SELF-TUTORIAL EXERCISES - Chapter 2 Flashcards
Give the Latin for the definite article “the” and the indefinite article “a.”
There are none.
Name the Latin case for each of the following constructions or ideas:
- direct object of a verb;
- possession;
- subject of a verb;
- means;
- direct address;
- indirect object of a verb.
- accusative
- genitive
- nominative
- ablative
- vocative
- dative
Name the case, number, and syntactical usage indicated by the following endings of the 1st declension:
- -ās
- -a
- -am
- -ae (pl.)
- accusative, plural, direct object
- nominative & vocative, singular, subject
- accusative, singular, direct object
- nominative & vocative, plural, subject
Name the case(s) and number indicated by the following endings, and wherever possible name the English preposition(s) which can be associated with them:
- ārum
- -ā
- -ae
- -īs
- genitive, plural, of
- ablative, singular, by, with, from
- nominative & vocative, plural. genitive, singular, of. dative, singular, to or for
- dative, plural, to or for ablative, plural, by, with, from
Translate the following nouns and state the syntactical usage of each as indicated by its ending:
Translate the following nouns in accordance with their case endings:
Translate the following phrases into Latin according to the case either named or indicated by the English preposition in each instance:
- by much money;
- of many girls;
- to / for my country;
- great life (as direct object of a verb);
- by your penalties;
- many countries (subject of a verb);
- to / for many girls;
- of my life’
- O fortune;
- girl’s
- girls’;
- girls (direct address);
- the girls (direct object of a verb);
- the girls (subject of a verb).
- magnā pecuniā
- puellārum
- patriae
- vitam magnam
- poenīs tuīs
- multae patriae
- multīs puellīs
- vītae meae
- fortuna
- puellae
- puellārum
- puellae
- puellās
- puellae
Valē, patria mea.
Farewell (goodbye), my native land.
Fortunā puellae est magna.
The girl’s fortune is great.
Puella fortūnam patriae tuae laudat.
The girl praises the fortune of your country.
Ō puella, partiam tuam servā.
O girl, save your country.
Multae puellae pecūniam amant.
Many girls love money.
Puellae nihil datis.
You are giving nothing to the girl.
Pecūniam puellae videt.
He sees the money of the girl.
Pecūniam puellārum nōn vidēs.
You do not see the girls’ money.
Monēre puellās dēbēmus.
We should warn the girls.
Laudāre puellam dēbent.
They should praise the girl.
Vīta multīs puellīs fortūnam dat.
Life gives (good) fortune to many girls.
Vītam meam pecūniā tuā cōnservās
You are saving my life with your money.
Fāma ist nihil sine fortunā.
Fame is nothing without fortune.
Vitām sine pecūniā nōn amātis.
You do not like life without money.
Sine fāma et fortūnā patria nōn valet.
Without fame and fortune the country is not strong.
Īram puellārum laudāre nōn debēs.
You ought not to praise the anger of the girls.
Vītam sine poenīs amāmus.
We like a life without punishments.
Sine philosophiā nōn valēmus.
Without philosophy we are not strong.
Quid est vīta sine philosophia?
Whatt is life without philosophy?