Section B.3: Hypothesis testing (2) Flashcards
A t-test is a parametric test used to determine statistical differences between the means of two independent groups.
What is a paired t-test?
A paired samples t-test is used to compare the means of two related (non-independent) groups. Such as a group of people before and after administration of a drug.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Analysis of variance is a statistical method used to analyse the differences between two or more group means and determine whether those differences are significant.
Types of ANOVA (3)
One-way ANOVA: Used to compare one independent variable with three or more levels with the mean of each level
Two-way ANOVA: Used to compare two independent variables effect and interaction with the dependent variable
N-way ANOVA: Used when there are more than two independent variables
Outputs from ANOVA testing (4)
F-statistic: Measures the ratio of the between-group variance and within-group variance
p-value: Determines whether the f-statistic is statistically significant
mean square: the sum of squares divided by the degrees of freedom
effect size: measures the magnitude of the difference between group means
Applications of ANOVA testing (3)
Medical research: Compare the effectiveness of treatments for a disease
Market research: Compare the mean ratings of products across demographic groups
Advantages of ANOVA testing (3)
- It can handle multiple groups simultaneously, making it useful for analysing complex datasets
- It provides information about the significance of the differences between the means of groups
- It can be used to detect interactions between multiple independent variable
Limitations of ANOVA testing
- It assumes normality and equal variances between groups
- It cannot determine causality
- It is sensitive to outliers
Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)
Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) is a statistical method used to analyse the differences between group means of two or more dependent variables simultaneously
Outputs of MANOVA testing (4)
Wilks’ lambda - Measures the extent to which the dependent variables differ between groups
F-statistic - Measures the ratio of the between-group and within-group variance-covariance matrix
p-value - determines if the f-statistic is statistically significant
Effect size - measures the magnitude of difference between the group means of the dependent variables
Advantages of MANOVA testing (3)
- It can analyse multiple dependent variables simultaneously, making it useful for analysing complex datasets
- It provides more information than ANOVA as it can test for the interaction between the independent variables
- It can handle unbalanced data, where the number of observations for each group is not equal
Regression analysis
Regression analysis is a statistical method used to model the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. It aims to determine how the independent variables affect the dependent variable.
Applications for Regression analysis (3)
Regression analysis is used for:
- Economic forecasting - Multivariate regression analysis is used to forecast economic variables such as inflation and GDP
- Marketing - It can be used to determine the factors that influence consumer behaviours and decisions
- Climate modelling - It is used to model the relationship between climate variables like temperature and rainfall
Advantages of Regression analysis (3)
Can handle multiple predictors, gives info about the strength of the relationship, can predict outcomes
- It can handle multiple predictors making it useful for modelling complex relationships between variables
- It provides information about the strength of the relationship
- It can be used to predict outcomes based on the values of the independent variables
Limitations of Regression analysis (3)
- It requires a large sample size to produce reliable results
- It assumes linearity between the independent variables and the dependent variables
- It is susceptible to multicollinearity - which occurs when the independent variables are highly correlated with each other
Chi-squared analysis
Chi-squared analysis is a statistical method used to analyse categorical data. It involves comparing the observed frequencies of categorical data with the expected frequencies to determine if there is a significant association between the variables
If the chi-squared statistic is greater than the critical value, is there a significant assocation? (T/F)
chi-sq > critical value = Reject H0, It is significant
Chi-squared analysis applications
Market research - Compare customer demographics and product preferences
Genetics - Determine association between genetic traits and disease susceptibility
Advantages of Chi-squared analysis (3)
- Easy to calculate and interpret - It does not require complex mathematical calculations
- It can handle large sample sizes
- It can be used with categorical data
Limitations of chi-squared analysis (3)
- It cannot determine causality between variables (cause and effect of associations that are seen)
- It is limited to discrete categorical data
- It is sensitive to small sample sizes which can affect the accuracy of results