mobile when exposed to seminal fluid
Seminal Vesicles:
Spermatozoa become mobile when exposed to ____________
seminal fluid
§ Contributes 20-30% of semen volume
§ Contains high concentrations of acid phosphatase, citric acid, zinc and proteolytic enzymes (responsible for coagulation and liquefaction of semen following ejaculation)
§ The prostate contains high concentrations of _________, __________ ,_______ and __________-(responsible for coagulation and liquefaction of semen following ejaculation)
acid phosphatase, citric acid, zinc and proteolytic enzymes
Semen - Physiology
§ Contribute 5% of semen volume
§ Thick, alkaline mucus (neutralize acidity from prostate secretions and vaginal acidity)
Bulbourethral glands
Specimen Collection
Specimens collected following a period of sexual abstinence ________
(3-5 days)
Specimen Collection
Fertility testing:____________; 2 abnormal samples considered significant
2-3 samples tested at 2- week intervals
Warm sterile glass or plastic container
Specimen kept at________ and delivered to lab within 1 hour of collection
Specimen Collection
Record time of collection and specimen receipt
Fresh semen specimen is _________
Specimen Collection
Liquefy within ___________ after collection; failure to liquefy maybe due to a deficiency in prostatic enzymes
Analysis begins after liquefaction Specimen collected by masturbation or nonlubricant-containing polymeric silicone (Silastic) condoms
30-60 mins
Semen Analysis Consists o
f macro and microscopic examination
Parameters reported include:
sperm concentration
and count,
Appearance ___________
Gray-white color, translucent, musty odor
Increased white turbidity:
presence of WBCs and infection within reproductive tract
Varying degrees of red coloration: __________
presence of RBCs
Analysis: Appearance
Yellow coloration: ______________
urine contamination, prolonged abstinence, medications
Note : Urine is toxic to sperm, thereby affecting evaluation of motility
Analysis: Volume
2-5 ml
Analysis: Volume
______________ following periods of extended abstinence
Increased volume:
l Associated with infertility - may indicate improper functioning of one of the semen-producing organs
l Incomplete specimen collection must also be considered
Decreased volume:
Refers to consistency of fluid and may be related to specimen liquefaction
Normal specimen should be easily drawn into a pipette and form droplets that don’t appear clumped or stringy when discharged from the pipette
Analysis: Viscosity
Analysis: Viscosity Ratings:
Note : Increased viscosity and incomplete liquefaction will impede sperm motility
0 (watery) to 4 (gel-like)
Analysis: pH ______________
Alkaline: 7.2 to 8.0
Increased pH: ______________________________
infection within reproductive tract
associated with increased prostatic fluid
Decreased pH:
What is used to test the sperm ph?
pH pad of urinalysis reagent strip
Analysis: Sperm Concentration/ Count
Normal sperm concentration: __________
> 20 million sperm/ml
Note :
10-20 million/ml is borderline
Total sperm count/ejaculate = sperm concentration x specimen volume Normal: > 40 million/ejaculate (20 M/ml x 2 ml)
Analysis: Sperm Concentration/ Count
What is used to check the count of semen manually?
Neubauer counting chamber (amount of dilution and the # of squares counted vary among labs)
What is the dilution used in counting the sperm in Neubauer?
Commonly used dilution is 1:20; dilution is essential because it immobilizes the sperm prior to counting
Traditional diluting fluid contains ____________ and __________ or _____________ can also be used
Na bicarbonate
and formalin Saline
and distilled water
Analysis: Sperm Concentration/ Count
Sperm cells are usually counted in the________________
Both sides of hemocytometer are loaded and counted
Counts should agree within 10%
Average of the 2 counts is used in the calculation
Only fully developed sperm should be counted
4 corner and center squares of the large center square (RBC counting area)
Analysis: Sperm Concentration/ Count
___________l is associated with inflammation or infection of the reproductive organs (can lead to infertility)
>1 million WBCs/m
Note : The presence of >1 million spermatids/ml indicates disruption of spermatogenesis – caused by viral infection, exposure to toxic chemicals, genetic disorders
Calculation of Sperm Concentration and Sperm Count
Calculation of sperm concentration is dependent on__________used and the _______________.
When using 1:20 dilution and counting 5 RBC squares in large center square: Sperm conc/ml = # of sperm x 1,000,000
Total sperm count = # of sperm/ml x specimen volume
1. dilution
- size and number of squares counted
Analysis: Sperm Concentration/ Count
§ Provides a method for counting undiluted specimens
§ Sperm are immobilized by heating part of specimen prior to charging the chamber
§ Sperm motility evaluated using the unheated portion
Makler counting chamber
Analysis: Sperm Concentration/ Count
The method recommended by the WHO is the ______________
Neubauer chamber count
Analysis: _______________
Sperm capability of forward, progressive movement is critical for fertility
Undiluted specimen; well mixed, liquefied semen within 1 hour of specimen collection
Determine % of motile sperm and quality of the motility
Sperm Motility
Analysis: Sperm Motility
% of sperm showing actual forward movement estimated after evaluating 20 HPFs
Motility is evaluated by both_ ___and _________.
speed and direction
**Grade a **
Rapid, straight-line motility
Grade b
Slower speed, some lateral movement
Grade b
Slow forward progression, noticeable lateral movement
Grade c
No forward progression
Grade d
No movement