section two Flashcards
Describe a range of techniques the designer could have used to ensure the
comfort, safety and ease of use of the Initial Eazy Changer.
(refer to image one)
6 marks
Testing prototypes Test rigs User trips User trials Use of outside agencies Focus groups
Identify techniques and explain why they are suitable for communication of
information between the following people:
• Market Researcher and Designer
• Designer and Production Engineer
• Designer and Client.
6 marks
Market Researcher and Designer
Market research data through face to face meeting
Spreadsheets or statistical data to support findings
Written or graphical evidence from focus groups
Designer and Production Engineer
Detailed CAD models
Exploded views to show assembly details and help
to communicate assembly processes
Detailed scale drawings/CAD models of component
parts to help with tooling and manufacture planning
and costing for materials
Regular meetings with engineers and manufacturing
specialists throughout the design process.
Designer and Client
Refined presentation visuals including photo
realistic CAD renderings
Advertising images showing the intended use,
accentuating the positive aspects and features of
the product. Needed to convince the customer
(parent/carer) of the benefits for the child
More refined preliminary renderings to show the
progress and track changes for client
Rapid prototype models, traditionally crafted
Explain why the selected materials are suitable for the different components of
the Sleek Dive Light.
(refer to image two)
3 marks
ABS Casing
Demonstrates and understanding of environmental
requirements, the need for the material to be
waterproof, to withstand the pressures and
temperature changes in diving. The need for strength
to withstand bumps and knocks in normal use while
diving. The need for dimensional stability to prevent
leaks which could lead to failure.
Need to be able to be injection moulded into the
complex shape with integrated internal features.
Silicon rubber
Has ability to be a tight fit between the 2 halves of the
product and the light housing to give a secure seal to
prevent leaks. It is flexible enough to fill the gap
between the casing completely.
Toughened glass
Is very transparent and performs well. Is tough enough
to withstand knocks against the diver’s equipment and
any other hard or sharp edges on the boat or diving
Anodised Aluminium
Anodising aluminium allows colour to be added without
adding paint or other coatings.
Anodising thickens the oxidised layer to better protect
against further oxidisation.
With reference to products with which you are familiar, describe features that
have been incorporated into the product to ensure ease of assembly. Use
sketches to illustrate your answer.
5 marks
Answers likely to include: Location pins Bosses Bayonet fittings Asymmetric standard components Symmetrical casings Labelled/numbered parts Self assembly features
Describe the advantages 3D printing has over traditional modelling techniques.
3 marks
Advantages of 3D printing may include:
Allows better communication of the concept with
production engineers because 3D printing can
utilise CAD data
Allows, due to accuracy, testing with other
components and parts such as the lens housing and
Quicker for complex models
Less labour intensive process than traditional
modelling methods
Allows for a degree of repeatability which means
incremental changes can be made to models as
there is no interpretation or human error
Can use similar mechanically performing materials
Can speed up production because the CAD data can
also be used by production engineers
Development of products like the Panono can be driven by manufactures’ desire to
use new technologies, or due to changing demands from consumers.
(a) Describe the benefits of these two approaches. You should use examples of
products to illustrate your answer.
(refer to image three)
4 marks
Maintain consumer interest
Increased market share
Enhanced reputation
Less investment in research and development
Reduced risk incorporating technologies developed in
other fields
Focussed research and development
Less marketing as demand is established
Consumer gets what they want
Explain why launching new products onto the market can be a risk for a
4 marks
Time to market (takes too long, beaten to market
by competitors)
Technology reliability (early versions perform
poorly in terms of reliability, lower sales due to
negative feedback)
Marketing and advertising (lack of advertising or
ineffective marketing- wrong audience)
Quality of product (overall a poor product)
Reliability of product (early failures due to poor
manufacture/assembly can lead to poor sales/
poor build quality an issue in early reviews)
Potential unforeseen IPR challenges from other
Describe how the following issues may have influenced The Shield Extinguisher:
• Ergonomics
Conditions in which it is used.
(refer to image four)
5 marks
Handle sizes and location need to be easy to access
Looks recognisable
Intuitive to operate
Height of product to allow it to be held and used
Conditions in which it used
Fire in the environment has influenced the shield
The need to protect the user influenced the shape and
The need to be used in a hazardous emergency
situation influenced the easy to locate handles
Emergency situation influenced the fire extinguisher
red colour
Materials would have to be suitable
Describe how a company could ensure their products are manufactured to the
highest standard.
4 marks
Effective investment in early development
Consultation with outside experts
Effective quality control of material
Sampling and testing product during manufacture
Training staff
Motivating staff
Maintain machinery
Describe the key stages of questionnaires and user trips which would ensure
appropriate information is gathered about issues facing visually impaired
(refer to image five)
5 marks
Clearly identifying the information to be gathered
Identifying suitable questions
Refining of questions to be asked
Adding control questions
Identifying a suitable spread of people to ask
Ensuring the questionnaire is in an accessible format for blind
Identifying ways to distribute questionnaire and ways to
ensure useful numbers are returned
Distributing and collecting/gathering
Collating the data from the questionnaire
Converting into useful formats (charts/graphs)
User trip
Identify methods to simulate blindness
Consult blind people to identify specific areas where
improvements are needed
Design tasks to carry out related to the identified areas
Analyse the findings and present a summary
Describe how the problems associated with manufacturing high-tech products in
small numbers may be overcome.
5 marks
Seeking financial support through sponsorship
Consult experts in the early stages to minimise
redesigns and wasted time to decrease initial costs
Outsource parts of the design process for efficiency
Outsource manufacturing
Buy in tried and tested technology or components
Use of flexible manufacturing techniques
Use of rapid manufacture
Explain the benefits of using sketching, physical models, and computer
modelling when refining a design. You should refer to your own design
experience to support your answer.
(refer to image six)
6 marks
Sketching — quick, freedom to express, not technology dependant
Physical modelling — accurate physical feedback, testing ability, 3D visualisation, aesthetic capability, tactile, informative to
Computer modelling — change and adapt quickly, electronic communication, potential for CAD/CAM prototyping, simulation
Any other appropriate explanations.
Explain why the selected materials are suitable for the different components of
the Easybreath mask.
(Refer to image six)
4 marks
improving the comfort to the user
enhancing the seal
durability issues
provides structural strength to the mask
light weight (strength-to-weight ratios)
durability issues
Accept correct references to corrosion resistance,
deterioration, UV degradation.
Describe, with reference to the Easybreath mask, the issues which would
influence the choice of manufacturing and assembly methods.
(refer to image six)
5 marks
waterproof for sealing aspects waterproof materials, comfort choice of materials combining of materials flexibility of materials optical properties determination of joints (de-bonding)
Describe two effective techniques the designer could use to gather ergonomic
information for the Flume bath.
(refer to image seven)
4 marks
Two different techniques are appropriately described.