selection and evolution Flashcards
- -Process that results in the survival and propagation of some individuals or organisms but not of others
- -doesn’t include heritability
- -change in mean or variance in phenotypic distribution within a generation
- -primary mechanism of evolution
Natural selection
Natural process in which forces of nature decide which genetic qualities are best suited to a particular environment
Artificial selection
Breeding of plants and animals for particular traits
Survival and reproduction of offspring - not just number of progeny produced but how many genes passed to offspring
Selection coefficient
Measures strength of selection; more favored = lower selection coefficient
- -Change in population gene frequency over time
- -primary mechanism: selection; other mechanism: immigration, mutations, genetic drift, non random mating
Evolution on a small scale - within the species level, over a short time that results in the for action of new subspecies
Evolution on a large scale - at or above the level of species, over geologic time resulting in the formation of new taxonomic groups
3 criteria necessary for selection to result in evolution
- -variation must exist
- -variation must be gene based
- -variation must correlate with fitness
Directional selection
- -discrimination against one extreme in a phenotypic distribution
- -result: change in phenotypic mean/mode within a generation
Stabilizing selection
- -discrimination against both extremes in phenotypic distribution
- -result: population is more uniform, less variation
Disruptive selection
- -discrimination against mean population, extremes favored
- -result: two or more types, bimodal distribution
Selection vs evolution
All phenotypic variation is subject to selection. Selection is independent of heritability. Selection does not always result in evolution.
Ex. Snapping turtle hatchlings. Bigger hatchlings are more likely to survive but size is due to moisture in soil not a heritable trait.
Clinal variation
Gradual phenotypic change over a large distance
Allen’s rule of clinal variation
Clinal change in extremities of endotherms with extensive distance: cold = short –> warm = long
Surface Area/Volume ratio and the conservation of body heat
Short extremities: less SA, less heat loss
Long extremities: more SA, more heat loss
Bergmann’s rule of clinal variation
ENDOTHERMS larger in colder regions, smaller in warmer regions
Less SA , more vol = conservation of body heat
SA increases, but vol increases faster–> SA is proportional to the square of the linear dimension while vol is proportional the cube of the linear dimension
Opposite in ECTOTHERMS– smaller size in colder regions
Gloger’s rule of clinal variation
Endotherms in arid regions usually lighter in color than in humid regions
Arid: less humidity, less vegetation, less humus in soil, lighter color
Offset by natural selection in localized situations… Ex. El Mapais lava flows in NM
Concordant variation
Expression of one trait is associated with the expression of another
Discordant variation
Expression of one trait doesn’t predict a particular expression of another; no consistent pattern
absolute fitness (W) = x/T relative fitness (w) = W/highest W selection coefficient (1-rfv) = 1 - w