Self-Control Theory Flashcards
Gottfredson and Hirschi’s (1990) General Theory of Crime.
What was self-control? What caused it? When did it become stable?
Self-control was defined as a unidimensional, permanent, internal state determined by age 8-10 and remains stable throughout the life course. As a sociological theory, self-control is directly impacted by (in)effective parenting management (Hirschi, 2004; Grasmick et al., 1993; Gottfredson & Hirschi, 1990).
Gottfredson and Hirschi’s (1990) General Theory of Crime. Core proposition?
The interaction between Self-control (varied) and Opportunity (constant) = crime, delinquency, and analogous behaviors
What is self-control? Four facts about it.
- Unidimensional trait (impulsivity + risk-seeking behavior)
- Stable by 10
- Established by (in)effective parenting management from 10 and younger. As in not correcting deviant behavior when it arises.
- Refers to quality of self
What did G&H (1990) have to say about crime as a social fact?
Key facts about the crime that criminological theories up until this point pay no attention to Crime provides short-term gratification. It is not specialized. It is not usually planned in advance.
Offending is marked by continuity: Involvement in antisocial behavior, including crime, appears stable across the life course.
What is the key causal predictor of LSC & 3 sub-key things:
(In)effectiveness of parenting management has a direct impact on a child’s self-control. It is the chief source of variability in self-control.
(1) monitor their child
(2) recognize deviant behavior when it occurs
(3) punish or correct misconduct
How was attachment important to Self-control theory?
Concept to Attachment: Parents’ bonds to the child that motivates the effort to engage in direct control over the child.
Why was this paper important?
Grasmick, H., Tittle, C., Bursik, R., & Arneklev, B. (1993). Testing the core empirical implications of Gottfredson and Hirschi’s General Theory of Crime.
Factor analysis to develop a 6-item scale for self-control.
o Impulsivity:
o Simple Tasks: “I frequently avoid projects that will be difficult.”
o Risk Seeking:
o Physical Activities: “I would rather do physical activities over mental activities.”
o Self-Centered:
o Temper:
Recommends to not using HIS MEASURE:
oHe made the measure as unidimensional but believed LSC would actually be multi-dimensional
Only found in contrast to G&H (1990): (1) criminal opportunity has a significant main effect beyond its interaction with LSC & self-reported crime.
What did the following find in relation to self-control theory? Did they find support or not?
Hay, C. (2001). Parenting, self-control, and delinquency: A test of self-control theory.
Monitoring-Discipline negatively associated with LSC
LSC partial mediation of the effect parenting (monitoring-discipline) has on delinquency
*Should fully mediate
Author suggests theory is incomplete (suggest integration into social learning theory)
What did the following find for self-control theory? Did it support or not?
Pratt, T., Cullen, F. (2000). The empirical status of Gottfredson and Hirschi’s general theory of
crime: A meta-analysis. Criminology, 38(3): 931-964.
Vazsonyi, A., Mikuška, J., & Kelley, E. (2017). It’s time: A meta-analysis on the self-control-deviance link. Journal of Criminal Justice, 48, 48-63.
Pratt & Cullen (2000) found that self-control is a robust predictor, not sensitive to variation in operationalizing of variables or variation in samples. However, social learning theory still has support when control for LSC.
Vazsonyi, et al. (2017):
- Purpose: The current meta-analysis examines the link between self-control and measures of crime and deviance (between 2000 and 2010).
-99 studies (88 cross-sectional and 19 longitudinal effect sizes, analyzed separately).
- Results: Studies with more male participants, studies based on older or US-based populations, and self-report studies found weaker effects.
*But generally supported across cross-sectional and longitudinal studies.
What are two delinquent behaviors LSC does not seem related to?
Self-control is not associated with smoking (Grasmick et al., 1993) or intimate partner violence (Gottfredson, 2006).
What did the following find for self-control theory? Did it support or not?
Wright, J., & Beaver, K. (2005). Do parents matter in creating self-control in their children: A genetically informed test of Gottfredson and Hirschi’s theory of low self-control.
Important Methods:
Strong Analytical Plan section: twin and HLM over using OLS - which allow for clustering due to genetic similarity.
Findings: Parents may affect levels of self-control less by parenting and more by genetic transmission.
Refutes G&H (1990) proposition that there are no biological causes of LSC.
What did the following find for self-control theory? Did it support or not?
Burt, C., Simons, R., & Simons, L. (2006). A longitudinal test of the effects of parenting and the
stability of self-control: Negative evidence for the general theory of crime.
Although LSC is associated with delinquency, parenting does not become fully mediated out by LSC after age 10. Conclusion? Self-control is not a stable trait
Improvements in parenting, attachment to teachers and changes in peer groups affect low self-control as a trait.
Refutes G&H (1990) proposition that LSC is stable from ages 10 on.
What did the following find for self-control theory? Did it support or not?
Burt, C., Sweeten, G., & Simons, R. (2014). Self-control through emerging adulthood: Instability, multidimensionality, and criminological significance.
Strong Analytical Plan section: group-based trajectory modeling (GBTM) and HLM.
Impulsivity and sensation seeking are independently associated with within-individual changes in offending. SCT conflated these two dimension into a unidimensional construct.
Hints more toward the Dual-System model
Refutes G&H (1990) propositions that LSC is unidimensional & stable.
What is the self-control depletion thesis?
Self-control is a limited resource and the more you must use it (e.g., criminogenic environment like neighborhoods/strains), the weaker/more tired it will get.
Crime may be expected to increase in situations where people must repeatedly exercise self-control (i.e., strains).
What did the following find for self-control depletion? Did it support or not?
Hagger, M., Chatzisarantis, N., Alberts, H., Anggono, C., Batailler, C., Birt, A., & Calvillo, D. (2016). A multilab preregistered replication of the ego-depletion effect.
Meta-analytic multi-lab experimental design
Finds little support for ego depletion (i.e., self-control depletion).
What did the following find for self-control depletion? Did it support or not?
Muraven, M., Pogarsky, G., Schmueli, D. (2006). Self-control depletion and the general theory of crime.
Ignore me.
How does Hay and Forrest (2006) define absolute and relative stability?
Absolute stability – experience no within individual changes
-Should not change after age 10
Relative stability – experience no between individual changes
-One’s SC relative to another SC at a similar age
What did the following find for self-control theory? Did it support or not?
Hay, C., Forrest, W. (2006). The development of self-control: Examining self- control’s stability thesis. Criminology, 44:739-774.
Absolute and relative stability in SC for 80% of sample
Absolute and relative changes in SC for 16% of sample
**Parenting still matters after early childhood and into adolescence in the development of SC
***Self-control can be lost
Mixed Evidence for SCT.
What did the following find for self-control theory? Did it support or not?
What does Moffit conclude about LSC?
Moffitt, T., Arseneault, L., Belsky, D., Dickson, N., Hancox, R., Harrington, H., & Sears, M. (2011). A gradient of childhood self-control predicts health, wealth, and public safety. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(7), 2693-2698
Used a sibling pair method to control for home/family life.
Sibling with the lower self-control had worse outcomes than sibling that did not–which contradicts the importance of parenting attachment in G&H (1990).
Self-control operates as a gradient (e.g., like a temperature) in that early deficit in SC predicts poorer health and wealth outcomes, as well as higher probability in offending as an adult.
What are the strengths of SCT?
Parsimony & testability
What are the weaknesses of SCT?
Deterministic after age 10.
LSC appears to not work as originally articulated: It is not stable or uni-dimensional. The effect of parenting also is unclear.