Section - Elastic Block Storage (EBS) and Elastic File System(EFS) Flashcards
What is Elastic Block Store(EBS)?
- Storage volumes you can attach to your EC2 instances
- Use them the same way you would use any system disk
- Create a file system
- Run a database
- Run an operating system
- Store data
- Install applications
Mission Critical
Production workloads
- Designed for mission-critical workloads
Highly Available
- Automatically replicated within a single Availability Zone to protect against hardware failures.
- Dynamically increase capacity and change the volume type with no downtime or performance impact to your live systems.
Production workloads

EBS Volume Types - Solidate State Disk (SSD)?
General Purpose SSD (gp2)
- 3 IOPS per GiB
- up to a maximum of 16,000 IOPS per volume
- gp2 volumes smaller than 1 TB can burst up to 3,000 IOPS
- Good for boot volumes or development and test applications that are not latency sensitive.
General Purpose SSD (gp3)
- Predicatable 3,000 IOPS baseline performance and 125 MiB/s regardless of volume size.
- Ideal for applications that require high performance at a low cost, such as MySQL, Cassandra, Virtual desktops, and hadoop analytics.
- Customers looking for higher performance can sclae up to 16,000 IOPS and 1000 MiB/s for an additional fee.
- NB: the top perfomance of gp3 is 4 times faster than max throughput of gp2 volumes
Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1)
- Up to 64,000 IOPS per volume. 50 IOPS per GiB
- use if you need more than 16,000 IOPS
- High performance option and the most expensive.
- Designed for I/O intensive applications, large databases, and latency-sensitive workloads.
- 99.9% durability
Provisioned IOPS SSD (io2) Latest
- io2 is the same price as io1
- latest generation
- Higher durability and more IOPS
- 500 IOPS per GiB
- Up to 64,000 IOPS
- 99.999% durability
- Designed for I/O intensive applications, large databases, and latency-sensitive workloads.
- Applications which need high levels of durablity.
NB: do not memorize the IOPs for the exam ..
EBS Volume Types - Hard Disk Drive (MB/s-Intensive) ?
Throughput Optimized HDD (st1)
- Low cost HDD volume.
- Baseline throughput of 40 MB/s per TB
- Ability to burst up to 250 MB/s per TB
- Maximum throughput of 500 MB/s per volume.
- Cannot be a boot volume (ec2)
- Usage scenario:
- Frequently-accessed, throughput-intensive workloads
- Big Data, Data warehouses, ETL, and log processing
Cold HDD (SC1)
- Lowest cost option
- Baseline throughout of 12 MB/s per TB
- Ability to burst up to 80MB/s per TB
- Max throughput of 250MB/s per volume
- Cannot be a boot volume (ec2)
- Usage Scenario:
- A good choice for colder data requiring fewer scans per day.
- Perfomance is not a factor
IOPS Versus Throughput?
IOPS (Input/output operations per second(IOPS, pronounced eye-ops))
- Measures the number of read and write operation per second
- Important metric for quick transactions, low latency apps, transactional workloads
- The ability to action reads and writes very quickly
- Measures the number of bits read or written per second (MB/s)
- Important metric for large datasets, large I/O sizes, complex queries.
- The ability to deal with large datasets
What are Volumes?
- Volumes Exist on EBS
- Think of it as a virtual hard disk
- Volumes are simple a virtual hard disks.
- You need a minimum of 1 volume per EC2 instance.
- This is called the root device volume.
What are Snapshots?
Snapshots exist on S3
- Think of snapshots as a photograph of the virtual disk/volume
Snapshots are point in time
- When you take a snapshot, it a point-in-time copy of a volume
Snapshots are incremental
- This means only the data that has been changed since your last snapshot are moved to S3.
- This saves dramatically on space and the time ti takes to take a snapshot.
The first snapshot
- If it is your first snapshot, it may take some time to create as there is no previous point-in-time copy.
3 Tips for Snapshots?
Consistent Snapshots
- Snapshots only capture data that has been written to your Amazon EBS volume. which might exclude any data that has been locally cached by your application or OS.
- For a consistent snapshot, it it recommended you stop the instance and take a snap.
Encrypted Snapshots
- If you take a snapshot of an encrypted EBS volume, the snapshot will be encrypted automatically.
Sharing Snapshots
- You can share snapshots, but only in the region in which they were created.
- To share to other regions, you will need to copy them to the destination region first.
- You can share snapshots between AWS accounts as well as between regions.
What is EBS Encryption?
- EBS encrypts your volume with a data key using industry-standard AES-256 algorithm.
- Amazon EBS encryption uses AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) customer master keys(CMK) when creating encrypted volumes and snapshots.
What Happens when you Encrypt an EBS Volume?
- Data at rest is encrypted inside the volume.
- All data in flight moving between the instance and volume is encrypted
- All snapshots are encrypted
- All volumes created from the snapshot ar encrypted.
Handled Transparently
- Encryption and decryption are handled transparently (You do’t need to do anything)
- Encryption has a minimal impact on latency
- Copying an unencryoted snapshot allows encryption.
- Snapshots of encrypted volumes are encrypted.
Root Device Volumes
- You can now encrypt root device volumes upon creation.
4 Steps to Encrypt an Unencrypted Volume?
- Create a snapshot of the unencrypted root device volume.
- Create a copy of the snaphot and select the encrypt option.
- Create an AMI from the encrypted snapshot.
- Use that AMI to launch new encrypted instances.
What is EC2 Hibernation?
- When you hibernate an EC2 instance, the operating system is told to perform hibernation (suspend-to-disk)
- Hibernation saves the contents from the instance memory (RAM) to your Amazon EBS root volume.
- This persist the instance’s Amazon EBS root volume and any attached Amazon EBS data volumes
EC2 Hibernation in Action?
- When you start your instance out of hibernation:
- The Amazon EBS root volume is restored to it’s previous state
- The RAM contents are reloaded
- The processes that were previously running on the instance are resumed
- Previously attached data volumes are reattached and the instance retains it’s instance ID.
- With EC2 hibernation, the instance boots much faster. The operating system does not need to reboot because the in-memory state (RAM) is preserved. this is useful for:
- Long-running processes
- Services that take time to initialize
- Instance RAM must be less than 150GB
- Instance families include C3,C4,C5,M3,M4,R3,R4 and R5
- Available for Windows, Amazon Linux 2 AMI, and Ubuntu
- Instances can’t be hibernated for more than 60 days.
- Available for On-Demand and Reserved instances

