Segment Test: 1st Quarter Flashcards
Republican Mother [W]
patriotic raising, Spartan childhood: patriotism & sacrifice 4 greater good
inequality and recognition
“Remember the Ladies” [W]
Abigail Adams, 1st instance of women’s rights/voice
Cult of domesticity [W]
‘traditional’ feminine ideal; piety, obedience, purity, domesticity
Protestant whites
Seneca Falls Convention [W]
First WRight’s convention, starts movement
declaration of sentiments mimics the DoIndependence
Margaret Sanger (birth control) [W]
challenges lack of contraception, at least avoid carriage
Feminine Mystique (Betty Friedan) [W]
Book 2nd wave feminism
Questions domesticity; unhappiness & the search for something more
the mystique= natural happiness w/domesticity
Salutary Neglect [HMG?]
unofficial relaxation of law enforcement in US colonies
American identity created; independent economic operation
Mercantilism [HMG?]
theory concerned with national economical balance
regulated (balanced) exports & imports
promoted aggressive policy; embargos, tariffs, monopolization
Navigation Acts [HMG?]
policy of mercantilism; limited monetary loss of empire to foreign power; restricted use of foreign ships for trade between Britain and the colonies
States Rights/Nullification [HMG?]
States vs Fed
SC rejects tariffs in 1828-32
National (Cumberland) Road [HMG?]
since 1811
first major highway built by Fed
paid with taxes, connects Maryland to Illinois, doesn’t benefit the south…
Social Darwinism [HMG?]
Regards government subsidizing of american products (such as cars), protection of things that suck
Sherman Antitrust Act [HMG?]
discourages monopoly & cartel
trust: big company w large market power
And what about the exceptionally good, deserving monopolists?
Progressive Movement [HMG?]
widespread sociopolitical reform
Further antitrust & anti gov. corruption
abolitionism, utopianism, women’s suffrage, rejects social Darwinism, takes responsibility
1927 Mississippi River Flood [HMG?]
natural disaster
largest system of levees by Army Corps of Engineers; flood consequence arose elsewhere along river
money allocation conflict (states rights)
New Deal [HMG?]
Adresses the Depression, FD Roosevelt takes action
relief recovery reform
1954 Brown v Board of Edu [HMG?]
supreme court rule declared state laws of segregation unconstitutional
What about the general public, especially within southern states
LBJ: Great Society [HMG?]
Lyndon B Johnson war on poverty & racial injustice
age of civil rights, greatly tumultuous
Affirmative Action [HMG?]
educational/employment support of minorities
socioeconomic equity
Reagan: Deregulation [HMG?]
Government budget cuts and trickle down (Reaganomics)
promoted inequality and fiscal irresponsibility
American Exceptionalism [USAWP]
nation being inherently different
romanticized patriotism
Monroe Doctrine [USAWP]
paternalistic hemispheres
Manifest Destiny [USAWP]
religious right to conquer
Spanish-American War [USAWP]
yellow journalism against Spanish, general bigotry and insolence in name of war: criticizes Spanish rule of Cuba, leads to intervention
Platt Amendment [USAWP]
Conditions by which Cuba must abide for occupation withdrawal
unequal US dominance over Cuba: allow military bases, intervention, clean the place up
Roosevelt Corollary [USAWP]
international policing to relieve troubles of the western hemisphere (specifically Eur>SouAme)
Wilson’s 14 Points (post WWI) [USAWP]
Woodrow Wilson’s plan for global peace (policy for avoiding war)
Marshall Plan (post-WWII) [USAWP]
American initiative to improve W European economies after war
(powers were likely to spend money on resources from America)
Bay of Pigs (Cuba 1961) [USAWP]
Castro defeats the policing jerks, puts them in their place
Castro gets some respect from people around the globe
Cold War era (soviet tension)
Afghanistan 1979 [USAWP]
US weapons given to Afghanistan to fight against Soviet power, same weapons given to terrorist groups eventually used against us
Anti-communism throughout history
Stamp Tax [P&R]
direct tax and demanded use of British paper on printed material
The educated Americans manipulate public opinion to favor patriotism & rebellion
Shay’s Rebellion [P&R]
Shay & thousands of rebels to take Armory over perceived economic injustice by Massachusetts
Called for stronger central document
Rebellion? Not against us.
