SEEDS Flashcards
People like me are better than others (vs. focus on shared goals or similarities)
If it feels familiar & easy, it must be true (vs. paint a complete picture)
My perceptions are accurate (vs. get other perspectives)
Closer is better than distant (vs. decide in another time frame)
Bad is stronger than good (vs. decide for other people)
Most biases occur unconciously
Education doesn’t change that
Biases, like diseases, have many causes
Yet we throw the same cure at everything
If you have a brain
You are biased
Unconscious bias
Accidental, unintended, subtle, and completely unconscious choices made by everyone, all the time
Pre-motor area
Mirror neurons for reflexive perspective taking
Insular cortex
Connects mirror neurons to emotional response
Limbic system
Emotional perspective taking
Temporal lob
Memory plays a role in perspective taking
Pre-frontal cortex
Executive functions for cognitive perspective taking
D & I
Improves problem solving and creativity, reduces mindless conformity, raises team intelligence