SEIP 431 Final Flashcards
What factors should be taken into consideration when designing a sequence for introducing prefixes and suffixes?
The relative similarity of the prefixes or suffixes and the number of primary level words in which each prefix or suffix appears.
What types of words will always be considered irregular words?
-Words containing a letter combination that lacks consistency in representing a particular sound
-Words containing common letters or letter combinations not representing their respective, most common sounds
-Words containing a letter combination that will not be taught to the students because of the low frequency of their appearance in words.
Why are y-derivatives tricky?
Y-derivatives can be difficult because they can produce a variety of sounds.
What factors determine the difficulty of irregular words during intermediate reading?
-The difference between how the word is sounded out and how it is actually pronounced
-Whether or not the unknown word is included in students’ speaking vocabulary
-Students’ familiarity with the word
Why are students NOT taught the suffix -ed in isolation?
Because the -ed suffix represents three different sounds.
When it is appropriate to encourage children to use context clues to decode a word?
When students,read words, they can apply their knowledge of the most common sounds for individual letters, sound combinations, and common prefixes and suffixes.
What is the most important factor in determining when a new letter combination should be taught?
When the student is able to read words containing letter combinations introduced to date with no errors.
What is a letter combination?
A group of consecutive letters that predictably represent a new sound.
What is the VCe pattern?
A word pattern in which a single vowel is followed by a consonant which is in turn followed by a final e.
When teaching intermediate-level readers and preparing students for upcoming passage reading, how can teachers determine which irregular words to teach and which to delay?
The teacher should select irregular words from the passage that are highly useful and likely to appear in upcoming passages.
What sound does the letter y represent?
-at the end of multi-syllabic words, y represents the long e sound
-y at the beginning of a syllable represents just the y sound, as in yes
-at the end of one-syllable words, y represents the long i sound
Structural analysis is most closely associated with which term?
morphemic analysis
What do students need to know before they learn to read VCe words?
-The names of the vowel letters
-How to read CVC, CVCC, and CCVC pattern words
-The most common letter-sound correspondences for all of the vowels
The letters c and g consistently represent their minor sounds when…
-They are followed by the vowels e or i
-c is followed by y with y acting as a vowel
-g is followed by y, with y acting as a vowel
When should similar letter combinations NOT be separated?
When they make the same sound
What factors determine the order in which letter combinations are introduced?
The number of primary-grade words in which the letter combination appears and the similarity of letter combinations to each other.
What is the easiest VCe derivative for students to learn?
A VCe derivative formed by adding an s to the end of a word.
Accuracy refers to…
The student’s ability to read without making errors.
What is Modeling?
When verbal explanations of a new word would need to include words students do not understand.
What is a synonym?
When students know a word that can be used to explain a new word.
What is a definition?
When students have adequate language to understand a longer explanation of the specific complex concept.
Fluency refers to…
The ability to read text quickly and accurately with expression.
Automaticity refers to…
Fast, effortless recognition of words in isolation or in lists.
What is the purpose of including minimally different pairs of examples in a vocabulary presentation?
To focus student attention on the characteristics that determine whether or not an example is positive.
Why is it necessary to provide a wide range of examples when teaching vocabulary?
-To clearly define parameters of ‘what it is’ by highlighting critical attributes
-To rule out the possibility of students creating overly narrow understanding of intended concept
-To promote generalization
What factors should be considered when selecting vocabulary words to teach in-depth within intermediate reading…
-The more likely it is for a student to encounter a word in the future, the more important it is to teach that word.
-Teach the meaning of the most important words first.
-Teach important words critical to understanding a story.
In the format for teaching fluency, students read a story three times. What is emphasized during the first reading?
Focus on accuracy
In the format for teaching fluency, students read a story three times. What is emphasized during the second reading?
Focus on comprehension and accuracy
In the format for teaching fluency, students read a story three times. What is emphasized during the third reading?
Focus on fluency
Morphemic analysis has limited usefulness in helping students figure out new words because…
-Many morphemes have dual meanings.
-Students encounter difficulty in translating individual morphemes into a functional definition.
-Students often cannot determine the morphemes that have been combined to make up a word.
At a minimum, what should teachers keep track of during oral reading?
The number of errors and words that are missed.
Over-reliance on context is related to…
-Students reading at a very slow rate.
-Students saying a word that makes sense in the context but is not consistent with the spelling of the word.
-Students misidentifying words in passages that they are able to read correctly in isolation.
Beck and colleagues identified three levels of word knowledge. What is the definition of unknown?
