Sem.2 Flashcards
A stylised representation for the first 2 letters of the work Christ in Greek
The spiritual leader of a group of churches
Belief in the existence of a supreme being
Ruler of an empire
Representing the earth as the centre of the solar system
Representing the sun as the centre of the solar system
A way of thinking based on the belief that the human brain is supreme
The teaching and practise of the medieval Catholic Church that claimed to provide a means of forgiveness of sins upon payment of money
A person who willingly lays down their life for their beliefs
A member of a religious group of men who live under the vows of poverty and obedience
Title given to the Bishop of Rome
New religious tradition that emerged during the period of Reformation
Denying ones faith
The action or process of reforming an institution or practise
Cultural movement which took place between the medieval and modern times (lasted about 300 years)
Pax Romana
Latin phrase meaning ‘Roman Peace’ that prevailed in the Empire during the first 2 centuries (AD)
The belief that the bread and wine of the holy communion is literally transformed into the body and blood of Christ
Apostle Paul
Changed his name from Saul when converted to Christianity faith from the Jewish faith. Never met Jesus but Christianity’s most important early converter.
Raised around Christian beliefs from his mother Helena. Had a vision from God telling him to put the sign Chi-Ro onto his battle flags. Said to be convicted of the truth of Christianity. Evidence points to him being a Christian
Argued for a heliocentric (sun centre) rather than geocentric (earth centre). The church rejected his conclusion and forced him to recant (deny faith). Spent years under house arrest.
Protestant reformer
Name given to the movement that challenged authority and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th century
Rejected teachings of the church. Forced to detention in prison in Paris for writing bad poems aimed at French government. During 1720’s forced to exile in England
Isaac Newton was born into Anglican family. Believed God was a masterful creator who could not be denied
Edict of Milan
Edict granted freedom of worship to Christianity and other religions thought empire. Ending all official persecution against individuals
Claimed that Jesus Christ was a crated being, therefore inferior to God
Leonardo Da Vinci
On his dead bed he took refuge in the Church. Asked for instruction in faith and sought forgiveness.
English Protestant martyrs
William Tyndale, Hugh Latimer and Alice Driver