Whiskey Rebellion [P&R]
Farmers refuse Fed distillation tax in name of taxation without local representation
new gov had will and ability to suppress violent protest
Alien & Sedition Acts [P&R]
“strengthen national security”
Right to jail protesters
regulates immigrants
quasi-war with France
States Rights/Nullification [P&R]
Kentucky & Virginia rule Alien & Sedition acts unconstitutional
claims right to reject acts not authorized by constitution (strict constructionism)
Principles of ‘98: each state has right to declare Fed unconstitutional
Pullman Strike (1894) [P&R]
workers’ boycott of Pullman trains result in protesters’ sabotage of railroads, causing government to intervene; protesters jailed, and authorized army action
Espionage & Sedition Acts [P&R]
1917 WWI
prohibited free speech that would interfere with the US military’s efforts to defeat Germany and its allies
against free speech… terribly broad, promoted conviction by hysteria
Schenck v US (1919) [P&R]
Supreme court ruled that discouraging young adults to draft is illegal (free speech)
indirectly harming troops, don’t shout fire in a crowded theatre.. limited free speech
Flappers [P&R]
shorter hair & skirts, jazzier, rebels, makeup, drinking, driving, smoking
tough chicks
The Beats (1950s) [P&R]
cultural and literary movement dealing with nation’s consciousness
pushed boundaries of acceptance by challenging traditional styles and subjects
American Colonization Society [N]
Send black people back to Africa
Trail of Tears [N]
Forced Native American exodus to the west
Dawes Severalty Act [N]
Native exodus, allowed president to divide their land, exerted control over Native Americans
aimed to lift them out of poverty and stimulate assimilation into American society; eventual citizenship promised
Chinese Exclusion Act [N]
Limited Chinese immigration in response to laborers coming and working for lower wages
friction started with gold rush in 1850s where foreigners gained gold; when it became scarce, were driven out, worked on low-wage laboring in San Francisco largely
called coolies by politicians, disparaged
Dred Scott v Sandford [N]
Supreme court held that blacks could not be american citizens and so had no right to sue
Indirect catalyst to start of the civil war
Plessy v Ferguson [N]
Partially black man forced to sit at back of bus
Supreme court ruled in support of segregation by state law; separate but equal- overruled in Brown v Board of Education
Executive Order 9066 (WWII) [N]
Moved Japanese-Americans to concentration camps
Brown v Board of Edu 1954 [N]
Ruled against segregation, little girl had to walk a mile where as white school was a couple of blocks away
Bakke v University of California [N]
Supreme Court ruled in favor of Affirmative Action
Puritans [R]
Puritans & Separatists
Nonseparatists& Pilgrims
Some of the first American immigrants were Separatists seeking to escape corruption of English Catholic Church
“a city upon a hill” [R]
You are the light of the world
Cited by american politicians
American exceptionalism
Quakers [R]
super friendly, equality & tolerance
Deists [R]
Enlightenment inspired; rejection of authority as source of religious knowledge;
1st Great Awakening [R]
deep awareness of need for salvation
Deep sense of spiritual conviction and redemption, encouraging introspection & new personal morality
“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” [R]
hellfire punishment
vivid imagery of hell w observations of the world & citations of scripture
2nd Great Awakening [R]
moral virtue for heaven; Romanticism of emotion&enthusiasm, lighthearted
Social Gospel [R]
Christian Intellectual movement of 1900s applying ethics to social problems
Progressive Movement [R]
sociopolitical upheaval in 20th century changing views on role of USgov on society
religion: secularlized, morality & social reform
Scopes Monkey Trial [R]
Tennessee trial staged to publicize smalltown Dayton, Tennessee & the Fundamentalist v. Modernist Controversy
Scopes unsure whether having taught evolution, self-incriminated 4 sake of defendant
Trial charges overturned on technicality (succeeded in goal of publicizing)
Christian Coalition [R]
Christian political organization formed by P Robertson for general conservative support
Wilderness Road (Daniel Boone) [Env]
route from east to Kentucky
good gun, horse, wife, salt
volunteered pioneer trailblazer
Cotton [Env]
extremely nutrient demanding; acres of land left barren as farmers kept moving areas
Gold Rush [Env]
extensive mining
Manifest Destiny [Env]
Land meant to be conquered
Pittsburgh 1900 [Env]
Windmill, plow, cow (Midwest) [Env]
1906 San Francisco Earthquake [Env]
Dust Bowl (1930s) [Env]
drought & unprotected soil suffocated those caught in the massive storms
extensive plowing exposed topsoil, turned into loose dust
Silent Spring (Rachel Carson) [Env]
Environmentalist book bashing DDT
“Moral equivalent of War” (Jimmy Carter) [Env]
Articles of Confederation [P]
document unifying 13 colonies under a makeshift constitution
Federalists & Anti-Federalists (fears) [P]
Federalists: feared chaos, favored central gov; Hamilton
Ant-federalists: feared tyranny, favored local gov; Jefferson
Jefferson’s logic: A central bank would be a debt-based nation: basically, slavery.
“Revolution of 1800” [P]
Thomas Jefferson wins over John Adams
Decentralization, anti-fed in power
“Age of Common Man” (Jackson) [P]
Jacksonian democracy, greater democracy for the common man, symbolized by AJ.
