Self Report Techniques Flashcards
self report techniques
involve a participant reporting their own thoughts and feelings….
- questionnaires
- interviews
general evaluation for self report techniques
social desirability bias — involves a distortion in the way people answer questions, they tend to answer in order to appear in a better light, for example when asked whether you’re a leader or a follower many people would prefer not to class themselves as a follower even if they are, this may reduce the internal validity of the findings
allow researchers to discover what people think and feel rather than guess what people think and feel on the basis of how they behave
there is no guarantee that the people being asked questions will give truthful answers which reduces the validity of the results, observations permit much more direct access to genuine behaviours whereas self report techniques give people more opportunity to lie or bend the truth
not very useful for people who lack and understanding or insight into their thoughts and feelings such as children or people with learning disabilities
the sample of people used in self-report methods may not be representative and therefore the data collected cannot be generalised
a set of written questions designed to collect information on a topic or number of topics
allow the researcher to discover what people think and feel by asking them directly
questionnaires are always predetermined and structured, may involve…
- open questions — likely to receive a long and opinion based answer
- closed questions — can be answered by a single word or short phrase, usually requires a yes or no response
evaluation for questionnaires
it takes a lot of time to design questionnaires and ensure that the questions asked are relevant and will allow the researcher to collect important information
can be used on a large scale because once you have designed and tested a questionnaire, they can be distributed to large numbers of people relatively cheaply and quickly which enables the researcher to collect data from a large sample of people
respondents may feel more willing to reveal personal or confidential information in a questionnaire as they are simply writing down answers rather than in an interview because in an interview, the respondent is aware that the interviewer is hearing their answer and this may make them feel self-conscious and more cautious
the impersonal nature of the questionnaire may also reduce social desirability bias, they simply have to fill in a questionnaire rather than sit and speak with an interviewer
they can only be filled in by people you can read and write and who are also willing to spend time filling them in, which means that the sample is biased
open question evaluation
gives more detail as well as insight into opinions and feelings
can generate quite vague and often irrelevant answers
closed question evaluation
gives objective facts that are clear and relevant
easy and quick to answer
lacks detail given by open questions
involves real time interaction and spoken questions and answers in order to collect information (can be face to face or over the telephone)
structured interview — pre determined questions decided in advance, no deviation from original questions
unstructured interview — less structure, the interview may begin with general aims and possibly a few predetermined questions but subsequent questions develop during the course of the interview on the basis of the answers given
structured interview evaluation
can be easily repeated because the questions are standardised
standardised questions also mean that the answers from different people can be compared, meaning that they are easier to analyse than in an unstructured interview
it may be hard to compare answers in a structured interview because the same interviewer may behave differently on different occasions, therefore they may be producing different answers from the respondents
unstructured interview evaluation
more detailed information can be obtained from each respondent then in a structured interview, this is because the interviewer tailors the questions to the specific responses and can get deeper insights into the respondents feelings and thoughts
require interviewers with more skill than a structured interview because the interviewer has to develop new questions on the spot, this makes unstructured interviews more expensive to produce compared with structured interviews which don’t always require specialist interviewers
new questions developed on the spot are more likely to lack objectivity than predetermined ones because of their instantaneous nature
interview evaluation
interviewer bias — involves the effect of an interviewer on the respondents behaviour, the interviewers expectations, the way they deliver the question or even their appearance may influence the answers the respondent gives, interviewers must be skilled to prevent interviewer bias as far as possible
EXAMPLE: interviews
Kohlberg (1978) used the scenario of a man stealing a drug for his dying wife to investigate moral issues. he used a structured interview to find out answers to some of the following questions…
- should the man have stolen the drug and why?
- does it make a difference whether or not he loves his wife and why?
- suppose the person dying is a stranger, should he steal the drug? why?