Seeking purity Flashcards
What 2 distinct categories is purity divided into
physical substances (haqiqi) ritual states (hukmi)
Attaining purity is a practice that was shared and dates back to previous manifestations of Islam, give an example
Sarah, the wife of p Ibrahim (as)
When was wudu first obligated
The verses regarding wudu were all revealed in Madinah
What are the 2 views on wudu obligation
- Makkah
Majority of scholars hold that wudu was taught and made mandatory on the Prophet (pbuh) after the first revelation of the Quran in Ramadan whilst still in Makkah - Madinah
Others hold the view that it was made fardh in Madinah after the revelation of the verses in sura al Tayammum and that wudu was just ‘recommended’ in Makkah
What can be said about the verse in the Quran relating to wudu which was revealed years after the first revelation in Madinah?
The verses in Madinah reiterated and emphasised the previously practiced actions of wudu in Makkah as well as introducing the idea of Tayammum
ie it clarified that wudu was obligatory
what is tayammum
practiced with water scarcity
used sand for purification
define physical impurity (haqiqi)
any substance whose attributes are deemed impure by Shariah e.g. wine, urine
an actual physical substance which are required to be cleaned and removed
define ritual impurity (hukmi)
a state that occurs due to having entered into what the Shariah views as a state of ritual impurity e.g. deep sleep, loss of consciousness, passing wind
required to purify oneself through cleansing regardless of physical impurities
what are the types of physical impurities
strong and weak
what are strong impurities
when we have proof that a substance is impure, it is considered a strong impurity by default
examples of strong impurities
- all substances that come from the human body that would require one to perform either wudu or ghusl
- blood that flows from the body
- the flesh of dead animals that have not been ritually slaughtered
- the excrement of all animals
- urine and milk of animals whose meat is forbidden to consume
- sweat and saliva of impure animals e.g. pigs and dogs
- grape wine
list substances that come from the human body that would require one to perform wudu or ghusl
blood sperm urine vomit human faeces
strong impurities must be washed off, true or false
what are the exceptions on washing off strong impurities
for solid impurities the excusable amount is just under 4g
for liquid impurities, the surface area of a 50p coin is excusable
if any amount of strong impurity falls into water, it renders the water impure and unsuitable for wudu or ghusl, true or false
what are the 4 levels of purity? al Ghazali
- Purity from outward filth
- Purity from the wrong actions of the limbs
- Purity of the heart from spiritual diseases - envy, greed
- Purity of soul from other than Allah
whenever you want to pray, your body/clothes/place of prayer has to be free of any physical impurities, true or false
3 general rules for the removal of impurities
- visible impurities must be cleaned until the substance is removed (residual staining can be overlooked)
- non-visible impurity - affected area is washed until it is reasonable to assume it has been removed
- the body - istinja’
what is istinja’
cleaning oneself after urinating or defecating
when can istinja’ be a sunnah
if the area of filth is less than what is fard to wash - less than what is excusable
when does istinja’ become fard
if the filth exceeds impurity that is deemed excusable
in such case, water should be used and failure to clean will invalidate any prayer
Purity of clothing e.g. menstrual blood staining clothing
‘scrape it, rub it with water, pour water over it and then pray in it’
what 3 things should be cleaned before praying
body, place, mind
scholarly difference on: urine of a child as a physical impurity
a baby who has not been weaned off of breast milk, the Prophet (pbuh) would say just spray water on it
what schools of thought think urine of a male child is not an impurity
Shafi and Hanbali
what are the thoughts of maliki and hanafi on the urine of a child
urine is urine, there is no difference
Who is An-Nawawi
is a prominent leader in the Shafi’ school
How are impurities removed if the ground is hard
pouring water over the area
how are impurities removed from soft floor furnishings
ensuring the removal of visible impurity, if it is not visible, then the surface is cleaned by rubbing and washing the affected area 3 times
How many general methods of removing impurities are there
there are over 30 methods but the most common
most common methods of removing impurities
properties of water that makes it suitable for cleaning impurities
flows easily
is ritually pure
has properties that facilitate the removal of impurities
another example of liquid used for cleaning impurities
how could you use dust to clean
if you stepped in dog poo, you can rub your shoe off of dust
for dried impurities
smooth surfaces e.g. metal, mirrors
drying (jafaf)
used for exposed earth
the purification for the earth is its becoming dry
tanning (dabgh)
animal skins are purified through a process known as tanning
exceptions to animal skins purification
define istihala (chemical or physical transformation)
an alteration in the qualities and attributes of impurities to the point that the substance ceases to be deemed impure - since the qualities of impurities no longer remain therein