2nd party system
“Log Cabin & Hard Cider” campaign (1840) [P]
1840 presidential election
Harrison declared old; give him hard cider, 2k &he’ll spend his days on the log cabin porch, Harrison rebutted that he consequently was a commoner and Buren was labeled a snob
Compromise of 1877 [P]
Ended Reconstruction
tacit resolution that Republican president Hayes would become president over Tilden on condition the federal troops necessary to maintain Republican state governments in South
Dixiecrats (1948) [P]
against civil rights to minorities
Kennedy-Nixon debate [P]
first televised campaign, Kennedy powdered and packaged like a product with cartoons and makeup
“silent majority” (Nixon) [P]
term by Nixon: unspoken opinion of majority
Used to address those not joining protest of Vietnam War
Carter & Reagan [P]
another televised campaign, Reagan being more affective with memorable speech (also told Americans what they wanted to hear)
“not worth a continental” [E]
American Revolutionary currency: Continental Currency: lost value due to lost confidence due to disparity of monetary policy between Congress & States
Example of imperfect union
1st Bank of the US [E]
Alexander Hamilton, 1st treasurer
Embargo of 1807 [E]
Congress&Thomas Jefferson
ban on US exports to force Britain & France to respect US rights during Napoleonic Wars (maintain neutrality)
Mid-19C economy [E]
move towards industrialization
NE does cotton textiles and shoes, W population grew rapidly,
“cross of gold” speech (WJ Bryan) [E]
WJ Bryan bimetallism
value silver over gold, gold evil due to harm to economic health
One of the greatest political speeches in US history
Margin (borrowed money) & 1929 stock crash [E]
borrowed money, selling more for less led to something like inflation, causing crash
margin stock: any stock listed on a national securities exchange
GI Bill [E]
wwii vet benefits:
low mortgage, low interest-loans, free college/education
empowers vets
Stagflation [E]
persisting high inflation & unemployment, stagnant economy
Reaganomics [E]
Emphasized tax-cuts for the poor, and trickle-down theory
Problem?: Will the rich really spend money on everybody else?
Columbian Exchange [S]
Native Americans traded crops for livestock, wheat & disease
Tories v Whigs [S]
Loyalists v Patriots
Patriots were the loudmouth minority, abusing opposition and driving tories out of communities with constant molestation
Hoe rotary press [S]
penny dailies exemplify literacy in the US
1840; 91% white 33% black
Hoe developed 2 sided printing for rotary press
Utopian Communities [S]
american kitsch
Shakers: Mother Ann says No sex, yes furniture!
Oneida: complex marriage, polygamous for either partner; Monogamy no, committee decides childbirth
Sherman’s March (Civil War) [S]
General Sherman marched through Georgia interfering not only with military targets but infrastructure, civilian property, economy & transportation
(revolutionary event, deep in enemy w/ no supply line)
Offended the South, an event they don’t forget
Jim Crow Laws [S]
South state legislature enforcing segregation after Reconstruction
held from 1877 to 1965
1890 separate but equal
ultimately overruled by 1954 and 1964
Late 19C immigration [S]
European immigrants formed a bulk of US industrial labor, allowed new industries; gained US a front position in global economic power
US Citizens held xenophobia, Irish especially targeted for their Catholicism which was feared to generate friction with American values, as they were ‘controlled by the pope’
1880 invention of steamship saw greater immigrant mobility
Triangle Shirtwaist Co. Fire [S]
deadliest industrial disaster in US history- Manhattan
Exits locked to prevent gratuitous slacking, fire struck and victims either burned or jumped to their deaths
Improved safety standards and promoted growth of ILGWU, improving s.s 4 sweatshops
Spanish Flu [S]
Unusually deadly outbreak of flu across globe
Powers in wwi minimized reports of fatalities, the neutral Spanish reported freely; people lead to believe Spain’s fault
Hoovervilles [S]
makeshift shanties of the Great Depression named after the acting president in blame
Jackie Robinson [S]
1950s to 60s
first black major league baseball player
When Dodgers played him, ended segregation of that baseball community
Levittown [S]
first mass-produced suburbia
Dr. Spock’s baby book [S]
Man later blamed for rebelliousness of the baby boomer generation
McCarthyism [S]
anti-communist hysteria
Sputnik [S]
Russian satellite won the cold war
US feared H bombs
Black Power [S]
emphasizes racial pride & collective effort for black interests and values
In history used broadly; self determination
1850s used by Frederick Douglass to describes the disproportionate political power held by slave owners in the South
Rust Belt [S]
industrial lost in NE; economy has migration to Sunbelt
1980s immigration [S]
stark difference in reception, after a marked american identity, new incomers looked down upon…