Sections 1-10 Flashcards
-Sleep diary, Epworth sleepiness scale, Pittsburgh, STOP-BANG
-Polysomnography (PSG) - gold standard for sleep staging
Top 5 factors accounted for 80% MI risk: tobacco, lipids, HTN, DM, OB
Examined psychosocial factors & established that they were comparable to the effect of HTN & abd OB
Tiredness (daytime sleepiness)
Observed apnea
Pressure (HTN)
BMI > 30
Age > 50
Neck circ >16 (men), >14 (women)
Gender (male)
Depression & coronary disease
-Depression is an INDEPENDENT risk factor for coronary disease
-Abnormal platelet adherence, endothelial dysfunction
-Lower HR variability
-Dep precedes coronary disease by several years
-2x cardiac events
Highest sources of sodium in diet
~70% added outside the home
~14% inherent to food
~10% added in home food prep or at table
Mixed dishes (burgers, sandwiches, tacos, rice/pasta/grain dishes; pizza; meat/poultry/seafood dishes; soup)
Types of food:
Chips/crackers/savory snacks
Heartrate variability
Time between each heartbeat
when sympathetic & parasympathetic are balanced, there is variability in time between beats
If sympathetic is high, then have low variability (more equal time between beats)
If parasympathetic is high, then have high variability
The greater the variability, the more resilient and greater cardiovasuclar fitness
Harvard Study of Adult Development
Single most important predictor of happiness and longevity was having social connections
Positive psychology
Strengths-focused approach (what is working well) vs. disordered-focused approach (what went wrong)
When positive emotions outweigh negative emotions, improved well-being occurs
Goal to increase well-being, flourishing through focus on PERMA
Use during all stages of change - examine strengths & motivations, explore & celebrate past sucesses, reconnect to purpsose/meaning, leverage challenges as learning opps
Health Belief Model
Perceived threat to health + perceived severity of this threat vs. perceived benefit of change + perceived barriers to change
Cues to action (internal symptoms, role models, environmental factors) that prompt change adoption
Positive emotions - focus on these improves well-being; inspiration, hope, love, awe, gratitude, joy
Engagement - using strengths & talents to overcome challenges; have sense of control, clear goals, and fully able to concentrate; high challenge + high skills
Relationships - social connections are critical; strong relationships have greates impact on life satisfaction; focus on growth-focused, authentic relationships
Meaning/purpose - identifying values and pursuing activities aligned with them
Achievement/accomplishment - result of working toward and reaching goals with sucess; results in mastery, self-efficacy
Chronic Care Model
Promotes collaborative care, connection with community resources, increases access to care, increases patient engagement
Emphasizes self-management support & central role of patient in health care
Community resources + self-mgmt + health system intentionally organized (decision support, CIS)
Self-monitoring, self-management
Improved coping, expertise, overall sense of well-being
Emphasizes patient’s central role in their helaht care
Autonomy & self-efficacy are keys to sustainable self-management
Sources Vitamin A
Vision, growth, reproduction, skin
Requires conversion to retinol in plant foods (is preformed in animal foods)
Sweet potato
Butternut squash
Plant milks
5 As behavior change (and specific for smoking)
Assess health risks
Advise change (personalized)
Agree on counseling focus, willingness for change
Assist w/ setting goals, resources
Arrange follow-up & support
Ask about tobacco use on every patient
Advise quitting
Assess readiness to quit
Assist w/ counseling, Rx
Arrange follow-up (1 week prior, 3 days following quit date, first month ater)
Sourcres Vitamin D
Calcium absorption (bone health), muscle health, glucose metabolism
Fortified milk
Pt w/ high CVD risk (had T2DM or mult risk factors)
Mediterranean (nuts vs. olive oil) vs. SAD showed 30% risk reduction of major CV event over 5 years
Chol norms
Total < 150
LDL < 100 (<70 in high risk)
HDL >40 (male), >50 (female)
Trig <150
If total chol is 90-140, plaque progression ceases and other risk factors (e.g., smoking, ob, inactivity) don’t produce plaques
ApoB is a stronger indicator of artherogenicity
Lp(a) independent risk factor for CVD - highly heritable
PPIs (Positive psychology interventions)
-Gratitude journal
-Volunteer work
-Reflecting on how want to be remembered
-practicing acts of kindness
-Counting blessings
-Connecting with others in person
-Thinking of happiest days
Intensive Therapeutic Lifestyle Change (ITLC): phases, key information
Induction: dramatic changes; typically indiv & group visits, multidisciplinary, not require motivation & self-efficacy
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
Master circadian clock; located in the hypothalamus
Oscillators in all peripheral cells - mini clocks
Dysregulation comes when internal clock does not jive with social clock
Depression & mortality
-Depresesion is INDEPENDENT marker for all cause mortality
-As strong a marker as smoking
-Increased risk for CA and CVA
In the past 2 weeks, how often:
-Feeling down, depressed, hopeless
-Little interest or pleasure in normal things
-Feeling nervous, anxious, on edge
-Can’t stop or control worrying
PHQ4 combines the two
For all 3, any score >/3 needs further evaluation
When to screen for TAPS
Smoking: Regularly
-Ages 18+
-Annually + problem-focused visits when may be alcohol-related
-High risk groups more often
Lapse/relapse prevention & mangement
When might it occur, under what circumstances, with whom
How notice a lapse before becomes relapse?
