Section4 Flashcards
Ha the right to access and benefit from scientific advancement while being protected from misuse
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (A-27)
Prioritizes global citizen well-being and urges members state to implement protocols
UNESCO (Recommendation on the status of scientific research) (A-4) (1974)
To enhace support for equitqble scientific capacity
UNESCO (Declaration on the use of scientific Knowledge) (A-33) (1999)
- Frameworks used to deal with biodiversity on a national level
- An entegral component of the convention on Biological Diversity
Biodiversity mainstreaming
An infectious disease transmitted from animals to humans
What are the 2 types of protection mechanism against zoonosis
Dilution - unable to achive optimal concentration to thrive, quickly dies out
Buffer - genetic diversity allows it to adapt to the virus, becoming resistant and preventing further spread
A broad range of concepts revolving around the protection of the environment
The core of the environmentalist movement
Environmental awareness
It aims in protecting the environment
Pro-environmental behavior (PEB)
Behavior in which consumers demand or purchase products and service that underwent eco-friendly production
Green consumerism
What are the5 drivers of biodiversity
- land and sea use change
- overexploitation
- climate change
- pollution
- invasive alien species
The most common level of biodiversity
Species Diversity
What are the Three levels of Biodiversity
- Genetic Diversity
- Species Diversity
- Ecosystem Diversity
It is the least observable Biodiversity
It refers to the gene tool or total genetic information that exists in all the microorganism and humans
Genetic Diversity
What are the three elements of the Epidemiologic Triangle (ET)
- Agent
- Host
- Environment
Answers the question “what’’ of the outbreak