Security Halt & ORP Flashcards
What is the purpose of an Objective Rally Point (ORP)?
A rally point established on an easily identifiable point on the ground for all elements of the infiltrating unit to assemble and prepare to attack the objective.
The ORP allows for coordination and planning before an operation.
What are the conditions for conducting an Objective Rally Point?
Given a Ranger platoon with all MTO&E, in a simulated combat environment, in all weather conditions, and two SURT instructors.
MTO&E refers to Modified Table of Organization and Equipment.
What is the standard for conducting ORP operations?
Ranger conducted an ORP operation IAW SH 21-76 and met the commander’s intent.
What are the planning considerations for an ORP?
Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.
These considerations help in organizing the operation effectively.
Fill in the blank: An ORP should be ______ from sight, sound, and small arms range of the objective.
[200-400m in good visibility, 100-200m in limited visibility]
What are the characteristics of an ORP?
- Away from sight, sound, and small arms range of the objective
- Easily defendable for a short period of time
- Easily identifiable point on the ground
- Provides good cover and concealment for the entire platoon
- In the direction the platoon plans to move after completion of actions on the objective.
What is the order of movement during a Security Halt?
Security, HQ, Assault 1, Assault 2, Gun 1T, Gun 2T, Gun 3T.
True or False: The direction of travel dictates the 12 O’Clock position.
What actions should the platoon leader take during a Security Halt?
- Give the signal to halt
- Confirm proper location for security halt
- Conduct SLLS (Stop, Look, Listen, Smell).
What is the purpose of the Initial Perimeter Adjustment (IPA) during ORP occupation?
- Check open bolt weapon systems
- Check dispersion of weapon systems
- Allocate hasty sectors of fire.
What are the reasons for occupying an Objective Rally Point?
- Reconnoitering the objective
- Disseminating information from reconnaissance
- Finalizing the plan
- Making final preparations before continuing operations
- Accounting for soldiers and equipment after actions at the objective are complete
- Changes in the FRAGO
- Reestablishing the chain of command after actions at the objective are complete
- Fall back position after actions on objective.
What is included in the 5 Point Contingency Plan for Leader’s Recon?
- G - Where you are going
- O - Others you are taking with you
- T - Time you will be gone
- W - What to do if you do not return
- A - Actions on contact.
What does the acronym GOTWA stand for?
- G - Where you are going
- O - Others you are taking with you
- T - Time you will be gone
- W - What to do if you do not return
- A - Actions on contact.
What is the composition of the leader’s recon party?
- PL
- FO
- 3 AG’s
- Entire security squad.
Fill in the blank: Security squad fills in from the PL to ______ in PZ posture.
[GUN 1]