Self Disclosure Flashcards
What is self disclosure
- revealing intimate details about yourself to others
- romantic relationships develop the more each partner self discloses about themselves
Social penetration theory
Altman & Taylor
- process of travelling your inner self to someone
- in romantic relationships it involves reciprocal disclosure
- as disclosure increases partners penetrate deeper into each other lives
Breadth and depth
• researchers refer to this as peeling pack layers of an onion
Levels of breadth & depth
- Reveal a lot of superficial info/ on the surface - low risk, breadth, no depth
- Intimate self disclosure including past history, family fall outs etc
- Personal self disclosure (deeper) - hopes, desires, past mistakes, insecurities
- Core self disclosure (real depth) - reveals details buried under the psych - worst fears, guilt, embarrassment
• help people who want to improve communication in the relationship
• strengthens the relationship
• Haas & Stafford 57% homosexual men & women felt more secure & deep in their relationship the more disclosed
- research support
Slippert & prager
• 115 ppl answered questionnaires
• kept diaries of interactions
• results showed mutual disclosure expressed more satisfaction w relationship
- cultural bound
• individualistic cultures (US) self disclose significantly more than collectivist cultures (china)
• levels of satisfaction were no different between the two despite diff levels of disclosure
- alpha bias
- suggests women find it easier to disclose
- suggests a difference between men & women