sem 2 Flashcards
why use Linux OS systems?
it is widely used in servers and embedded devices such as LAN, wifi-networks.
what is a linux distribution?
A Linux Distribution is an OS that is based of the Linux Kernel, and it comes with a software collection.
some distributions of Linux are Redhat, Ubuntu..
what are the characteristics of Linux?
- they are powerful and can be changed easily.
- they have a modular architecture, and the modules can be stackable
- open-sourced.
cd desktop
mkdir newfolder
a new folder named “new folder” is created under desktop directory.
cd desktop
mkdir newfolder{1…100}
creates 100 files named “newfolder1” till “newfolder100”
cd desktop
rmdir newfolder{1…100}
removes the 100 folders made
shows the directory we are currently in
nano newfile1.txt
gedit newfile1.txt
can insert info inside the newfile1
txt tells us it is a text file.
ps -e
shows all the processes running in the system monitor
ps -e | grep firefox
helps us to see the program running in firefox
shows the amount of physical and virtual memory
shows the amount of memory free, amount of used space of each file system.
df -Th
tells us the amount of memory used or left in gigabytes, which is human readable.
df -T
tells us the file system types
3 desirable properties of files
- long-term existence
- organised into hierarchical structure
- shareable between processes