Secularisation + religion in a global context Flashcards
Wilson, 1966
Decline of the significance of religious beliefs, practices + organisations.
“Extreme Pluralism” = both religious + scientific beliefs still exist within society.
Both religion + science have roles within society however, science has more significance.
Parsons, 1974
Structural differentiation = role of religion has changed, its more specialised.
Huxley, 1952
“The Devils of Loudun” = the medieval Church wasn’t respected because of greed/sexual misconduct/etc.
Acquavita, 1979
“The Decline of the Sacred in Industrial Society” = globalisation of secularisation + globalisation + globalisation of the decline of the influence of Christianity.
Religious statistics lack reliability + validity.
Religious statistics can’t be used to test religious beliefs.
Demaroth + Hammond
Religious practice doesn’t correspond to someone’s religiosity.
Gallop Polls = show that a lot of Americans believe in God.
Berger + Luckman
Theory of Rationalisation = people turn to logic.
Rationalism is promoted within religious organisations = undermines the emphasis on the supernatural.
Structural differentiation is at the core of secularisation because it involves the separation of religion from the State.
Bruce, 1995
Religion becomes less important within society because some of its previous functions are taken over.
2 sources of religious Pluralism within society =
1) cultural defence/transition.
2) NRMs = religious pluralism/fragmentation.
Greely + Nelson
the growth of NRMs is proof of religious revival within society.
Glock + Bellah
Even in industrial society people seek religion + fulfillment as an alternative to science.
NRMs are created within society as a reaction to modernity creating a lack of belonging.
19th Century = “Golden Age Religiosity” =
1998 = estimates that in 1851, 40% of the adult population, attended a Church.
Gill et al
100 national surveys (1939-1996) = show a decline in the belief of a personal God/ afterlife.
Woodhead + Heelas
Traditional religions have declined + been replaced by more successful evangelical groups (NRMs).
Believes that Church attendance level is exaggerated through statistics e.g. Ohio = 83% higher than reality.
Lynd + Lynd
Absolutism is declining even amongst believers because of Post-modernism/etc.
“Believing without belonging” = religion isn’t declining it’s just taking a more privatised form.
People now have “cultural amnesia” = religion isn’t passed down from 1 generation to the next anymore. People are now “Spiritual shoppers” + it’s their choice.
Post-modern society = new religious forms.
Religion has been deinstitutionalised = people “pick-and-mix” parts from different religions to create an identity.
Stark + Bainbridge
Religion Market Theory = people make a rational choice about religion based on benefits.
Religion is attractive due to supernatural compensation.
Norris + Inglehart
Religion is a response to deprivation.
High religiosity in countries where there is a high level of threat to people’s lives.
Gill + Lundegaarde
In countries where a lot is spent on welfare = lower level of religiosity.
India = increasing amount of religiosity = Tele-Gurus = wealth is given to them by God.
Fundamentalists want to return to the fundamentals of their faith = reaction to globalisation.
Fundamentalism is different in the west to the LEDCs (less economically developed countries).
West = reaction to change in society.
LEDCs = Reaction to factors outside of the society, which caused a change within society.
“Clash of civilisations”