Sections 1231, 1245, 1250, and 291 Flashcards
§1231 property is?
(simple definition)
Real property and depreciable property used in business rather than held for resale.
§ 1231 Computation
Step 1: Casualty Netting
Net any §1231 casualty gain with any L/T nonpersonal use asset casualty gain
net §1231 casualty loss with any L/T nonpersonal use casualty loss
§1231 Computation
Step 2: if net gain results from step 1 (2 parts)
A. Gain is carried forward and added to §1231 gains and §1231 condemnation gains
B. The total from part A is netted against §1231 losses
§1231 Computation
Step 3: if step 1 or step 2B results in a net loss
Everything is separated:
All gains become ordinary gains
§1231 losses are deducted for AGI
All other losses are deducted from AGI (2%)
§1231 Compuation
Step 4: If results from step 2B is a gain
Apply the §1231 lookback of any nonrecaptured losses from the previous 5 years
If a gain survives it is a LTCG
The portion that is offset is ordinary income.
If §1245 results in a loss, the loss is §1231 loss. How are §1231 losses treated?
They are ordinary losses deductible for AGI
§1245 recapture formula
What portion is §1245?
What portion is §1231?
(cost - depreciation) =
If gain is > depreciation then depreciation is §1245 OI and the difference is §1231 gain.
If gain is < depreciation then all of the gain is §1245 OI
§1245 Property
- Amort property such as GW, patents, copyrights, & leaseholds of §1245 prop. (professional athletes prop is §1245)
- Amortization of reforestation expenditures
- Expensing costs to remove architectual & transportation barriers that restrict handicapped/elderly
- §179 immediate expensing of deprec. tangible personal prop costs
- Elevators & escalators acquired before Jan 1, 1987.
- Pollution control facilities, railroad grading, & tunnel bores on the job training and child care facilities wich amortization is taken
- single purpose ag & horticulture structures & petroleum storage facilities
- 15 yr, 18 yr, and 19 yr nonresidential real estate that uses accelerated depreciation and was put into use between 1/1/81 and 12/31/86.
§1250 Property is?
Depreciable real property not subject to §1245.
Intangible real property, leaseholds of §1250 prop
§1250 does not apply if?
Only S/L depreciation is taken
Property is sold at a loss
If S/L depreciation is used on §1250 property what is the gain classified as?
The entire gain to the amount of S/L depreciation taken will be unrecaptured §1250 and subject to 25% tax. Any amount of the gain exceeding the S/L depreciation will be taxed at 0/15%
§1250 Recapture applies to?
(list of 4)
- Residential real estate aquired before 1987
- Nonresidential real estate acquired before ‘81
- Real property predominantly used outside of the US
- certain government finan and low income housing
Unrecaptured §1250 gain is taxed at?
§1231 losses first offset…
0/15% then 25%
Any §1231 lookback first recharacterizes
25% then 0/15%