Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic use Flashcards
CNS depressants
Drugs of diverse chemical structures that are all capable of inducing varying degrees of CNS depression.
Compounds of sedative, hypnotic, and anxiolytic
The effects of CNS depressants are additive with one another and with the behavioral state of the user
drugs are used in combination to increase depressive effects
CNS depressants are capable of producing
physiological and psychological addiction
A condition in which an individual becomes resistant to the effects of one drug because he or she has developed tolerance to another drug with similar pharmacological activity
Cross tolerance
A condition in which an individual can become dependent on more than one substance because of their similar activity and effects.
Cross dependence
Barbiturates, nonbarbiturate hypnotics, antianxiety agent, and club drugs
Categories of sedative, hypnotic, and anxiolytic drugs
Presence of clinically significant maladaptive behavioral or psychological changes that develop during or shortly after use of one of these substances.
Sedative, hypnotic, and anxiolytic intoxication