Section8 Flashcards
What are the two characteristics used to classify goods in the economy?
- Excludable: A good is excludable if a person can be prevented from using it when they do not pay for it.
- Rival: A good is rival if one person’s use diminishes other people’s use.
What is a public good?
A public good is non-rival and non-excludable, e.g., national defence and lighthouses.
What is the free rider problem?
A free rider is someone who benefits from a good without paying for it, leading to under-provision of public goods by the market.
How can the government solve the free rider problem?
- Provide public goods funded through tax revenue.
- Introduce a fixed fee for access.
What is a common resource?
What’s the type?
A common resource is rival but non-excludable, e.g., fish in the ocean and the atmosphere.
What is the tragedy of the commons?
Overuse of a common resource leads to depletion, harming everyone. Example: overfishing.
What are possible solutions to the tragedy of the commons?
- Government intervention: Usage rules and enforcement.
- Privatisation: Assign property rights.
- Self-organisation: Local management of resources.
What are mixed public goods?
Goods that are non-rival but excludable, e.g., highways, parks, and theatres.
What is the optimal pricing policy for mixed public goods like tunnels?
- Peak demand price = Marginal Cost during peak.
- Off-peak price = 0.
- Introduce a fixed fee for access.
What is the atmosphere’s role as a common resource?
I think we can delete this
The atmosphere protects life by providing oxygen and regulating temperature. Excessive greenhouse gas emissions harm its balance.