Section B Flashcards
RBC formula definition
calculates the minimum level of capital that the insurer should hold based on the risks to which it is exposed
RBC Model act for insurers
provides the state regulator the authority to take action if the RBC ratio falls below a threshold level
entity that directly/indirectly controls the reporting entity
the controlled entity
an entity that is within the same holding company system, or controls/is controlled by the reporting entity
the power to direct, via ownership of voting securities/contract/ common management. Control is assumed to exist if the entity owns at least 10% of the voting interests
Market valuation approach: Additional R2 component that arises from the common stock investments in the affiliates equal to
- if the total RBC of the affiliate multiplied by the % ownership exceeds the book/carrying value, the excess of the book carrying value over the R0 calculated in the marketing value approach
- Otherwise max(22.5% * excess of carrying value over the pro rata SAP surplus, excess of RBC * % ownership over the R0 value)
example of an alien insurance affiliate
For an indirectly owned affiliate RBC charge
use the alien insurance affiliate formula, but adjust the 0.5 to reflect the insurer’s ownership of the holding company
3 examples of non-controlled assets
- collateral loaned to others from securities lending programs
- assets that are reported on the company’s balance sheet, but for which it does not have exclusive control
- assets sold that are subject to a put option
2 types of RBC charges associated with securities lending program
Schedule DL part 1
Off-balance sheet
NOT included in RBC: investment schedules that correspond to the collateral
RBC charges for Working Capital finance investments
NAIC 1: .0038
NAIC 2: .0125
In order to qualify as a federal guaranteed Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC),
the LIHTC needs to have a guarantee from one of NAIC’s acceptable rating organizations
To qualify as federal non guaranteed, the LIHTC must include the following 2 risk mitigation features:
- leverage ratio under 50%
- tax guarantee from a general partner / managing member that requires this party to reimburse investors for any shortfalls in tax credits due to compliance errors
To qualify for state guaranteed or state non guaranteed, the LITHC must
meet the federal requirements for guaranteed or non-guaranteed LIHTC investments
RBC charge for :
Upstream affiliate (parent)
P&C, life, health insurance affiliates not subject to RBC
Other affiliates
0.225 * carrying value of common/preferred stock
For real estate, do NOT
net out encumbrance, the entire value gross of encumbrance would be subject to loss
asset concentration factors
reflects the level of diversification. doubles the RBC charge of the 10 largest issuers that the insurer is exposed to
total charge factor for each asset after the asset concentration factor adjustment is limited to
2 reasons why assets are excluded from the asset concentration factor
low risk
factor is already 0.3
r1 assets subject to asset concentration factor
bonds (class 2-5) collateral loans mortgage loans working capital finance investments naic 02 LIHTC
r2 assets subject to the charge
unaffiliated preferred stocks and hybrid securities (class 2-5) unaffiliated common stock investment in real estate encumbrances on invested real estate schedule BA assets (excluding collateral loans) receivables for securities aggregate write-ins for invested assets derivatives
How to get the Industry reserve RBC % adjusted for company experience
multiply the adjustment for company for experience by the industry reserve rbc %
The adjustment for investment income is provided by the NAIC and is based on
5% interest rate and payment patterns
RBC adjusted for loss sensitive discount
base loss & lae reserve RBC - loss senstive discount
loss concentration factor reflects the
level of diversification across the lines
how to apply 40% cap for excess growth rate factor
cap average growth rate for each of the 3 years at 40% before averaging
R4 and discount
gross of non tabular / net of tabular
if the insurer in its first year, the average growth rate is assumed to be
insurer cannot make the company adjustment to loss ratio if
loss and LAE ratio for any accident year is 0 or negative
net EP for any accident year is 0 or negative
more than 2 years’ net EP for a line is under 20% of all the year average of each line
For r5, adjustment for loss sensitive business is based on
the portion of written premium in loss sensitive contracts in each line
Combined ratio
loss and LAE ratio + dividend ratio + expense ratio
Iris ratio 1
Iris ratio 2
IRIS ratio 3
change in NWP
(NWP-prior NWP)/Prior NWP
IRIS ratio 4
surplus aid to PHS
surplus aid/PHS
surplus aid = ceding commission % * UEPR
IRIS ratio 5
2 yr overall operating ratio
2yr LR + 2yr Expense ratio - 2yr II ratio
Iris ratio 6
investment yield
2(net investment income earned / cash & invested assets between prior and current year)
Iris ratio 7
gross change in PHS
(PHS- prior PHS)/Prior PHS
Iris ratio 8
change in adjusted PHS
change in adjusted PHS/Prior PHS
Adjusted PHS = change in PHS - change in surplus notes - capital and surplus paid in
Iris ratio 9
adjusted liabilities to liquid assets
adjusted liabilities/liquid assets
adjusted liabilities = liabilities - deferred agents’ balances
liquid assets = liquid assets - investments in parents, subsidiaries and affiliates
Iris ratio 10
gross agents’ balances to PHS
gross agents’ balances in course of collection / PHS
Iris ratio 11
1 yr reserve development to PHS
1 yr reserve development / Prior PHS
Iris raio 12
2yr reserve development / 2nd prior PHS
Iris ratio 13
estimated current reserve deficiency to PHS
estimated deficiency / PHS
Estimated deficiency = reserves required - current reserves
reserves required = EP * ratio of reserves to premium
All Iris ratios are rounded to the nearest percent, except
for Investment yield, which is rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent
GWP/PHS reasonable range
< 900
NWP/PHS reasonable range
< 300
change in NWP reasonable range
-33 < x < 33
surplus aid /PHS reasonable range
< 15
2 yr overall operating ratio reasonable range
< 100
investment yield reasonable range
2 < x < 5.5
gross change in PHS reasonable range
-10 < x < 50
change in adjusted PHS reasonable range
-10 < x < 25
adjusted liabilities to liquid assets reasonable range
< 100
gross agents’ balances to PHS reasonable range
< 40
1 yr reserve development to PHS reasonable range
< 20
2yr reserve development to PHS reasonable range
< 20
Estimated current reserve deficiency to PHs reasonable range
< 25
if the surplus aid ratio lies outside the normal range, these ratios should be adjusted to completely remove the surplus aid from the denominator
Ratios 1, 2, 7 (including prior year surplus), 10 and 13
If the insurer is outside the normal range for ratio 11, it needs to
recalculate ratio 5 after removing all of the prior year’s development
cash and invested assets between current and prior year
(current + prior year cash and invested assets)
(current + prior year investment income due and accrued)
(current + prior year borrow money)
net investment income earned (ONLY current year)
6 things that can cause low investment yields
speculative investments
large investments in affiliated companies
large investments in home office facilities
large investment in tax exempt bonds
significant interest payments on borrowed money
extraordinarily high investment expenses
the ultimate measure of the change in financial condition
Iris ratio 7 : gross change in PHS
change in adjusted PHS measures
change in financial condition based on operational results
adjusted liabilities to liquid assets measures
ability to meet the financial demands
reserve development for ratios 11 and 12 are pulled from
schedule P part 2
how to find ratio of reserves:premium for ratio 13
ratio of reserves:premium = average ( reserves:premium from prior year, reserves:premium from 2nd prior year)
reserves:premim from prior yr
(reserves from prior yr + 1 yr loss development)/ premiums earned in prior year
reserves:premium from 2nd prior year
(reserves from 2nd prior yr + 2 yr loss development)/ premiums earned in 2nd prior year
3 things to keep in mind regarding measurement tools
they are only one piece of evidence
they do not replace an audit
they will not uncover fraud