self report Flashcards
what are the advantages of closed questions
-easier and quicker for the participant to respond
-the data is quantitative and therefor is easier to compare and analyses
what are the disadvantages for closed questions
-cant force the p to select an otpion as none of them may be true to the p
-Lacks reason and detail behind why the p answered that specific answer
Advantages for open questions
- the data is more rich and detailed
-it doesn’t force participants to give a particular response
disadvantages for open questions
Its subjective-open interpretation
-time consuming to answer as it is an openme ended response
-difficult to compare and anlyse for the researcher as it is quaitative
semantic differntials
two opposite words and you have to choose between them what suits best.-they are bipolar adjectives
likert scales
either strong agree,disagree,undecided,disagree,stronlgy disagree
rating scale
this is where a participant has to make an appropriate point along a numerical dimension to indicate there strength and attitude.
what is a structured interview?
a strcuture interview is when the interviewee has a certain amount of questions to ask in a specific order about a specific topic.
what is a semi structure interview
the interviewee will have pre set questions that have to be asked but other questions may develop in the process
unstrucutre interview
the researcher has topics and it doesnt matter what order they are in the interview is more like a conversation.
advantages of questionarres?
can answer anoymously so can getr answers to embarssing questions
quick to compare
can collect are large sample very quickly by sending out to ps
-they can take more time
disadvantages of questionares
-people may not rreturen questions-potential low response rate
-people may interpert questrions differnt to hwo you intend
-can cause social desirabillioty-lacking validity
advantages of interviews
-can ask follow up questions based on the responses given
-can get more in depth meaning full detial in a interview
disadvantegs of interviuews
-could lead to social desirabillity
-time consuming and resourse intensive
highest level of data,there should be a carefully calibrated measuremnt so they could be put in order from highhest to lowest