Section Titles and Key Info Flashcards
Section 1
“The Lord’s Preface” - the voice of warning to all people, wickedness covers the earth before the 2nd Coming, the Book of Mormon will come and the true Church will be established.
Section 2
“The Promises Made to the Fathers” - hearts of the children turned to the fathers.
Section 3
“The Works and Designs of God Cannot Be Frustrated” - after the loss of the 116 pages; Joseph Smith must repent or lose the gift to translate; the Book of Mormon will still come forth, saving the seed of Lehi
Section 4
“O Ye That Embark in the Service of God” - revelation to Joseph Smith, Sr.; missionary work section, godly attributes qualify ministers
Section 5
“The Testimony of Three Witnesses” - given at the request of Martin Harris; three witnesses will bear witness of the Book of Mormon; Martin Harris may repent and be a witness.
Section 6
“The Arrival of Oliver Cowdery” - Oliver Cowdery starts to scribe for the prophet; witness of truth comes by the power of the Spirit - “did I not speak peace to your mind…?”
Section 7
“John the Revelator” - debate over whether John lived or died - John will live until Christ comes again.
Section 8
“The Spirit of Revelation” - Oliver wanted the power to translate, so he was granted it; revelation comes by faith and the power of the Holy Ghost.
Section 9
“Your Bosom Shall Burn Within You” - Oliver cannot translate and is admonished to stick to writing. There are other ancient works which he can help to translate - if something is right, your bosom will burn within you.
Section 10
“God’s Wisdom is Greater than the Cunning of the Devil” - Joseph is told not to re-translate the lost 116 pages because they are in wicked hands - the Lord knew this would happen even while Mormon was abridging the plates.
Section 11
“First Seek to Obtain my Word” - at the request of Hyrum. Study out the Word, then preach it. Deny not the spirit of revelation.
Section 12
“Revelation to Joseph Knight, Sr.” - everyone who desires to work in God’s kingdom and are qualified may assist.
Section 13
“The Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood” - the keys and powers of the Aaronic Priesthood are set forth by John the Baptist.
Section 14
“Revelation to David Whitmer” - workers in the Lord’s vineyard will gain salvation - missionary work.
Section 15
Revelation to John Whitmer - missionary work to save souls is of most worth.
Section 16
Revelation to Peter Whitmer - missionary work to save souls is of most worth.
Section 17
“Revelation to the Three Witnesses” - by faith, the three witnesses will see the plates and other sacred items.
Section 18
“The Worth of a Soul” - worth of souls is great. Oliver and David are to search out the 12 and know them by their desires.
Section 19
“The Gift of Repentance” - Martin Harris inquired of his standing before the Lord - the Lord tells of the Atonement, how he suffered for all that they might not suffer if they would repent.
Section 20
“The Articles and Covenants of the Church” - duties of priesthood set forth, duties of members, doctrines established, sacramental prayers.
Section 21
“His Word Ye Shall Receive, As If From My Own Mouth” - Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery are sustained as presiding officers of the Church.
Section 22
“Baptism - A New and Everlasting Covenant” - people baptized in other religions must be re-baptized into the Church.
Section 23
“Strengthen the Church Continually” - five members of the Church are called to strengthen and preach the Church.
Section 24
“Declare My Gospel as with the Voice of a Trump” - Joseph Smith and Oliver are called to preach the Gospel. They are to go without scrip or purse.
Section 25
“An Elect Lady” - Emma Smith is called elect; she is to support her husband and select hymns; the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me.
Section 26
“The Law of Common Consent” - All things are done in the Church by common consent, but much prayer and faith.
Section 27
“When Ye Partake of the Sacrament” - a heavenly messenger appeared to Joseph and told him not to use wine for the sacrament - water used instead.
Section 28
“Thou Shalt Not Command Him Who is at Thy Head” - Hiram Page thought to be receiving revelations from a stone, leading members away - only Joseph Smith can receive revelation for the Church; Oliver Cowdery is to teach the Lamanites
Section 29
“Prepare Against the Day of Tribulation” - little children are redeemed through the Atonement.
Section 30
“Your Mind Has Been on the Things of the Earth” - David Whitmer chastened for not serving diligently; Peter Whitmer Jr to accompany Olivery Cowdery on a mission to the Lamanites; John Whitmer called to preach the Gospel.
Section 31
“Govern Your House” - Thomas B. Marsh is called to preach the gospel and is assured of his family’s well-being.
Section 32
“The First Mission Among the Lamanites” - Parley P Pratt, Ziba Petersen, Peter Whitmer, and Oliver Cowdery are called to preach the Lamanites
Section 33
“Declare My Gospel” - revelation to Ezra Thayre and Northrup Sweet about preaching the gospel.
Section 34
“Revelation to Orson Pratt” - about missionary work.
Section 35
“I Have Prepared Thee for a Greater Work” - Sidney Rigdon becomes scribe to the prophet and is called to baptize and confer the Holy Ghost.
Section 36
“Revelation to Edward Partridge” - Edward Partridge is called to preach. Every man given the priesthood is called to preach.
Section 37
“Ye Shall Go to the Ohio” - the Saints are given the first commandment to gather as a multitude to Ohio.
Section 38
“If Ye are Prepared Ye Shall Not Fear” - the Saints gather for conference. Wars are predicted, the Saints are to build Zion away from the riches of men.
Section 39
“Revelation to James Corvill” - James Corvill, once a Baptist minister, covenanted to do the Lord’s will. He is called to preach.
Section 40
“Revelation to James Corvill” - James Corvill rejects the gospel – fear of persecution and the world causes this.
Section 41
“The First Bishop is Called” - Edward Partridge is called. members were falling astray because of false spirits, so the Lord called a bishop.
