Security+ Set C Flashcards
C&C (command and control)
infrastructure of hosts and services with which attackers, direct, distribute, and control malware over botnets. Also known as C2.
CA Certificate Authority
a server that guarantees subject identities by issuing signed digital certificate wrappers for their public keys.
CAC (common access card)
certificate based authentication and supports two-factor authentication.
CAN (controller area network bus)
A serial network designed to allow communications between embedded programmable logic controllers.
CAPTCHA (completely automated public turing test to tell computers and humans apart)
difficult for computers to interpret
CASB (cloud access security broker)
enterprise management software designed to mediate access to cloud services by users across all types of devices
CBC (cipher block chaining)
an encryption mode of operation where an exclusive or (XOR) is applied to the first plaintext blockglossary
CCMP (counter mode with cipher block chaining message authentication code protocol)
encryption protocol used for wireless LANs that addresses the vulnerabilities of the WEP protocol.
CE (cryptographic erase)
method of sanitizing a self-encrypting drive by erasing the media encryption key.
CHAP (challenge handshake authentication protocol)
for dial up networks that uses encrypted 3 way handshake to authenticate client to server. The challenge response is repeated through the connection to guard against replay attacks.
CIA Triad
Also known as AIC triad. principles of security control and management
CIS (center for internet security)
not for profit organization. It publishes the well known top 20 critical security controls.
CN (common name)
An X500 attribute expressing a host or user name, also used as the subject identifier for a digital certificate.
COBO (corporate owned, business only)
Enterprise mobile device provisioning model where the device is the property of the organization and personal use is prohibited.
COPE (corporate owned, personally enabled)
Enterprise mobile device provisioning model where the device remains the property of the organization, but certain personal use, such as private email, social networking, web browsing is permitted.
CRL (certificate revocation list)
a list of certs that were revoked before their expiration date
CSP (cloud service provider)
vendor offering cloud models
CSR (cert signing request)
base64 ASCII file that subject sends to a CA to get a certificate.
CTI (cyber threat intel)
process of ivestigating, collecting, analyzing, and diseminating info about emerging threats and sources. also known as threat intel.
CVE (common vulnerabilities and exposures)
scheme for identifying vulnerabilities developed by MITRE and adopted by NIST
CVSS (common vulnerability scoring system)
risk mgmt. approach to quantifying vulnerability data and then taking into account the degree of risk to different types of systems or information.
CYOD (choose your own device)
enterprise mobile device provisioning model where employees are offered a selection of corporate devices for work and optionally private use.
Cloud Security Alliance
industry body providing security guidance to CSPs, including enterprise reference architecture and security controls matrix.