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Sí Bheag Sí Mhór Inverted
Page 2 is retrograde
canon 4pt @ octave, quaver’s distance, vln, viola, cello, piano
1st played with hurdy gurdy accompaniment.
2nd played with hurdy gurdy in inversion to create drone.
3rd played with hand clusters, high violin and no accompaniment.
canon @ crotchets distance
based on C major, recurrence of C sharp
Whispy, eerie melody.
changes in time signature
harmonics on cello
reptition , choppy texture, notes below violin register 8ve lower
anchored around A flat
Like C1 but with widened intervals (wedging) , lower version, atonal
Slowe, softer, viola and cello only.
Played 5 times in canon.
Different canon order each time.
1st loud and fast
2nd loud and fast - piano block chords join in
3rd loud and fast - piano doubles strings
4th Soft and light
5th Very loud - droning, double stopping
Played 4 times.
1st - strings only
2nd - piano enters, faster, louder
3rd - faster, louder, left hand piano double at dissonant intervals
4th - Very loud
Beidh Aonach Amárach , shortest time sig of piece, homophonic, rhythmically unstable, viola melody
d2 + b3
Beidh Aonach Amárach combined with rhythm B melody on viola and cello, polyphonic
D2 in retrograde.
4 part canon, low bonky piano
hommage a horrowitz, blurring octaves, very loud, no canon
solo piano
soft, slow, canon, repeated twice, 3prt canon @ 8ve distance, changing time sig
e2 + d3
E and D melody played at the same time twice (E is retrograde of D), polyphonic, key sig Bb minor
3 part canon @ the 8ve, distance of a quaver
Softer/slower, polyphonic, flautando
Counterpoint, dissonance, like contrary scale,
Inversion of C6 melody with other C melody played on cello, canon
double stopping, faster and louder
f and c8
F is a jig style melody.
Played forwards on violin with retrograde on right hand piano.
Augmentation of C melodies.
different time signatures, polymetry
Begins with a 1 bar rest.
Slow canon (not counterpoint), crazy high, polyphonic, Short ,wide range
Telescoping, new material, homophonic,
Shortest section in the music.
Lord Mayo’s Delight, new music, 2 pt canon ,viola and cello, flautando, polyphonic