Who to turn to during a lapse/relapse?
Lapse/relapse are normal parts of change process
Depression & diabetes
-T2DM & depression have BIDIRECTIONAL association
-Insulin indifrectly influences serotonin, norepi, dopamine synthesis
-Depression alters HPA axis & symp NS
-Perceived lack of ctrl over DM can increase dep & anx
Health Professionals Follow-Up Study
2 or more SSB/day (vs. <1/mo) incresased overall mortality by 21% and CVD death by 31%
Higher intake red meat = 11-15% increased risk CHD
Sub plant-protein for red meat decreased risk by 14-17%
Olive oil better than most animal fats & margarine at reducing CHD risk
Vitamin D binding protein decrease mob/mort CRCA
Sleep and health
Shortened sleep lead to:
-Higher nighttime cortisol, glucose, and reduced insulin sensitivity
-Lower daytime leptin -> highger intake carbs
-Reduced testosterone, growth hormone
-Increased AGEs
-Endothelial dysfunction
-Elevated BP
-Reduced peripheral perfusion
-Increased MI, CVD death risk
-Impaired learning, memory
-Emotional distress, impaired judgment
-Decresaesd alertness, cognitive processing
-Aberrant DNA methylation
-Immune supression
-Gene transcription dysfunction
-OB, T2DM, CV risk, depression, bipolar, seasonal affective, PMS, worsened PTSD, worsened TBI, cancer
Therapeutic alliance
Trust, empathy, inclusive
Working collaboratively towards goals
Depression Tx
-1st line is pharm alone, CBT alone (for mild), or combo; pharm is SOC for mod to severe
-CBT + pharm are more effective than meds alone for dep, panic d/o, OCD
-LM can be adjunct to pharm and CBT
—–Exercise is as effective as pharm for mild to moderate
—-Decreasing fast food, healthier diet
—–F/V have some evidence for increased eudamonia, fewer negative emotions, decreased symp of anx, dep; more + attitude
Transtheoretical Model
Precontemplation: not planning to change or > 6 months out; use MI; listneing, open-ended ?s; anticipate sustain talk; ask how would know ready to change; provide general info health risks
Contemplation: thinking about change in next 6 months; use MI; anticipate ambivalence b/c pros not yet outweighing cons; needs certainty & assurance; ask how would know ready to change; provide general info health risks
Preparation: Decided to make change in next month; CBT; assess confidence; co-create action plan - goals need to be specific & clear; excited & nervous; schedule follow-up
Action: Actively making changes for < 6 months; not yet met goals; CBT; challenge distorted thoughts; celebrate sucesses; very vulnerable to relapse; lapse prevention plan; estab social supportive resources; estab system of accountability & self-monitoring
Maintenance: Making changes for >6 months but still have some desire to return to old habits; CBT; reconnect w/ purpose for change (build autonomous motivation) & continue setting specific & clear goals
Termination: No longer tempted to return to old habits; has adequate self-efficacy & for skills
Diabetes Prevention Program
diet (low-fat, low-cal) + PA (150 MVPA) + lose/maintain 7% vs. metformin vs. placebo
Progression from preDM to T2DM:
lifestyle vs. placebo was ~60% lower incidence
metformin vs. placebo was ~30% lower incidence
lifestyle vs. metformin was ~39% lower incidence
Saw results even without full adherence (7% wt loss)
How to progress exercise (aerobic & resistance)
-start at 15 min, moderate intensity, 3-4x week
-Increase by 20% until reach 30 minutes
-Increase duration first, then frequency, then intensity
-Slowly increase from mod to vig and from interval to continuous
