Self Defence Flashcards
What does self defence cover?
Covers protecting yourself, another person or property. So it can be used against all crimes.
What is self defence regulated by?
The criminal justice and immigration act 2008
Burden of proof
Lies with the prosecution to prove the force was unnecessary and unreasonable
What must you prove for self defence?
- The force must be necessary in the circumstances?
- Was the force used reasonable in the circumstances?
Was the force necessary (subjective)
Mistake and self defence:
Makes it clear that the circumstances are to be judged as the D genuinely believed them to be, even if his belief was a mistake or unreasonable (William Gladstone)
Self defence and Intoxication:
If D was voluntary intoxicated they cannot use self defence (O’grady)
D characteristics:
It was seen in Martin that Ds characteristics cannot be taken into account when judging whether the force was necessary in the circumstances
D and v fell asleep after drinking. D woke up and believed V was attacking him, retaliated and went back to sleep.
Held: plea of self defence failed, conviction for manslaughter was upheld. Ca said it was due to the voluntary intoxication so couldn’t use a defence.