Seizures Flashcards
What is epilepsy?
Condition in which person has recurrent seizures due to a chronic, underlying procss
At least 2-3 seizures w/o clear precipitating factors!!
Tonic vs clonic
Tonic: rigid posturing, continuous muscle tension
Clonic: repetitive, flexion/extension movements
Types of partial seizures
Simple (no loss of consciousness or memory)
Complex (consciousness or memory impaired)
Secondarily generalized
Impaired consciousness with complex partial seizure
Unable to respond to visual or verbal commands
Reduced awareness of ictal period
May become partial with secondary generalization
General description of simple partial seizure (focal aware seizure)
Depending on areas involved
Pt can interact with others during and recall events
Simple partial seizure affecting motor cortex
Clonic movements starting in hand or foot and progressing to involve whole limb (Jacksonian seizure)
Todd’s paralysis: lasts minutes to hrs
Simple partial seizure affecting sensory cortex
Paresthesias, numbness of limb, face
Simple partial seizure affecting temporal lobe
Deja vu
Epigastric discomfort
Simple partial seizure affecting occipital lobe
Flashing lights
Visual changes
Most common type of seizure in adults with epilepsy
Complex partial seizure
Phases of complex partial seizure
May start with aura (psychic sx)
Ictal phase: sudden behavioral arrest or motionless stare and then automatisms (involuntary, automatic behaviors like chewing, swallowing, emotions, hand movements etc)
Posticital: HA, confusion, amnesia, somnolence
Generalized seizures
Bilateral electrical discharge arising from both cerebral hemispheres simultaneously
Absence (petit mal) seizure
Characterized by sudden brief LOS without loss of postural control
5-10 sec
No postictal confusion!!
EEG pattern of absence seizure
Generalized spike and wave pattern
Most common type of seizure due to metabolic problems
Tonic clonic (grand mal)