Section 42
“The Law of the Lord” - the “law” is given in Ohio.
Section 43
“The Lord Shall Utter his Voice out of Heaven” - church members were disturbed by false revelators. Only the Lord can appoint revelators - the Elders must cry repentance.
Section 44
“Fourth General Church Conference” - the Lord appointed a meeting to be held in the following June. Elders are to organize themselves according to the laws of the land and care for the poor.
Section 45
“Looking forth for the Great Day of the Lord” - Many false reports were circulating about the Church. The gospel will still come forth; Joseph is to translate the New Testament; the saints are to build New Jerusalem.
Section 46
“Seek Ye Earnestly the Best Gifts” - Elders are to conduct meetings by the Spirit - investigators should not be excluded. Seek the gifts of the Spirit.
Section 47
“The Importance of Church Records” - John Whitmer is called to be Church Historian.
Section 48
“Ohio: A Temporary Abode” - Saints are to purchase lands, build a city, and follow counsel of presiding Church leaders.
Section 49
“Preach My Gospel unto the Shakers” - Leman Copley, a former Shaker, still clung to to some of their practices – this section teaches that marriage is ordained of God and eating meat is good
Section 50
“That Which Doth Not Edify is Not of God” - some elders were confused on the manifestations of some spirits on the earth. So-called spiritual phenomena were not uncommon among church members.
Section 51
“Bishop Edward Partridge and the Law of Consecration” - Saints from the Eastern States began to arrive and more concrete preparations needed to be made for them. The Bishop’s storehouse is made.
Section 52
“Let Them Go Two by Two” - Conference. The next conference is to be in Missouri. Appointments are made for certain elders to travel together, preaching.
Section 53
“A Call to Sidney Gilbert to Forsake the World” - Sidney Gilbert asks about his place in the Church - called to be bishop’s agent.
Section 54
“Stand Fast in the Office Whereunto I Have Appointed You” - selfishness and greed in the Church, including among Leman Copley. Saints must keep the gospel covenant and repent.
Section 55
“W. W. Phelps is Called an Chosen” - Phelps is called to write books for children in Church schools - must travel to Missouri.
Section 56
“The Lord Commands and the Lord Revokes” - Ezra Thayre was not ready to start his mission because of being involved with problems. The disobedient will be cast off.
Section 57
“Independence: Center Place of Zion” - Independence is the chosen place – the Church is to buy lands, Church members are to take up professions there.
Section 58
“The Land of Zion” - The Colesville Saints arrive in Zion. They are to buy their inheritances and gather in Missouri.
Section 59
“That Thou Mayest Keep Thyself More Fully Unspotted from the World” - the temple site is dedicated. The saints are to keep the Sabbath Day holy.
Section 60
“Thou Shalt Not Idle Away Thy Time nor Bury Thy Talents” - Elders who had been appointed to return to the East were concerned on how they should proceed and in what manner and route they should travel.
Section 61
“The Lord has Blessed the Land and Cursed the Waters” - W. W. Phelps, traveling on the river with the prophet, saw the destroyer on the face of the water. The destroyer has power over waters.
Section 62
“Ye are Blessed for the Testimony Ye have Borne” - The prophet and his group, traveling from Independence to Kirtland, met a group of elders with joy.
Section 63
“For This is a Day of Warning and Not a Day of Many Words” - The faithful will received an inheritance upon the transfigured earth; the saints are to gather in Zion and provide money to build it up; now is the day of warning for the Second Coming
Section 64
“Of You it is Required to Forgive All Men” - if you do not forgive all men, you have the greater sin. Those who pay tithing will not be burned at the last day.
Section 65
“May the Kingdom of God Go Forth, that the Kingdom of Heaven My Come” - the keys to the kingdom of God are given to men on earth; the millennial kingdom of Heaven will join the kingdom of God at the Second Coming.
Section 66
“You are Clean, But Not All” - At the request of William E. McLellan. William is to repent and preach.
Section 67
“I Give You a Testimony of the Truth of These Commandments” - the Book of Commandments is to be published. Not even the wisest of men can duplicate the least of God’s revelations.
Section 68
“Scripture Is the Will, Mind, Word, Voice, and Power of God unto Salvation” - given to Orson Hyde, Luke S. Johnson, William E. McLellin, and Lyman E. Johnson. Their words, when move upon by the spirit, become scripture. Signs will follow true believers.
Section 69
“Instructions to Preserve Historical Records” - John Whitmer is to accompany Oliver Cowdery to Missouri with the manuscript of The Book of Covenants for publication.
Section 70
“The Lord’s Stewards” - Stewards are appointed to publish the Book of Commandments. Those who labor in spiritual things are worth to be stewards.
Section 71
“If Any Man Lift His Voice Against You” - Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon are to forgo translation at the moment and preach to quell the uprisings caused by Ezra Booth, who apostatized.
Section 72
“Duties of a Bishop” - Newel K. Whitney is called a a bishop. Bishops are to determine worthiness of elders, keep the bishop’s storehouse.
Section 73
“Revision of the Bible” - Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon quashed the unfavorable rumors and could go back to translation.
Section 74
“Little Children are Holy” - explanation of 1 Cor 7:14 how little children are holy and sanctified through the atonement
Section 75
“Neither Be Idle but Labor With All Your Might” - Certain elders who were having trouble on having their message received desired to know more in detail on their duties. They must pray for the Comforter, the ultimate teacher. The elders will sit in judgment for those who don’t receive their message. The elders’ families will be supported.
Section 76
“The Vision of the Degrees of Glory” - Joseph and Sidney receive the vision of the three degrees of glory - all will be saved except the Sons of Perdition.