Self Defense Flashcards
Common Law Self Defense
- actual or apparent threat of deadly force or serious bodily harm
- threat must be unlawful and immediate
- defender must honestly believe that he is in imminent peril of death or serious bodily harm, **AND **his response must be necessary to save himself
- belief must be objectively rsbl in light of surrounding circumstances
Person Not-Eligible for Self Defense
- Aggressors
- Those at Fault
Aggressors (CL)
- one who provokes a conflict
- one who is not free from fault in the difficulty
- one who incites the fatal attack, encourages the fatal attack, or promotes necessitious occasion for taking life
- one who commits an affirmative unlawful act reasonable calculated to produce an affray foreboding injurious or fatal consequences
Aggressors (MPC)
one may not use deadly force who knows they can avoid the necessity of using such force by complying with a demand that he abstain from any action he has no duty to take
- less violent way of avoiding confrontation
MPC Self Defense
subjective standard: use is justifiable if actor believes deadly force is immediately necessary tfor the purpose of protecting himself against the unlawful force by such another person on present occasion
Regaining Right to Self Defense
an aggressor can regain the right to self defense if
1. he fully and completely withdraws from the conflict in good faith and so informs the other person by words or conduct, AND
2. v escalates force
Retreat Rule
innocent person threatened by deadly force must retreat rather than use deadly force, if he knows he can safely retreat; cl/minority
No Retreat Rule
non-aggressor may use deadly force to repel deadly attack, even if he knows he can safely retreat
MPC Retreat Rule
one may not use deadly force, if he knows that he can avoid the necessity of using such force with complete safety by retreating
Castle Exception
one is attacked in his home or curtilage, he is under no duty to retreat, even if he knows he safely can; also applies to co-dwellers in most jurisdictions
MPC Exception
innocent person is not obliged to retreat from his dwelling or place of work, unless he is assailed in his place of work by another person whose place of work the actor knows it to be
Escalation of Force
if victim escalates to deadly force and d responds, they can regain self defense; a higher level of force may be used to defend oneself, if the aggressor escalates from non-deadly to deadly force
Proportionality Requirement
deadly force cannot be used to repel non-deadly force
CL Reasonable Belief
in order to use deadly force self-defense, the actor’s belief has to be objectively reasonable; all or nothing defense
- transferred intent
- actor exercising SD can take in account: knowledge about person, gender and size, and use of deadly weapon
MPC Reasonable Belief
subjective standard: use is justifiable if actor belives deadly force is immediately necessary for the purpose of protecting himself against the unlawful force by such another person on the present occasion
- partial defense (mens rea)
- if D honestly believes SD is rsbl but belief is reckless or negligent