sem. 1 vocab Flashcards
(v) too corrupt or poor, by the addition of something more poor or bad, change of lesser value
-this meat was ground fine and adulterated with potato flour.
(v) make something greater by adding to it, make larger, increase, add too
-he augmented his summer income by mowing lawns.
(v) to position or arrange; to utilize; to form up
-The military troops will be deployed in two hours, so everyone say our goodbyes.
(adj.) RICH, wealthy, lavish, deluxe
-the opulent comfort of a limousine
(adverb) word for word, exactly as described, same, copied
-I don’t think I will read the whole thing verbatim to you.
(adverb) cautiously, careful, timid, cautious
-They walk warily, terrified of being caught.
(adj) clever, skillful in using hands or mind
-Even the most adroit could not sole this puzzle.
(v) praise enthusiastically, praise highly, worship
-The teacher often extols the accomplishments of his students.
(adj.) easily to do, able to be done, not hard
-This equation was so feasible a kindergartener could have done it.
(n) danger of great loss or harm, or failure, at risk
-My family is in jeopardy if I don’t tell the truth to the judge.
(adj.) neat, certain, orderly, precise, particular, Ellery :)
-My friend is very meticulous, she has a hairbrush everywhere she goes because she can’t ever have knotty hair.
(n) the purest essence or form of something; the most typical example
-He was the most quintessence gentleman, he even opened my car door.
(V) to run away, to make indifferent or hostile, to transfer, separate, drive apart, strange
-Gossiping and backstabbing are bad habits that are bound to alienate friends.
(adj.) of or related to cooking or the kitchen
-cooking shows have helped many around the world master the art of culinary.
(v) erase, wipe out, cut out
-My essay was gone, I can’t believe I accidentally deleted it!
(n) a death, especially of a person in a lofty position, decease, passing away
-traditionally, the tolling of the church bells announces the demise of a monarch.
(adj.) so unimportant that it can be disregarded, no one cares, insignificant
-You will be safe walking down this road, the risk is negligible.
(v) to make permanent or long-lasting, continue, preserve
-In most cultures, people try to perpetuate the customs of their ancestors.
(v) to find out, to discover, determine, establish
-we need to ascertain what it will cost to remodel our kitchen.
(v) to erase, obliterate, annihilate, delete,
-The judge ordered that the documents be expunged from the record.
(adj) spiteful, showing ill will, malicious, wicked, sinister
-After Malificant cursed the land, it showed she was truly malevolent.
(adj) cool and confident, unconcerned
-The confident couple strolled down the halls with nonchalant postures.
(adj) knowing everything, having unlimited awareness or understanding, ise, all-knowing
-God is very wise, which makes him omniscient
(adj.) exact careful, attention to detail, high moral standards, meticulous
-Scientists are trained to record their data and observations with scrupulous accuracy.
(N) a do-gooder, one who cares for others, a patron, a humanitarian
-without the help of benefactors, most non-profit organizations wouldn’t stay in business.
(n) a lack, scarcity, short supply, famine, want
-an employer may complain of a dearth of qualified applicants for available jobs.
(v) to board, commence, launch, begin, board, make a start, to invest
-My parents saved countless dollars so they could embark on a journey through Hawaii.
(adj) free from error, absolutely dependable, certain
-some critics seem convinced that their expert knowledge makes them seem infallible.
(v) to rest, lie in place, nap, (n) relaxation, peace of mind, calmness
-(v) After socializing all day I would love to rest and repose before other activities.
-(n) I need a period of repose before I take my loud, screaming kids to school.
(adj) sincere, real, you mean it
-Karl explained a rather unfeigned explanation as to why there was a cow in my house.