What is EFS?
- Amazon Elastic File System
- Managed NFS (Network file system) that can be mounted on many EC2 instances.
- EFS works with EC2 instances in Multiple Availability Zones.
- Highly available and scalable; however, it is expensive.
- Uses NFSv4 protocol
- Compaitible with Linux-based AMI (Windows not supported at this time)
- Encryption at rest using KMS
- Read-after-write consistency
- EFS performance
- 1000s concurrent connections
- 10 Gbps Throughput
- Petabytes scaling
Storage Tiers
- EFS comes with storage tiers and lifecycle management, allowing you to move data from one tier to another after X number of days
- Standard - For frequently accessed files
- Infrequently Accessed
- Use Cases:
- Content management
- web servers
- have a single folder for your website

FSx for Windows
- Amazon FSx for windows File Server provides a fully managed native Microsoft Windows file System so you can easily move your Windows-based applications that require file storage to AWS.
- Amazon FSX is built on windows server.
How is FSx for Windows different from EFS?
FSx for Windows
- Amanaged windows server that runs Windows Server Block (SMB)-based file services
- Designed for Windows and Windows applications
- Support AD users, access control lists, groups, and security policies, along with Distributed File System (DFS) namespace and replication.
- A managed NAS filer for EC2 instances based on Network File System (NFS) version 4
- One of the first network file sharing protocols native to Unix and Linux.
Amazon FSx for Lustre
- a fully managed file system that is optimized for compute-intensive workloads
- high performance computing
- machine learning
- With Amazon FSx, you can lunch and run a Lustre file system that can process massive datasets at up to hundreds of gigabytes per second of throughput, millions of IOPS, and sub-millisecond latencies.
Exam Tips: EFS,FSx
- EFS: When you need distributed, highly resilient storage for Linux instances and Linux-based applications.
- Amazon FSx for Windows: When you need centralized storage for Windows-based applications, such as sharepoint, microsoft SQL server, workspaces, IIS web server etc ..
Amazon FSx for lustre: When you need high-speed, high-capacity distributed storage. This will be applications that do high perfomance computing (HPC), financial modelling
- FSx Lustre can store data directly on S3