SECTION B: System of Government Flashcards
Name the three branches of government.
- Legislative, executive, and judicial
* Congress, president, and the courts
The President of the United States is in charge of which branch of government?
• Executive branch
What part of the federal government writes laws?
- (U.S.) Congress
- (U.S. or national) legislature
- Legislative branch
What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?
• Senate and House (of Representatives)
Name one power of the U.S. Congress.
- Writes laws
- Declares war
- Makes the federal budget
How many U.S. senators are there?
• One hundred (100)
How long is a term for a U.S. senator?
• Six (6) years
Who is one of your state’s U.S. senators now?
For Virginia, the answer is:
Tim Kaine
Mark Warner
How many voting members are in the House of Representatives?
• Four hundred thirty-five (435)
How long is a term for a member of the House of Representatives?
• Two (2) years
Why do U.S. representatives serve shorter terms than U.S. senators?
• To more closely follow public opinion
How many senators does each state have?
• Two (2)
Why does each state have two senators?
- Equal representation (for small states)
* The Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise)
Name your U.S. representative.
Gerald Connolly (District 11)
What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now?
Nancy Pelosi
Who does a U.S. senator represent?
• Citizens of their state
Who elects U.S. senators?
• Citizens from their state
Who does a member of the House of Representatives represent?
- Citizens in their (congressional) district
* Citizens in their district
Who elects members of the House of Representatives?
• Citizens from their (congressional) district
Some states have more representatives than other states. Why?
- (Because of) the state’s population
- (Because) they have more people
- (Because) some states have more people
The President of the United States is elected for how many years?
• Four (4) years
The President of the United States can serve only two terms. Why?
- (Because of) the 22nd Amendment
* To keep the president from becoming too powerful
What is the name of the President of the United States now?
Joe Biden is the newly elected President.
Donald Trump is President until January 20th, 2021.
What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now?
Kamala Harris is the newly elected Vice President.
Mike Pence is Vice President until January 21st, 2021.
If the president can no longer serve, who becomes president?
• The Vice President (of the United States)
Name one power of the president.
- Signs bills into law
- Vetoes bills
- Enforces laws
- Commander in Chief (of the military)
- Chief diplomat
Who is Commander in Chief of the U.S. military?
• The President (of the United States)
Who signs bills to become laws?
• The President (of the United States)
Who vetoes bills?
• The President (of the United States)
Who appoints federal judges?
• The President (of the United States)
The executive branch has many parts. Name one.
- President (of the United States)
- Cabinet
- Federal departments and agencies
What does the President’s Cabinet do?
• Advises the President (of the United States)
What are two Cabinet-level positions?
(Tip: Choose a few that are easiest for you to recall) • Attorney General • Secretary of Agriculture • Secretary of Commerce • Secretary of Defense • Secretary of Education • Secretary of Energy • Secretary of Health and Human Services • Secretary of Homeland Security • Secretary of Housing and Urban Development • Secretary of the Interior • Secretary of Labor • Secretary of State • Secretary of Transportation • Secretary of the Treasury • Secretary of Veterans Affairs • Vice President (of the United States)
Why is the Electoral College important?
- It decides who is elected president.
* It provides a compromise between the popular election of the president and congressional selection.
What is one part of the judicial branch?
- Supreme Court
* Federal Courts
What does the judicial branch do?
- Reviews laws
- Explains laws
- Resolves disputes (disagreements) about the law
- Decides if a law goes against the (U.S.) Constitution
What is the highest court in the United States?
• Supreme Court
How many seats are on the Supreme Court?
• Nine (9)
How many Supreme Court justices are usually needed to decide a case?
• Five (5)
How long do Supreme Court justices serve?
- (For) life
- Lifetime appointment
- (Until) retirement
Supreme Court justices serve for life. Why?
- To be independent (of politics)
* To limit outside (political) influence
Who is the Chief Justice of the United States now?
John G. Roberts
Name one power that is only for the federal government.
- Print paper money
- Mint coins
- Declare war
- Create an army
- Make treaties
- Set foreign policy
Name one power that is only for the states.
- Provide schooling and education
- Provide protection (police)
- Provide safety (fire departments)
- Give a driver’s license
- Approve zoning and land use
What is the purpose of the 10th Amendment?
• (It states that the) powers not given to the federal government belong to the states or to the people.
Who is the governor of your state now?
Ralph Northam
What is the capital of your state?