The meaning of the word is completely unfamiliar.
Beck and colleagues identified three levels of word knowledge. What is the definition of acquired?
The basic meaning of the word is recognized after some thought.
Beck and colleagues identified three levels of word knowledge. What is the definition of established?
The meaning of the word is easily, rapidly, and automatically recognized.
What behaviors should be rewarded during passage reading?
-A student knowing their place when called on to read.
-Accuracy during oral reading.
-Making frequent self-corrections while reading.
What is the function of negative examples?
To rule out incorrect generalizations.
What is an appropriate criteria for oral reading?
-97% correct, or not more than 3 errors per 100 words.
For instructionally naive kindergartners, which attributes are associated with vocabulary development?
-They are easily confused by unclear demonstrations.
-They have difficulty repeating statements of more than 4 or 5 words.
-They do not know many common words.
Literal comprehension questions…
Should be asked during the second reading of a story only, and accuracy should be the focus of the first reading.
Direct instruction, concept maps, and semantic feature analysis are three methods to teach:
What are the reasons why teaching statement repetition is important during beginning reading instruction?
-In the later stages, children will have difficulty applying a rule to content if they cannot remember the entire rule.
-In the beginning stage, a teacher will find it difficult to teach children to answer questions with a sentence if the child is not able to repeat a sentence a teacher models.
-In the later grades, children are more likely to have difficulty in assignments in which they have to work with longer statements that have to be precisely said.
What ways do we address vocabulary instruction in content area reading?
-Provide direct instruction using synonyms or definitions.
-Guide students to use context clues.
-Guide students to use resources within the text, such as a glossary.
According to the textbook, what are necessary components for teaching comprehension in early reading programs?
- Explicitly and systematically teaching foundational language skills that are prerequisites for comprehension.
-Providing comprehension instruction related to stories the teacher reads orally to students.
-Teaching comprehension related to the text that students read.
Retelling includes what important comprehension-based skill?
What is an organizational component in content-area reading that may be challenging for students who have limited experience with reading nonfiction?
Interruptions in text due to graphics, headings/subheadings, definitions etc.
What is the correct sequence for teaching questioning words?
Who and what, where, when, how and why
Factors affecting the difficulty students may encounter when answering literal comprehension questions based in a passage include…
-Question order
-Response complexity
-Passage length
When is a story grammar used to assist students with comprehension?
-When reading fiction
What can teachers do to keep student engagement when asking comprehension questions with one correct answer to the whole class?
-Ask a question and provide wait time before calling on a student to answer.
-Call on all students throughout the questioning time in an unpredictable order.
-Occasionally call on the same student two times in a row or shortly after calling on them.
Why does the use of pronouns increase the difficulty of literal comprehension items?
-Pronoun use is contingent upon the syntactical intent of the sentence.
-Pronouns are difficult to decode because they are visually and auditorily similar.
-The student must identify the antecedent before they can answer the item.
What are essential goals of content area reading instruction?
-To help students develop the skills to read nonfiction independently.
-To promote mastery of important information from the text.
-To help students gain transferable skills in reading instruction.
Story grammar involves…
Identify common elements across stories, such as setting, problem, problem resolution, and impact of the events on the character, and use these elements to guide comprehension.
Below is a passage from Harry the Dirt Dog By Gene Zion. “Harry was a white dog with black spots who liked everything except…getting a bath. So one day, when he heard the water running in the tub, he took the scrubbing brush and buried it in the backyard.” A question assessing a student’s literal comprehension of this passage is?
Where did Harry bury the scrubbing brush?
What factors might contribute to difficulty with comprehension?
-Missing background/critical vocabulary knowledge
-Word attack and fluency skills
-Difficulty recalling what was read
Before reading a story, a teacher should preview the story to determine what two major things?
Vocabulary or background knowledge that children are likely not to know but that is critical to their understanding of the story.
Guided reading, reciprocal teaching, partner reading, and using learning strategies are methods to build comprehension at which point in the reading process?
During reading
Determining the author’s conclusion, determining what evidence was presented, determining the trustworthiness of the author, and identifying faulty arguments are all:
Steps in critical reading of nonfiction
To best support students when answering literal comprehension questions, the questions should be ordered…
So that they parallel the sequence of events in the passage
Which of these are important in creating questions for written assignments about content area reading?
-Questions should address major concepts in the reading rather than less important details.
-Questions should include both literal and inferential items.
-Questions should go beyond yes/no responses.