Self test questions Flashcards
What are the 3 components which are generally covered in the deginitions of a GIS?
(1) A computer system, (2) Spatially referenced data, (3) Managment and analysis tasks.
An object oriented approach is most appropriate to represent …., and there is ….space between the objects.
discrete objects, and there is empty space between the objects.
The develepmont of GIS was primarily enabled by?
Advances in computer technology.
Is it possible to fit all the features of the real world in a GIS?
No, the GIS designer decides what he wants to represent and considers what he finds neccesary. It is herefore a simplified view of the world.
Which are the basic symbol types (spacial entitites) used in mapping and vector-based GIS?
Points, lines and polygons.
How is the sphere of the earth pojected on a map?
As a 2D surface.
Does a map projecten require a geographical reference system?
No not necessarily.
What is the correct order to simulate geographical complexities in your computer?
- Identify the spatial features that are of interest
- Select an appropriate spatial data model (raster or vector).
- Select an appropriate spatial data structure to store your data within the computer.
Do the following surface have a fuzzy boundary?
- A natural floodplain (without dikes)
- A paved road
- The transition between desert and steppe
- A mountain range
- A natural floodplain (without dikes) Yes
- A paved road No
- The transition between desert and steppe Yes
- A mountain range Yes
Which conversion methods can be used for the conversion of analogue data?
Manual digitizing, keyboard-entry and automatic digitzing.
What is a major disadvantage of aerial phoographs in the use of a GIS model?
The lack of providing spatially referenced data.
Which three differen types of pattern recognition can be idintified?
Spectral pattern, Spatial pattern and Temporal pattern.
Why are only three bands shown when displaying a multispectral image on a computer monitor?
Because the monitor uses an RGB system to create colors on the screen.
What is Meta-data refered to as?
data about data
Does spatial interpolation involve a tranformation?
Calculating the mean surface area of a geogrpahic object is commonly refered to as:
processing by attributes
Can buffering be applied to vector models? And to raster models?
Buffering can be applied to raster and vector models.
What is the effective distance?
The effective distance accounts for barriers such as physical barriers, social, economic or technical resistances.
How can we define Eucladian distance?
This is the distance as the crow flies.
How many data points does the exact method take into account in point interpolation?
All of the observed data points.
Which interpolation methods produces a smooth surface between sample points?
Gradual methods
Are there any differences between vector-based and raster-based overlay?
Yes, vector-based map overlay is time consuming and complex while raster based is efficient and quick.
Is it possible to overlay raster layers with different resolutions?
No, all layers should be converted to the lowest resolution any of the layers has.
What is slope?
Slope is the steepness or grqadient of a unit of terrain, usually measured as an angle in degrees or as a percentage.