-Start w/ single set of 8-12 reps (10-15 for older adults w/ lighter weight) of each major muscle group @ 40-50% 1RM, 2 days week
-Gradually increase resistance (weight), repetition (reps), frequency (#sets, days)
-Goal to get to 2-4 sets of each major muscle group
-More reps, lighter load = muscle endurance
-Fewer reps, heavier load = muscle strength
Examined top factors for stroke risk; top 10 lifestyle factors were associated a/ 90% of the stroke risk
Ultraprocessed foods represented >50% caloric intake
Undiagnosed DM significant problem
Determinants of health
ACE, SDOH & disparities, genetics/epigenetics, SES, health literacy, environmental conditions
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Gold standard psychotherapy for many d/o
Best for stages of change Preparation/Action/Maintenance
Recognizes distorted (non-productive) thinking and reframing through self-talk
Distorted thoughts such as all-or-nothing, overgeneralizations, mind-reading, fortune telling, mental filters, magnificantion/minimization, personalization & blame, emotional reasoning, labeling/mislabeling, disqualifying the positive
Utilizes ABCDE method of behavioral change
Pre DM vs DM, other measures & when to screen
Pre DM
A1C 5.7-6.4
FBG 100-125
OGTT 150-199
DM >/= 6.5
FBG >125
OGT > 200
Random BG + symptoms
HOMA-IR - measure of insulin resistance
C-peptide is by product of insulin production - will be decreased in T1 and long term T2
Screen in all OW/OB adults w/ 1 other risk factor and all patients starting at age 45
Low fat, lots f/v, adequate mag, K+, ca2+, fewer snacks/sweets (vs. isocaloric SAD)
Pt w/ & w/o HTN, not on antihypertensives
Lower SBP & DBP after 2 weeks (-5/-3)
Those w/ HTN baseline had more pronounced improvements (-11/-5.5); age <50 did better
Results were comparable to reductions seen in monotherapy
Orig study kept Na+ stable at 3000 but everything else says low sodium (1500-2300)
Good sources of potassium
Beet greens
Green vegetables
Goals for max sodium, fat, added sugar
Max sodium 2300 (goal 1500 in HTN)
WHO goal <10% added sugar (<5% ideal); AHA 6-9 tsp (female/male)
AHA <5-6% total calories sat fat
top source in us diet is cheese
Ornish/Lifestyle Heart Trial
3% regression in coronary stenosis maintained over 5 years
Regression overall (lifestyle only, no meds) vs. progression on meds and tons of progression on no meds
Reduced LDL
Diabetic cohort, workplace setting, Vanderbilt
Less health care utilization, nearly 25% were able to cut one medication
Low source = </= 5% DV
Good source = 10-19% RDI or DV (regulated term)
High or excellent source = >20% (regulated term)
Gluten-free (regulated term)
Organic (regulated term)
Low sugar not allowed but lightly/slightly/less sweet is used
Natural is not regulated
Light sodium = 50% less
Reduced sodium = 25% less
No salt added = natural sodium still present
Social media impact on mental health
-Problematic social media use (high frequency) is strongly and independently associated w/ depression
-Assoc w/ poor sleep (esp nighttime use), low self-esteem, anx, dep
Severe caloric restriction (~600kcal) resulted in normalization of beta cell function, reduced hepatic & pancreatic triacylglycerol within weeks
Resilience, self-care, burnout prevention - clinician
primordial: decrease risk factors before burnout onset; building social support networks, advocacy
primary: ID and reduce source of burnout; reduce burdens, normalize struggles, decrease isolation, provide support
secondary: reduce severity of burnout; stress management, mindfulness
tertiary: minimize adverse consequences of burnout; referrals to mental health, EAP